Originally Posted By: Revis_Island

Yeah I always got the feeling that the casso book was exaggerated way too much to make him look better. Like at one point in the book the author said something like "In mafiadom, Casso was a lot bigger than Sammy the Bull Gravano but the Feds had to use Sammy to testify against gigante rather than the favorable casso". I don't think casso was as big as Sammy. He was huge in his own right but not like that. Sammy was underboss of the Gambino's while Casso was underboss of the Lucchese's. Come on. I can't imagine that casso made more or had more power than Sammy. I'm sure there were lies in both the D'Arco and Casso book

When Sammy flipped, that was huge news. I really didn't know much about Casso flipping until Carlo's book came out. It wasn't followed by the media much, possibly because Gotti was a better known.

Carlo continually wrote about how Casso was respected for being fair on his deals. And how feared he was on the streets. Next thing you know, Jimmy Hydell was hired to whack Casso, by Angelo Ruggiero, over a bad drug deal (according to some theories). In addition, D'Arco bought some H from Casso, and it turned out to be crap. He got his money back, but still....

And while D'Arco was in jail, Casso was doing heroin deals with his son- without clearing it with D'Arco, first. And then, he wanted Al to cover the $80k that his son owed Casso for past drug deals. D'Arco was really pissed and felt disrespected. Casso would have gone nuts if someone was doing drug deals with his son behind his back.

You shit-kicking, stinky, horse-manure-smelling motherfucker you! If you ever get out of line over there again, I'll smash your fucking head so hard you won't be able to get that cowboy hat on. You hear me? Fucking hick. -Nicky (Casino)