The only scenario that makes sense to me:
Is the Zuttola's stopped kicking up after Basciano got locked up maybe they felt they were close the Lucheese's and Genoveese and Basciano not with them but friendly they tried to pull away the Albanians or who ever made a move the Zuttola's either than went to whoever and whoever said NAH your not with us not our problem OR the Zottola's thought they can handle the threat on their own. This isn't the first time they were hit this has been happening for over a year that we know of. If they are with any LCN family that LCN family would HAVE TO retaliate and/or protect their earners, otherwise other families or groups will move in and take over all of their rackets.... We will find out the story shortly these bloods and crips flip very quickly.... If they were not protected by LCN I wouldn't be surprised if LCN set them up by outsourcing