I'll try to post some of his tweets during the day if I can. Tuesday and Wednesday I'm not sure I can though.

Courtesy of @ realmobtalk7 like thebigfella posted above (in order from today and I skipped his personal thoughts about Rubeo):

Rubeo admits under oath the fbi paid him over $500,000
9:57 AM

Rubeo admits he beat his wife.
9:57 AM

Rubeo admits he broke the law dozens of times after he signed a cooperation agreement.
9:57 AM

Rubeo says he lied to the fbi, prosecutors multiple times
9:58 AM

Rubeo likely stole $500,000 from the Cosa Rica Bookmaking operation, and ran to Merlino for help.
10:10 AM

Rubeo admits to lying to FBI handlers about a book deal in and effort to make it seem as if their was more to the story then actuality.
10:11 AM

Rubeo flip flopped non stop on tapes where Joey clearly said he didn’t know so and so and wanted no part in medical cream scam.
10:11 AM

In a funnier moment Jacobs(Merlino s Attorney) made a Rubeo describe what a rat is and does.
10:13 AM

Rubeo claimed he was an associate of the Genovese and Philadelphia mafia which was met with laughs
10:14 AM

Rubeo said there was a sitdown over the alleged $500,000 debt, which Merlino allegedly said do the right thing and pay what you owe. The truth is Rubeo stole the money from Mickey(owner of CSB)
10:17 AM

Rubeo said he lied to Patsy Parello and sold drugs to supplement his income.
10:18 AM

Rubeo admitted to breaking into houses, cheating on his wife, and blackmailed the fbi, and stole 30k in money orders, all under the watch of the FBI!!!
10:23 AM