
Talking Kennedy

Posted By: luckylucianofan

Talking Kennedy - 10/18/06 02:53 AM

Who do you think iced J and RFK?
Posted By: finsnasty84

Re: Talking Kennedy - 10/18/06 08:07 AM

Like most government things, there has to be a conspiracy involved. I did a research paper on this back in spring of 05'. Just by watching the Zapruder film you can see he was shot twice. That eliminates the single bullet theory.

Oswald was a great shot, so i think he was involved in many ways but obviously Ruby and the mob was involved. Mainly becuase of RFK and JFK's fight against organized crime, when both had strong ties and Joe Kennedy was a bootlegger.
Posted By: Tony Love

Re: Talking Kennedy - 12/18/06 03:28 AM

I've actually looked into this quite a bit. I think it's obvious who killed RFK, but JFK still stands as more of a mystery. According to the Warren Report, you've got Oswald who comes back from the Soviet Union after trying to gain citizenship, he's been involved in communist efforts in the United States and is a supporter of Fidel Castro's government. The fact that he just one day decided to assassinate the president in such a fashion is not only questionable, it's unlikely. I believe he had a part in it, but he cannot be the only one. I think the most reasonable theory behind this assassination is Oswald on the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository, and a gunman on the triple underpass (as well as inactive shooters in other locations in close proximity of the motorcade).

It would be nice to see more responses to this topic.
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