During the previews, I thought Charlize Theron was a spitting image of Megyn Kelly (makeup and wardrobe did a great job with her transformation). As for the story, as you can probably guess going in, this is an attack on Roger Ailes and Fox News so a certain amount of salt must be taken while viewing this film. However, all politics aside I do think John Lithgow shined in his portrayal of misogynistic Fox News President/CEO Roger Ailes. I had high hopes for this as judging from the previews, this to me had kind of a THE BIG SHORT/VICE vibe to it and I really enjoyed those movies. With this film, I think it was at times, all over the place. Theron is the star and then from time to time they'd pepper Gretchen Carlson (played by Nicole Kidman) and Kayla Pospisil (Margot Robbie) stories in. However, the film should have done a better job of making up its mind: focus on Theron strictly or fleshing out the Carlson/Pospisil stories more. A little disappointing but good performances all around. 6/10


The second remake of the 1974 classic and this was by far the worst. If you're a fan of horror and can look past the excessive amount of misandry throughout the film, then you may enjoy it. However, it's so obvious and heavy handed that as a male, yeah, I had a problem with it. Not to mention the entire third act which was an absolute trainwreck and story wise, too ludicrous. Women will whine and complain about not getting enough representation to make movies, however, when they make garbage such as this or CHARLIE'S ANGELS, and they segregate half of the population, don't be surprised when it bombs at the box office! 4/10