
top 10

Posted By: corleone

top 10 - 08/19/01 01:33 AM

i was wondering if anyone could be so kind to post the top books of mario puzo or any other mafia related or italian related reads. thanks alot.
Posted By: Don Rico

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 04:56 AM

I don't know about no top 10 or nothin' but one good start for someone such as yourself would be the incredible "MIDNIGHT IN SICILY" by Peter Robb, published 1996 by Vintage/Random House. This book is the real deal. Robb is an Australian journalist who lived in Sicily for most of the 80s and early 90s, and the book starkly depicts both the historical context and the modern plague of murder which has drenched this island in blood. The MaxiTrial, The Corleonese and Toto Riina's brutal reign, the infamous assassinations of Justices Falcone and Borsellino, Charlie Lucky's exile, and exquisite mouthwatering descriptions of mezzogiorno cuisine are all here. The sly fox himself Giulio Andreotti, The Don of Italian politics, hands drenched in blood calling all the shots. His personal motto? (see below)
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 12:05 PM

Wow what a coincidence I actually ordered that book a few days ago and i'm expecting it to arrive tomorrow (fingers crossed)
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 12:06 PM

Wow what a coincidence I actually ordered that book a few days ago and i'm expecting it to arrive tomorrow (fingers crossed)
Posted By: Don Rico

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 03:02 PM

I think you're gonna love this book. It also depicts the banking scandals which devastated Italian finance and politics, ending with "God's banker" Roberto Calvi hanging from Blackfriars bridge (sound familiar?) as well as many other "distinguished corpses." There is even quite a bit of stuff about your namesake Turi, the bandit Salvatore Giuliano.
Posted By: corleone

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 03:10 PM

ok i will pick it up, thanks alot.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 04:19 PM

ending with "God's banker" Roberto Calvi hanging from Blackfriars bridge (sound familiar?)

Hehe yeah just Little bit.

There is even quite a bit of stuff about your namesake Turi, the bandit Salvatore Giuliano.

I didn't know that but now I have more reason for wanting that book to arrive tomorrow. Theres a book directly about him its wrote either by Turi's brother or sister the website I found it from is this....

Salvatore Giuliano

But i've found it really hard to get hold of a copy in England.
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: top 10 - 08/21/01 06:37 PM

Among the best, The Sicilian, the godfather (of course), omerta, and there is one more but it slips me at this time.
Posted By: Joey T

Re: top 10 - 08/23/01 12:43 AM

I agree with you Montana. They show different parts of Mafia life. Godfather is a contemparary of the Mafia in America. Sicilian is what the true Mafia was about. Omerta, and Last Don, were both the new ways of the Mafia.
Posted By: Don Lagrassa

Re: top 10 - 09/21/01 06:04 PM

So many books...so little time. A few I highly recommend. The Sicilian, of course would be my first choice. I also loved The Last Don.
Now as for mafia and italy related books...here's a few suggestions.
I believe there's one called The Octopus that details the sicilian mafia and its worldwide influence, concentrating on the drug trade.
The Last Days of the Sicilians is very good too, but concentrates on the efforts of the FBI and New York city police to bring down the New York Families.
Donnie Brasco by Joseph Pistone is a must.
You may wanna also try A Man of Honor (maybe have the title wrong here) the story of Joe Bonanno. Its a dry read, but it gives ya a lot of detail on the New York Families.
If you wanna read about the guys who ratted, try Underboss by Peter Mass which features Sammy the Bull, and also the Valachi Papers.
As for non mafia books, I can't help ya much. I tried reading Dante's Inferno once, but I didn't seem motivated enough. Someday perhaps.
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: top 10 - 03/14/02 08:09 PM

Aha, just the old topic I was after.

I just got started on 'Midnight in Sicily'. It only took me 6 months to open the pages. Just messing, truth is, i've been reading plenty of other things. Back to the main point. So i'm about half way through this book and it is really good, it really takes you to the heart of Sicily and it's culture. As far as I know it's probably one of the most accurate books you will find. It relies on Cosa Nostra a little too much I think but it's been a great read so far. Anyone else read it.

PS. I know this should go in another forum but I thought it goes well in this thread especially Don Rico's words.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: top 10 - 03/15/02 02:15 AM

In addition to those already offered, I'd add:
--"Little Man," biography of Meyer Lansky, by Robert Lacey. Although Lansky was not in the Mafia, he was an advisor and partner of many Dons, and this is a first-rate biography.
--"Boss of Bosses," by Kurens and O'Brien (FBI guys). Story of the downfall of Paul Castellano. Not as thorough a work as Lacey's, but good on details of their bugging of Castellano's "White House."
--"The Black Book and the Mob," by Farrell and Case. Scholarly, but the best single source of gaming history in Nevada, and Mob infiltration. I can't recommend this book too highly--especially if you are a fan of "Casino."
Posted By: Liz_85

Re: top 10 - 03/15/02 06:47 AM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
Aha, just the old topic I was after.

I just got started on 'Midnight in Sicily'. It only took me 6 months to open the pages. Just messing, truth is, i've been reading plenty of other things. Back to the main point. So i'm about half way through this book and it is really good, it really takes you to the heart of Sicily and it's culture. As far as I know it's probably one of the most accurate books you will find. It relies on Cosa Nostra a little too much I think but it's been a great read so far. Anyone else read it.

PS. I know this should go in another forum but I thought it goes well in this thread especially Don Rico's words.
I bought it two years ago and I still haven't read it. I keep meaning to but every time I start it I read something else instead. I'll get to it eventually.
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: top 10 - 03/21/02 06:04 AM

I would like to add two novels that deal with organized crime. Mafia is in the background, though the focus isn't on Mafia. Both are by the late George V. Higgins: "The Friends of Eddie Coyle" and "The Digger's Game." No better dialog has ever been written.
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