Generally, Federal and local prosecutors will employ a shotgun theory when charging defendants (throw as many charges at the defendants as possible and see what sticks). This is especially true of mob defendants. If the assaults could be proven, and had not expired within the statute of limitations, they would be included in the docket. Especially because there was no violent acts included in the original Ligambi and Co. charges 3 years ago. If US Atty. Han could have included an assault (even against Lutz), he would have. If nothing else, he takes the soundbite of "there is no violence here" from Mr. Jacobs' arsenal.

On the other hand, charging 1 mob member (associate at that time maybe? Doesn't matter) with assaulting another mob associate, based on a third mob associate's testimony seems like bad policy.

Just my opinion, I'm not an atty yet.

F. Mazola, Esq.