Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
The guy whose jaw was broken by Carmine Persico's grandson probably wishes a gang member asked him for his lighter instead.

All the guys who crossed paths with Junior Gotti when he was using his surname to start gang assaults on random people probably wished they encountered the son of a gang member instead.

The guy who spoke to the girlfriend of Carmine Galante's nephew would probably have wished to have spoken to a gang member's girlfriend instead, were he still alive.

Or maybe it doesn't make a difference?

There are scumbags from every walk of life. It doesn't matter whether they wear NBA merchandise or Fila shell suits.

Whether it was Junior Gotti and his crew of steroid freaks busting heads or the Scrawny Guy and his crew of glorified gang members rolling drunks in Margate, the unproved assaults by the young punks from the second generation are the most annoying to me. I know that neither of their dads were fathers of the year, but they each had a chance to follow a different path. There is no excuse for attacking civilians who because of who their dads were really couldn't even fight back.