Hello! I’m researching a book about nightclubs in Buffalo, NY from 1920-60. I have found newspaper articles dating back to the late 1930s and 1940s that Joe DiCarlo might have been harassing Harry Altman (co/owner of the Town and Glen Casinos). According to the mainstream papers, a DiCarlo associate beat up Harry and a member of his inner circle in early ‘44 at the Town Casino. DiCarlo later crashed Altman’s daughter’s wedding later that year.

There was also a burglary (by explosives) of a safe, and a bombing of other Altman properties in earlier years (DiCarlo was not mentioned in these instances — but no one else was implicated, either).

Harry also employed a guy by the name of Jimmy Mosher who supposedly had some entanglements with the Mob?

Anybody have intel on any of this?

Many thanks. Buffalo Gal