Originally Posted by JCrusher
Originally Posted by TheKillingJoke
That was John Favara. Of course nobody knows how his demise truly went like, but it's rumored he was pummeled with a baseball bat, dismembered with a chainsaw before he was dissolved in acid. It crosses into sadism territory.

Gangsters can be nice enough on a superficial level, but once you cross a certain line of relation and they got you in their pocket, they often won't be so nice anymore. It's their line of work.

Except he didnt cross a line it was just an accident. If you are driving when the sun is going down it can be very tough to see. Add to the fact that a dumpster was put in to the street, and add to that fact that a kid darts out from it out of nowhere there was nothing the poor guy can do. Thats how ive heard it and my father has heard from officers involved in that situation. The whole "favara was drunk and evil" nonsense was just something the gotti women made up. The Favara family was also harrassed during that time and even after john favara was already killed. Janet Favara was harassed by victoria gotti and they were also sent a box of excrement. The only gotti who has been somewhat honest about that situation. He says he was friends with Scott Favara and liked the family. Did he really mean that? Who knows but I take his word for it because he was indeed friends with Scott

It definitely was an accident. There wasn't anything he could've done.
The second part of my comment was more meant as a general statement. You cross a certain line of involvement with a gangster - like getting into debt with them or making them feel like you owe them something (and both things can happen faster than you think) - there's basically no turning back.

Last edited by TheKillingJoke; 10/07/18 11:09 AM.