
Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here...

Posted By: Goodfella 69

Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/05/02 05:45 PM

How does the mob begin? How can 1 man start a family, have the money to buy polititians, police officers, and other government officials, and get into the rackets. I wanna have a better understanding of how it begins. What in SPECIFIC detail are all of the rackets most mafioso use. Gambling, Prostitution, Extortion,...etc. What exactly are all the rackets and how are they illegal. How does 1 get into the rackets and learn of them with great knowledge. For example if a regular average every day Joe like myself wanted to Start bootlegging stolen goods, or run an illegal gambling opperation, how would I go about doing so? (im not wondering cus i want to im just wondering in general). Anyone whos an expert on the Mafia and theyre many buisness's please go into very SPECIFIC detail for me if you would. Im only 16 and big words are still new to me so be as simple as you can. THANKS A BUNCH! Any legit answers will be GREATLY appreciated!
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/05/02 07:07 PM

Mobs and rackets thrive on people's weaknesses, specifically vices: gambling, prostitution, drugs, pornography, illicit alcohol. The usual way someone gets into a mob is the way Gotti did: by hanging out with the existing mob as a kid, and working his way up. It's also possible, in rare cases, that an individual with a unique amount of force simply establishes himself in a territory that's not already dominated by a gang, and builds his own mob. Or, some new opportunity may present itself that no one has staked out: for example, Internet credit card scams. But in every case, the racket is based on pandering to people's weaknesses that happen to be illegal, or to people's greed to get rich quick without working.
This probably isn't a satisfying answer, Goodfella. I just want to note that the graveyards are littered with the bodies of those who tried to free-lance inside existing gangs' territory. On the other hand, remember what Don Corleone said in the novel: "A lawyer with his briefcase can steal more than a thousand men with guns." Look at the guys who ran Enron, Worldcom, etc.--none of them mobbed up, all of them got away with more than any Mafioso.
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/05/02 07:23 PM

that was some what of a reply i was looking for..but i also wanted to know more in depth about the rackets themselves. For example, Gambling, how does someone start theyre own illegal gambling operation? do they find a club and bribe the owner into letting them use it to gamble in? if so, how does the mafia get people to come in and gamble, basically how do they advertise it. also, whats a bookie? and what what exactly is a loan shark? i have read about most all of this before but either forgot or just didnt understand the definitions i was given. As for the Prostituion or Porn rackets. How is that gone about. Does a Mafioso member walk the streets and find hookers looking for pimps? and MOST of all, where to Mobsters get tips on hiijacking trucks with goods that they steal and sell for a lower price, to make pure profit. Who buys the stolen goods from them in the first place? Buisness owners looking for a cheap way to get products for theyre stores then sell them at a higher price therefor evrybodys happy except the company who gets stolen from? Im just trying to find out more info and see if what im saying is correct as well.
Posted By: DonThomas

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/05/02 07:43 PM

You have to think back to the community we are talking about. If we're talking about the beginning of the the mafia we're talking about Italian immigrants in the early 1900's in the same neighborhood. These people didn't have TVs or Radios and actually talked to their neighbors. If someone had a gambling ring set up or was selling goods at a lower price, word got around.

It's not like these days where no one knows their neighbors or what's going on in the community.
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/05/02 08:45 PM

tru the community is aware of its surroundings thats a key factor in the "advertisement", i guess back in a certain time the mob members wude go to the buisness's and ask for theyre buisness in return as done in "The Untouchables" when the store keeper does not except the illegal whiskey from Al Capones crew, the store is Blown to Bits. So intimidation was also a factor as well. But times change, but im guessing the strategies are still similar in some ways like the old days.BTW where did all the fire arms (guns) come from. How were they available to Mobsters with such availability?
Posted By: Snake

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/06/02 01:03 AM

If we're talking Italian Mafia, I'm no "pro," but I am an amateur firearm collector (and I also stayed in a Holiday Inn once ...sorry!). The Italians have always made some of the finest firearms around, especially "back in the day." Not quite so much now, though, with the advent of German weaponry as well as good ol' U.S. ingenuity. Another consideration for your question: you had those in OC whose business wasn't gambling, but runnin' guns. (Good thread, Goodfella 69!)
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/06/02 02:35 AM

Originally posted by Snake:
If we're talking Italian Mafia, I'm no "pro," but I am an amateur firearm collector (and I also stayed in a Holiday Inn once ...sorry!). The Italians have always made some of the finest firearms around, especially "back in the day." Not quite so much now, though, with the advent of German weaponry as well as good ol' U.S. ingenuity. Another consideration for your question: you had those in OC whose business wasn't gambling, but runnin' guns. (Good thread, Goodfella 69!)
Thanks for the info and Thanks for the comment Snake. Ive always wondered these many many things thats why I have so many questions so sorry to annoy anybody with them...its just Im like a little kid in a Candy Store with wide eyes...theres so much Id like to know!
Posted By: Snake

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/06/02 02:52 AM

I hear ya', man! It's addictive like candy, too... only not as fattenin'!
Posted By: Goodfella 69

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/06/02 02:56 AM

YAY! Ive earned the ranking of a Button! LOL...i have so much to learn but someday I shall climb the ladder In ranking ...does anyone else have any answers to my many questions involving La Cosa Nostra?
Posted By: Daniel Corleone

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/06/02 03:55 AM

Originally posted by Goodfella 69:
But times change, but im guessing the strategies are still similar in some ways like the old days.
Congrats on being a button first and foremost . Being in Chicago, I noticed the mafia (as I assume, if not, maybe related to illegal businesses) hold meetings in dark areas (like a closed store with no lights or in an Italian restaurant (properly dressed I might add). They are accompanies by a bodyguard (who looks around and very cautious). I suspect they initiate these type of environment as to not attract the law enforcers (who roam around meticulously).

A bit of history on the so called Mafia:
The Mafia was started in Sicily during medieval times to protect the estates when the landlords were not there. By the 1800's the Mafia had become criminal and used violence throughout Sicily. The members were sworn by a strict ethical code called omerta. That was a group of rules and if you broke one you died. The Mafia became so strong that they became politicians and were able to influence police forces and gain access to weapons. The Italian government under Benito Mussolini tried to control the Mafia but it came out strong again after World War II. Because of Mussolini being so strict members of the Mafia moved to the United States where they then led many criminal activities especially during Prohibition. By the 1930's it moved into other illegal activities.

I know all this because I have witnesses it (and i happen to be very observant, hehehe). Cool thread indeed (learned a lot here ) and take it easy.
Posted By: Wiseguy_1872

Re: Question for Turnbull or one of the many Pro's Here... - 07/06/02 11:46 AM

Thanks Daniel Corleone.

What about the mafia's role in protecting the weak from the pezzo novante? Giving them protection in return for some payment.

Isn't this described somewhere as the tribute system with the Cosa Nostra getting a piece of everything that their communities made - in return for protecting them from other people trying to rip them off?

Isn't this what Henry Hill talks about in Goodfellas; That what the FBI could never understand was that it was just the tribute system being extended to America with Paulie
using the union rackets to stop other guys ripping Italians off.

Isn't this why this type of racketeering and protection worked for so long until the Cosa Nostra lost sight of the protecting bit and the cops became less anti -Italian?

I have read a little about this, but would like to know more.
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