Originally Posted By: GerryLang
I picked up two books last week at a used book store, "Mafia Wife" and "GoodGuys." Mafia Wife was a pretty uneventful read, basically a pity party by Louie Milito's wife. She is another woman who no longer loves the life because she is no longer benefiting from it since her husband is dead, it does give a different perspective of the life.

Whole-heartedly agree. If things had gone a bit different for Milito we never would have heard of Linda Milito, since she'd still be a happy mob wife. Nonetheless, her recounting of a mob associates daily-grind is interestng, like makin the rounds on parking meters to cut of the tops & get at the coins. Almost funny.

Last edited by Mickey_MeatBalls_DeMonica; 06/02/11 08:13 PM.
