
Nigerians Top Drug Players

Posted By: BlackFamily

Nigerians Top Drug Players - 08/14/13 07:06 AM

KUALA LUMPUR: NIGERIAN drug syndicates have emerged as the dominant players on the local drug scene, surpassing Iranians, who have run out of steam due to stringent enforcement here.
Police intelligence revealed that Nigerian syndicates had networks established in most drug-processing countries. They have now chosen Malaysia as a transit point and customer base.
Nigerian syndicates previously trafficked in cocaine, but diversified to heroin and syabu after learning there was a market for them here.
Intelligence gathered revealed that major syabu (methamphetamine) producing laboratories have been set up in Nigeria, while heroin is obtained from Pakistan (smuggled in from Afghanistan) and cocaine from South America (mainly Brazil).
Federal Narcotics Criminal Investigation Department director Datuk Noor Rashid Ibrahim said while Iranian drug syndicates were less active here now due to stringent enforcement, Nigerian syndicates showed no signs of slowing down.
"Nigerian syndicates have taken note of their previous failures and taken steps to reduce their losses. For example, they no longer carry out cash transactions here," he told the New Straits Times.
"Due to our tight anti-money laundering regulations, cash transactions are done between the traffickers' contacts abroad, including in Nigeria. Once the drugs have been successfully delivered here, one phone call and thousands of dollars change hands.
"Also, past raids saw luxury cars, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMWs and Ferraris, seized. But the present batch are less conspicuous about spending money in Malaysia."
It is learnt that major players in the drug scene in Nigeria own thousands of hectares of land there and also venture into the hospitality sector, opening hotels in prime locations.
In turn, poorer Nigerians see their fellow compatriots enjoying a good life with their ill-gotten proceeds and are encouraged by the syndicates to come to Malaysia.
Records show that out of every 10 Nigerians arrested for drug offences, nine entered the country on student visas. One was even found to have entered on the basis of improving his golf skills.

Read more: Nigerians top drug players - General - New Straits Times http://www.nst.com.my/nation/general/nigerians-top-drug-players-1.243871#ixzz2bvMTKQb5
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