
Door-to-Door vendors

Posted By: mustachepete

Door-to-Door vendors - 06/20/23 08:30 PM

I get occasional vendors knocking on the door, everything from roofing and windows guys to lawn and bug guys. Always the same pitch: "We're working at a house in the neighborhood, we'd like to schedule an appointment to come over and discuss your needs."

My answer is always the same: if you have a card or brochure, let me have it and I'll hold onto it. They literally never have anything written to hand out. Usually, the guy says he just does the scheduling, so doesn't have a card.

What exactly is going on with these guys? Some are pretty professionally dressed. I've owned houses for 18 years and have talked to probably a couple hundred of these guys. Are they straight scammers? If not, what's the business model that doesn't want to hand over a business card to someone who might use it a year from now?
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Door-to-Door vendors - 07/07/23 11:40 PM

If they have a card or brochure they are usually leget. It is usually a method to get more customers, I get a few a year, but I use to get them a lot. After I stick to some of them they hardly come around the house. What they do is go around the neighborhood they are working in,, and let other houses see their work at a house, and if the prospect likes what they have done then they will keep them in mind if the home owner has a future project they can afford. Nothing wrong with that, just be weary of those that dont have any literature or says they can work at you place while you are not home, they will write up a contract for you sign that allowed them to come on your property when you are not home. Dont do that! They will most likely rob you unless you know the guys personally. In my area it is lawn service and driveway and sidewalk cleansers. Also sometimes there is an agreement between two competing operators where for example, 5th street, from 2nd ave to 4th Avenue, one company takes the left side, and other takes the right side, also you may have a guy who does things himself, and takes a few houses down that route, and most of the time the other two dont mind because they lose money, but those are also less houses they have to worry about, so they can take care of their other neighborhoods in the city or county.
Posted By: mustachepete

Re: Door-to-Door vendors - 07/17/23 03:01 PM

Thank you!
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Door-to-Door vendors - 07/19/23 11:52 PM

We have an ordinance in our town that if you have any type of no solicitation sign in window door or mailbox they cannot and do not approach.

The ordinance also blankets everyone in a time frame as well, they cannot come to door before noon and one hour before sunset.

The town and county is trying to change all this to no door to door solicitors at all, I think that is a good way to go in this day and age.
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