So I read this on wikipedia:

"On April 28, 1928, a gang war started in San Francisco when bootlegger, Jerry Feri, San Francisco’s leading crime lord, was murdered in his apartment. His suspected murderer, Alfredo Scariso, was an accomplished bootlegger as well, and he too was murdered on December 19 of that year. His body was found with multiple gunshot wounds and dumped in the area of Fair Oaks. On December 23, Mario Filippi, a suspect behind the Scariso murder, was found shot to death. Frank Boca, another suspect in Scariso’s death, was found murdered in his car on July 30, 1929.

The next murder was that of the so-called “Al Capone of the West”, Genaro Broccolo, who was found dead on October 30, 1932. The final murder was of Luigi Malvese. He had made a reputation as a hijacker, bootlegger and gun running racketeer. He was shot down on May 18, 1932, while walking through an Italian neighborhood in the middle of the day"

Anyone know anything more about this? Any books to recommend too? Also, may as well be thorough, anyone know anything else about other not talked about bootleg era wars like SF? I've never heard of any of those bootleggers and I'm totally intrigued.

"Goodfellas don't sue Goodfellas....Goodfellas kill Goodfellas." - Salvatore Profaci