richie aprile my be the most realistic wiseguy on the show..says better yet fact. that many of you wont believe probably..richie april is based on spucky spagnolo from boston..frankie renzuilli wrote many of those episodes, an east boston guy that grew up around them all. he actually named beansie after his best friend, and couldnt tell him what the character was and how it turned out haha, friend was like you made me a jerkoff!! haha..anyway, the executive card game is eeriliy similar to a story i know that happened at a club in maverick square , not the stars at the game, but the way silvio acts is the way someone esle at that game would act...anyway, believe it or not, this is sure a ton of the soprano writing is accurate and im sure that each character has traits and ties with many different guys, but knowing renzulli personally, and the episodes he wrote..and just he way aprile looks..he captured spucky pretty well...