Moe- thats pretty silly to give Jacobs shit for being an advocate for his client thats his job, and like previously stated every criminal defendant is entitled to be represented??..Dellacroce is right calling a criminal atty morally bankrupt for doing his job is fuckin idiotic

And where do u see Ligambi bitching hes getting harassed because hes Italian?..jacobs brought it up and hes not wrongbthe FBI has had a hard on for the Mafia since fuckin Apalachin and now especially in Philly they are the least of their concerns..speakin as someone whos from and lives here youre way off no ones saying Ligambi or the wiseguys arent crooks but the amount of govt resources wasted on gambling and joker poker machines is horse shit..the feds need to go after the drug orgs in North Philly and Kensington

Last edited by mikeyballs211; 10/11/15 12:47 AM.

"No, no, you aint alrite Spyder you got alotta fuckin problems"