Originally Posted By: phatmatress
Originally Posted By: thebarber

michael franzese didnt really flip he just left the life. He got in trouble, kept his mouth shut and did his time. Then left the life he never ratted on any1
i was always confused about this is he in any kind of protection program or not? i think ive read thing as to where he is, and then thing as to where hes not if anyone would care to clear this up for me i would appreciate it

Franzese actually did testify against two former associates that he and his father had been partners with in the music business - Norby Walters and Lloyd Bloom. He also testified about the gas tax scam before Congress.

He's now a born again Christian and gives speeches around the country. He's really not in any danger any more and has still been in touch with his father from time to time.

Last edited by IvyLeague; 02/06/11 04:27 AM.

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