Hi guys

just wondered if any of you people that totally know the trilogy inside out know if the GF and the GF trilogy as a whole stick to the traditional story arc as in example below. A few of your examples would be great to see. The website has put the example of Lord of the rings which is quite interesting; http://iconoclasticwriter.com/traditional-fiction-writing-story-arc/

The basic structure is as follows:
Chapter 1: We view the normal world of our protagonist

Chapter 2: An Inciting Incident occurs forcing the protagonist from his/her/its normal world

Chapter 3: The important Secondary characters are introduced and the tone and style are fully established

Chapter 4: The protagonist must make a life-changing (although he/she/it might not know it at the time) decision or choice

Chapter 5: The protagonist’s journey begins because of the decision or choice made. This is the 1st Plot Point.

Chapters 6—9: Complications and obstacles occur as the journey begins and continues.

Chapter 10: A crisis forces the protagonist to make another decision or choice that forces the story into a new direction. This is the Mid-Point.

Chapters 11—14: The obstacles and complications become more complex.

Chapter 15: New events derived from the increased complexities for a new choice or decision on the protagonist. This is Plot Point 2.

Chapter 16: The new decision or choice makes the situation appear bleak.

Chapter 17: The situation worsens.

Chapter 18: The situation appears hopeless; this is the darkest moment.

Chapter 19: The resolution where the character learns a life lesson and is changed.

Chapter 20: The wrap-up where the reader sees the evidence of the change in the protagonist.

Thanks in advance