Originally Posted by Millspgh
No phones allowed anywhere near a meeting, no watches, no electronics or metal of any kind.
No jackets, no hats, and make it a rule to turn pockets inside out, and lift shirts, everyone in the meeting has to do it, even Capos and hire ups.
That's the only way it work.
Maybe during induction ceremony - everyone has to wear tank top and gym shorts. I know how it looks, but it keeps the risk of recording down.
In this day and age of cameras everywhere, recording devices everywhere, GPS, etc, they need to come up with super strict rules.

hahahah I mean you are spot on; philly has seen some huge busts in the past 3 years starting with that huge cocaine bust last year; seems obv the feds are concentrating on LCN but there is a ton of "organized crime" in west and north philly that doesnt seem to get as much attention and is doing way more damage to those communities than these gambling and extortion charges. The oxies are a different level and if true grande is done