Ghetto meaning ethnic group.

Today the last remaining Italian ghetto that I know of in NYC is Staten Island.

My time growing bensonhurst was a middle class neighborhood.

We didn't endure those harsh poor conditions more of the wild west because the wisefuys and social clubs were everywhere and they just weren't afraid to kill you they chose to.

Previous generations were poorer and Italians were no welcomed with open arms when the masses immigrated from Sicily.
Also, about thatbtine was the great depression the whole country had it tuff.

Also WW-2 more Italians serves in the military then any other nationality.

The guys that serves in the war those guys were tuff.

I mean war was different back then.

Look at Normandy Beach those guys ran into the bullets and bombs.

I was referring to two different time frames in my post.

In the 90's when I am growing up the older men in the neighborhood the previous generation was ww-2 era .

They had it really tuff, the generation before me.