The world 9 ball championship has begun this year it is set in taiwan at there world trade centre, there is $350,000 to be won in this competion and $75,000 of that for the winner. who do you think will win it? i think a canadain player called savas has a good oppurtunity he beat takahashi a former world champion 5-0 and you should see the speed he clears the table, say you went out the room to get a drink the rake would be over, England's best chance at winning the tournament could be steve davis while america has loads such as earl strickland, i still say it is to early to see who will win the tournament and be named world champion ( and possibly jump up onto the table like earl strickland did 2 years ago when he won it, i cant remember the name of the guy who won it last year but he is from germany and he beat alex pagalyan).

Who's keyzer soze?

How are thou, thou globby bottle of cheap stinking chip-oil. Come and get one in the yarbles, if you have any yarbles you eunich jelly thou.