Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
The last time I read the statistics for Europe, Czech Republic were the #1 drinkers of alcohol, followed by Ireland at #2. All the Eastern European countries traditionally rank very high. Germany, too, with Oktoberfest. The French are more into wine, brandy, rum and shit. Same with the Italians. I wouldn't say the Spanish are very high.

I have had first hand experience of seeing Eastern Europeans drinking alcohol and they put the Irish and the Brits to shame.

I always thought that the Irish had the highest tolerance for alcohol but the Polaks and Russkis put away 100% proof vodka like it's water. LOL

haha I know a lot of Polish people (England is full of them) they drink vodka like it's nothing but struggle to drink pints of beer even though it's nowhere near as strong lol it's weird, they were just raised on spirits.