Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
Originally Posted By: MightyDR
Mobfather by George Anastasia, about Tommy Del's wife and kids. Even after reading plenty about the Scarfo era, this one still provided some interesting information I hadn't heard before. It was also good to hear from the perspective of a wiseguy's family. Plus it takes a stance against the deals the government cuts with these guys.

Also have been reading Joe Valachi's The Real Thing. So many interesting little bits of information.

Valachi's The Real Thing is quite an amazing read if you can get past the spelling eras and missing pages. This was Valachis initial, self-written autobiography of sorts, prior to the Justice Department fucking him over and throwing away his book deal over some bs. The Valachi Papers are Peter Maas revisioning of Valachi's self-written papers, a lot of stuff Maas chose to leave out, things that he felt weren't very exciting and some things he left out to assure his version will continue to meet the approved upon demands.
"spelling ERRORS"..lol

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...