Originally Posted by Irishman12

Another take on the "if you summon this spirit, you'll die in so many days" subgenre. However, THE EMPTY MAN actually works. While suspension of disbelief is needed in some areas, it isn't overly campy. Former cop, now turned security company owner, James Lasombra, investigates the disappearance of her neighbors daughter, Amanda. At first believed to be dead, the investigation soon turns to determine if she ran away to join a local cult, who are attempting to summon the empty man. The first 20-30 minutes of the film are in stark contrast to the rest of the picture and I actually had to pause to ensure I was watching the right movie. However, the opening is very well done and fits in nicely towards the later end of the story. This flew under a lot of people's radars but it is a decent film to give a chance on. 5.5/10

Great review, just read it to wife and we will now watch it knowing it may drag.

Started watching it last night but dumped it when it got slow.
Might give it another shot from where we left off.

Be Loyal, Be Loving, Be Quiet.