Originally Posted by ralphie_cifaretto
Franzese and Persico aren't rapists, Moe. Do you believe everything you read on the internet? Or just when it's something negative about so called members of organized crime? Carmine Persico was loved, Moe. Did more for Brooklyn than just about anyone. Did he off a few people? Sure. He was no angel, but he did way more good than bad. My thoughts and prayers are with his family and everyone in Brooklyn who is hurting right now.

How would you know if they were or weren't?

It's just hard to suppress a chuckle when you read his rap sheet on his obit on the BBC and then to have people act like he was persecuted by the government or something.

Prison isn't supposed to be a holiday camp for these people like it was back in the 60s and 70s. Those days are over. Persico lived to what, 85.

What age are most people expected to live to?

And Luxurydog, of course black people are more statistically likely to be responsible for the things you mention, but it's irrelevant to any discussions about LCN to be honest.

The life circumstances of most mobsters are completely different to the life circumstances of black hoodlums.

Name one mobster that grew up in a Cabrini-Green situation.

None of this is to make it sound like I'm defending black crime statistics. I'm just saying you have to realise there's sociocultural reasons for it that transcend people actively choosing to pursue a life of crime. Most of these black guys don't have the agency of people like Anthony Nicodemo or your Persico or Galante or Orena grandchild.

With all the money yuppies like Persico or Orena grandchildren grow up with what possible justification is there for pursuing crime over something more magnanimous?

I invoke my right under the 5th amendment of the United States constitution and decline to answer the question.