MOB MYTH: Its all one big criminal conspiracy.

REALITY: Even though back in the day alot more guys knew alot more other guys (seeing as it was well before assimiliation, immigrants were still connected to the old country, and through ties sanguinary and of town life knew the history, people and rep's of those old-world connect's very well) it was still 90% opportunistic.

But even then, even with the famous Commission in full effect, ruling on disputes across the was for the most part just random gangsters from around the country that knew each other through friends of friends. Its not like it was all figured out in the Old Country that "so and so from Palermo, yousa guys gonna do dis and so and so from Corleone, yousa gonna do dat, and youse Calabrese? Yousa gonna blow up, and youse Napolitan? Yousa gonna kill each udder"

Modern day: Just because NY and Chicago are still viable does not mean that every two bit connected bookmaker around the country is kowtowing and kicking up to them in some way..

In fact, historically rank and file NY wiseguys themselves have been unaware of such seemingly crucial facts such as which exact crime family they actually "operated" under as well as who exactly was the actual boss, or which "rival" guys were actually made etc.

Of course, a guy knows who he's kickin' up to and who his friends are; but a made guy is not supposed to introduce himself as a friend; there's instances of guys who knew the other guy was connected, but to follow the rules was not allowed to introduce himself. He had to look for another guy that knew them both. And dont think the average wiseguy gave a f**k about whether or not his crew was known as part of the "Genovese" of "Lucchese" of whatever.

Taking it further, people assume that just because this guy and that guy are both Sicilan/Calabrian/Napolitan/otherwise Italian or LCN that they are automatically on the same page, are working together in some devious master plan and/or had some seen some random murder, indictment or deportation charge in advance enough to set up some far reaching contingency.

Its bullshit. Their criminals. Thats what they have in common.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 09/14/11 12:04 AM.
