I recommend watching this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1C3q3Zr_R8E and reading his book, http://www.amazon.com/God-Moral-Monster-...ords=paul+copan

Most people don't know the full context. Like I said, a major difference is that Christians are to follow Jesus as their example and Muslims follow Muhammad as theirs. That's why what ISIS is doing does follow his example. Muhammad had a child wife, so can they. Muhammad had slaves, or at least authorized slavery, so can they. The later verses of the Quran teach killing unbelievers, so can they. Contrast that to the words of Jesus on the Sermon on the Mount and elsewhere. As for the Talmud, I saw what a number of Muslims say about it and examined it for myself (it's available online); it doesn't say what they claim it says.