The “Red/Russian Mafiya” is political correctness for what is more accurately the Jewish/Israeli Mafiya that came out of Russia after the fall of the Soviet Union.
At least the Mafiya kingpins —Semion Mogilevich, Monya Elson, Marat Balagula, Vyacheslav Ivankov, Vladimir Ginsberg and Ludwig Fainberg—are Jewish.

Robert Friedman 1951-2002, RIP

The seminal book on this topic was part of my awakening and is called Red Mafiya, by Robert Friedman. The courageous author, who was Jewish, paid for his work with his life, RIP.
Starting in the 1970s and accelerating after the fall of the Soviet Union, thousands of these “Russian” thugs somehow were let into America with the greatest of ease.

“The understaffed and ill-equipped Immigration Service,” Robert Friedman reveals, “seemed helpless to stop them.”
Hundreds of former Soviet athletes and Special Forces veterans of the Afghanistan wars, including many retired KGB agents, swarmed into America. It is estimated that 500,000 to 750,000 Russian Jews came in. The FBI at the time called them far more lethal and dangerous than Italian Mafia ever were.

“The ‘Russians’ didn’t come here to enjoy the American dream,” New York state tax agent Roger Berger said glumly.” They came here to steal it.”
Many “Russian” criminals ended up at Brighton Beach, Brooklyn. They were at once put on retainers of $20,000 a month. No jobs as janitors or road sweepers for them! Like ducks to water, they took to sex trafficking, prostitution, pornography, drug running, loan sharking, stock market scams, arson, burglary, bank and jewelry frauds, counterfeiting, vote rigging, arms sales, extortion and murder.

At this stage, the Red Mafiya is second generation and, as such, are more Americanized. Many are dual Israeli citizens. It has morphed into what I call (at least in part) the Crime Syndicate. Red Mafiya was folded into this. They have formed powerful associations with other non-Jewish crime and intelligence connected families, such as the Bushes and Clintons. They can lurk under slimy rocks, because the ZOG media is either involved or looks the other way as well.

Besides the standard criminality, I believe they are now also involved in more legitimate military-industrial complex and surveillance “neocon” contracts. They play a key role in various hoaxes and fundraising scams off of these hoaxes.