
Jeffrey Epstein

Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Jeffrey Epstein - 07/08/19 04:07 PM


There are probably some very powerful men who are feeling really nervous and paranoid right now.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/09/19 07:59 PM

Cant wait to see all the Skeletons.
Posted By: rickydelta

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/10/19 06:42 AM

Yeah One of Them will be Bill Clinton smile
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/10/19 09:48 AM

There were a lot of powerful people that were around Epstein before the mid 2000s. I bet Palm Beach PD would have loved to get their hands on him on a second go around. Trump I can believe might have done something's, but Prince Andrew? I would not say it is out of the realm of possibility, but I doubt it and would like to see evidence. Epstein practically got the deal of a lifetime, I strongly believe Epsteins money switched hands to get that deal. I know people point to Bill Clinton on that, but slick willy was not the only powerful politician that Epstein got close to. There were four other defendants with him, but the files are sealed and it was only Epstein that had to register as a sex offender, but he did not do any real time for his crimes, and was allowed many hours outside prison and still fly anywhere.
Posted By: rickydelta

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/11/19 07:08 AM

The Cards are falling .Its About time. yeah Bill Clinton was on many Flights to the Island. there plenty of others Including Prince Andrew who Went there Too . That Epstein will go down this time . He be the bitch now see how he likes it . I am sure he get Whacked in Prison . He Knows to much .Bet there plenty of films of the so called Elite Scum on them .
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/26/19 04:38 AM

Originally Posted by rickydelta
The Cards are falling .Its About time. yeah Bill Clinton was on many Flights to the Island. there plenty of others Including Prince Andrew who Went there Too . That Epstein will go down this time . He be the bitch now see how he likes it . I am sure he get Whacked in Prison . He Knows to much .Bet there plenty of films of the so called Elite Scum on them .

Someone tried yesterday but he survived.

I guess the guard or whoever got access to him backed out after he made a counter offer for payment.

Epstein was found busted up in his Cell.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/26/19 05:29 AM

Someone tried to choke the life out of him. Now he will be isolated for his protection. More likely the inmates in his wing did not want him there and had him removed. DP, he is in jail not prison. If he goes to prison he most likely end up in a low security one, he still has cash, the Judge denied him bail, and I doubt his lawyer will win an appeal for that.
Posted By: rickydelta

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/26/19 07:55 AM

Nearly got Whacked then . He got a Life Span of a House Fly . Be good if he Tells All before he Gets Chop smile
Posted By: rickydelta

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/10/19 02:55 PM

Got Whacked Like i Said He Would . If you Think he Killed Himself . I Got A Lovely Ice Bridge to Sale you In the Summer smile
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/10/19 05:13 PM

Many of his victims are going to be mad, a few probably will welcome the news. He was supposed to he on suicide watch, what happened? I can see conspiracy theorists saying Trump ordered it. Even with Epstein dead, the feds are still going to investigate the case and Einstein's death.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/10/19 06:45 PM

He was on suicide watch for 24 hours. He was wearing paper clothes that he couldn't hang himself with. He also couldn't kill himself with his bedding. There is theoretically no way he could've killed himself, and yet we're led to believe he did.

He was found with ligature marks on his neck a week ago and nobody's the wiser if he did it himself or if someone was put up to it.

Due to budget cuts, they didn't have enough people to monitor him around the clock, so sometimes they had prisoners doing it.

Something stinks to high heavens about this.

As the expression goes, "dead men tell no tales".
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/10/19 09:28 PM

Will Ghislaine Maxwell Be the Next to Commit “Suicide”?


"Suicide is, of course, not an infectious disease.

So, even though her close friend and business partner, Jeffrey Epstein, allegedly committed suicide this morning, there is no reason to fear that Ghislaine Maxwell may do the same any time soon.

Unless, of course, Epstein was actually suicided…"
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/10/19 09:29 PM

confused Jeffrey Epstein was not on suicide watch when he hanged himself confused

Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/10/19 09:34 PM

Something really stinks about this. But hey, that's the understatement of the century.

A lot of powerful people will be sleeping a bit better tonight anyway.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 12:57 AM

Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Something really stinks about this. But hey, that's the understatement of the century.

A lot of powerful people will be sleeping a bit better tonight anyway.

Maybe not, I would think his lawyers are holding some real heavy documents and maybe even more,
Posted By: rickydelta

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 08:46 AM

Lets Hope The Documents make the House Of Cards Fall Big Time . And It Be Good If Bill Clinton in it Too . He Was on That Plane To that Island 26 Times At Least . Its About Time The Unknowing uncaring Smart Phone Zombies Public Get To Know What The So Called Elite Do Behind Closed Doors Or There Sick Islands .
Posted By: Fleming_Ave

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 12:30 PM

Epstein was a lot higher risk of suicide or homicide than the average prisoner. The prison system had to be aware of that. Obviously some prison employee in that jail was not doing his or her job. The question is why?
Posted By: Fleming_Ave

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 12:35 PM

Originally Posted by rickydelta
Got Whacked Like i Said He Would .

