Originally Posted By: SinatraClub
I like Blood Oath. But I just can't get over that inacccuracy of the claim that Nicky Scarfo had Chuckie Merlino whacked. Fresolone says it more than once too, throughout the book. In the chapter "Wired" pg. 184, he's discussing Nicky Jr being shot, and this is what he says "I felt it was much more likely the shooter was either Joey Merlino or someone hired by him. Nicky Sr. had had Joey's father Chuckie whacked, and Joey still took it very hard."...How, how can someone who was supposedly super close to Patty Specs & Anthony Piccolo make that mistake?

Overall, the book is a good read, but that's just one of the things that really just slightly sit in the back of my mind that makes me wonder what Fresolone actually knew.
Maybe what fresolone meant the whole time in his mind was that scarfo "took down" chuckie, & it is known that joey took that very hard??

I didn't want to leave blood on your carpet...