At first, I took the arm guy as someone who probably shouldn't be saying all he was sayin, but because he was dumb enough to get so deeply intertwined in the life, he's probably dumb enough to openly discuss it online, so who am I to stop him or care. But then, with the silly fighting and picking nit with people... You tend to get turned off by such behavior. He should have just spewed his shit and stayed silent... dump and run kind of thing. Instead, he liked to partake in internet bickering, which really makes one look spastic and low self esteem-ish. I'm guessing his last blast was deleted, so I don't know what insults he flung, but you just don't attack the guys who run the site. It's dumb. Besides, now we're going to have to endure his angry secret return. Where he reinvents himself and attacks the same people again.... yawn