I figured out what Apalachin truly was, it was the "Mafia" deciding to save the world. They decided that they wanted to be like heroes and not kill anymore. They were going to solve world hunger, save the animals and rainforest. So they tried to change. I guess people just got jealous of what they were doing and decided to call the cops. Thus the "Mafia" did not get to do what they had planned. It truly is a sad story. It was all innocent!

People can change!
"A f****in jerk like me. Never had nothing in my life. That's not John Gotti. At least I hope that's not me. Maybe I see myself in a light that I'm not in, I don't know."-John Gotti about greed
"We only kill each other."-Benjamin Siegel
"There's no such thing as good money or bad money. There's only money."-Lucky LucianO
R.I.P Mr. Gotti