Originally Posted By: TheRedZone
Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
To add to my collection of books in relation to Philly LCN. I just recently ordered The Plumber by Joe Salerno. Anyone read that before?

If you're into the Scarfo era, it's a good get for sure, most of the latter part of the book deals with Salerno's woes with the marshall's administrated WITSEC, which can get lengthy due to his whiny nature, but it does go into the testimony he gave to get Gerace removed from the union, and as an added bonus, you get parts of the transcripts of testimony/cross-exam. from United States of America v. Nicodemo Scarfo et. al. trial from Salerno.

Another one you'd enjoy is 'Breaking the mob', from philly detective Friel, he strictly investigated homicides along with the FBI in a taskforce, so you get extra details I didn't find in any other philly mob books.

Exactly, on transcripts thing, i forgot all about that..but now that i remember, it was addictive ..& friels book was a good memory from 20 some yrs. ago,, it had off the wall pics like the one recently posted w/carl "pappy" ippolito & bruno etc..rare photos thread.

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...