If outsiders (aka non-Italians) are in fact behind all this, then there are chances that the Zottolas were not protected, hence shelved after Basciano’s downfall or they purposely walked away.

They had no one looking after them is what I’m saying.

Regardless of what the msm says about the mighty Albanians taking over the NY mafia (we witnessed this spectacle years ago with Rudaj) we sure know that today’s LCN is more than capable of and prone to violence. And we know how much pull the LCN has in NYC and beyond.
With this in mind I don’t believe that a non-Italian group, no matter how powerful, would have dared to take out two fully fledged associates of a crime family...just because they were hoping to muscle into their racket.

How many NY wiseguys are into poker machines and lucrative gambling rings? A heck of a lot.

How many of them have been attacked, their homes burglarized and lastly gunned down by non-Italian crews who were looking to muscle into their racket?

The fact that the Zottolas were brazenly attacked several times prior to the attempt on Salvatore and Sylvester’s murder, makes me think that these alleged outsiders knew the father and son were huntable game.

Last edited by LuanKuci; 10/15/18 10:35 AM.