Originally Posted By: durkadurka
What people don't really know except for some of us on the streets is that Faffy is about to take over once he gets out. He has been making moves from the inside for the past few years but is doing through other people like Narducci and the Pungitores. People saying Freckles is the new boss are only doing that to protect Francis. He has a lot of sway and everyone who is gunning for the top is only doing it to keep the seat warm for him. The guy does 30 years he deserves it and if anyone has a problem it'll be the eighties all over again and bodies will be left in the streets. Word came down from Scarfo that since his son didn't beat his case that he wants Faffy to take over, people don't know Scarfo still has sway and with his guys out on the streets now they'll do it for the old man after all that he did for them, and protecting them by taking a life sentence. Those guys owe him.

Why are you trolling again? All you keep doing is talking about every crime family going to war lol

Last edited by TommyGambino; 07/17/14 02:40 AM.