
Do you ever watch the "Talking Dead" which is on right after WD. They talk about the episode, take calls, tweets, etc. They had Andrea on one time, and Darryl another and the new girl last week (I can't think of her name). They talk about what happened in the current episode.

As for last night, the aquarium of floating heads was kind of a shocker no? lol Yea, I don't trust the Governor either. Speaking of Merle, he seemed to be less of a racist/SOB no? He seems to "obey" the governor. First episode ever without Rick in it.

Next week looks good. Do you see the previews? It looks like the prison gets surrounded by more Walkers.

They took a poll on the Talking Dead asking who you would choose to lead you if you were in their situation: Rick, Governor, Merle, Darryl or the new gal (the Black girl). Anyway, Rick won by a landslide.

Also they asked if you were Merle who would you be more pissed at for leaving him stranded on the rooftop, Rick or T-Dog. That was open for opinion.


"Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind. War will exist until that distant day when the conscientious objector enjoys the same reputation and prestige that the warrior does today." JFK

"War is over, if you want it" - John Lennon