You called it, Ricky.
Posted By: rickydelta

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 03:14 PM

@ Fleming Ave . It Was Predictable . No Way He Could Live With the Knowledge He Had on The So Called Scum Elite .
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 07:23 PM

Originally Posted by Fleming_Ave
Epstein was a lot higher risk of suicide or homicide than the average prisoner. The prison system had to be aware of that. Obviously some prison employee in that jail was not doing his or her job. The question is why?

That's the question. They say that Epstein was not on suicide watch, but he should have been one of the top priorities for the system. My view is that due to the large group of retirees in the correctional officers ranks, they are bring in people with less experience and fast to plug up gaps in their staffing positions.
Posted By: Fleming_Ave

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 09:01 PM

Originally Posted by Giacomo_Vacari

That's the question. They say that Epstein was not on suicide watch, but he should have been one of the top priorities for the system. My view is that due to the large group of retirees in the correctional officers ranks, they are bring in people with less experience and fast to plug up gaps in their staffing positions.

I know what you mean Giacomo, that's a valid point. But how hard would it have been for the warden or whatever they call the boss to say, "Keep an eye on that Epstein guy don't let anything happen to him." Issue orders down the chain of command like the army or navy. They had to know that Epstein's death is convenient for a lot of powerful people, that kind of makes this thing smell fishy.
Posted By: Fleming_Ave

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/11/19 09:11 PM

This whole Epstein suicide reminds me of Abe Reles.
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 08/12/19 12:45 AM

Epstein... I know people.

People...we know people.

Attached picture Epstein's Nurse.jpg
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 11/24/19 08:38 PM

Prince Andrew & Epstein:

Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 11/25/19 12:43 AM

That whole interview was bad and it raised a lot more questions then answers. Meeting in Manhattan with Epstein to break up their friendship? I did not see one moment of him showing compassion to Epsteins victims.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 11/25/19 01:21 AM

Epstein is Living in a Bunker.
Posted By: MichaelC

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 01/18/20 08:42 PM

I would love to know what Billy boy was up to. Him nor any other of these politicians will ever get in trouble for what they do
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 01/24/20 02:49 AM

Does anyone really think he killed himself?
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 01/24/20 04:36 PM

Originally Posted by Moe_Tilden
Does anyone really think he killed himself?

Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 02/03/20 03:49 PM

Epstein being deposed about his unusually shaped penis.


Harvey Weinstein has also been in the news recently in regards to his vaguyna.
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 05/09/20 11:15 PM

epstein reminded me of woltz in the first godfather movie. imho he is out of the country living in witness protection.
Posted By: fergie

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/02/20 08:57 PM

Maxwell now arrested, she'll play the victim card...facing multiple life sentences but bet she cuts a deal...she has a LOT of info on some high profile names...
Posted By: fergie

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/02/20 08:59 PM

They cant surely kill her as well...! 😬
Posted By: Paul Pisano

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/02/20 11:22 PM

Originally Posted by fergie
They cant surely kill her as well...! 😬

they will probably put her with jeffrey in witness protection.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/03/20 01:58 AM

Let’s hope it exposes the real creeps.

Bill Clinton

Adam Shiff

Nadler Pelosi

They have all been documented as visiting his private Island.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/03/20 07:15 PM

Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Let’s hope it exposes the real creeps.

Bill Clinton

Adam Shiff

Nadler Pelosi

They have all been documented as visiting his private Island.

Don't hold your breath unfortunately. Too much power. It'll continue to get buried.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/03/20 11:25 PM

Maybe not since they have reported she is going to talk.
Posted By: Irishman12

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/03/20 11:45 PM

Originally Posted by DuesPaid
Maybe not since they have reported she is going to talk.

They said the same thing about Jeffrey and look what happened to him.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/04/20 03:05 AM

She will survive, since Epsteins little black book leaked, at least a partial of it anyway.
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/04/20 10:38 PM

Epstein's British Bitch didn't kill herself... ~~ Prince Andrew
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/04/20 10:41 PM

Originally Posted by fergie
Maxwell now arrested, she'll play the victim card...facing multiple life sentences but bet she cuts a deal...she has a LOT of info on some high profile names...

Hearsay evidence. But what about hard evidence? That remains to be seen. But, knowing the Federal Prison record of sleeping overworked guards, and faulty security cameras... Anything is possible.
Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 07/13/20 08:30 AM

Ghislaine Maxwell deemed suicide-risk and made to wear paper clothes

Posted By: U talkin' da me ??

Re: Jeffrey Epstein - 06/02/23 10:21 PM

New details of Jeffrey Epstein’s death and the frantic aftermath revealed in records obtained by AP


Nearly four years later, the AP has obtained more than 4,000 pages of documents related to Epstein’s death from the Federal Bureau of Prisons under the Freedom of Information Act. They include a detailed psychological reconstruction of the events leading to Epstein’s suicide, as well as his health history, internal agency reports, emails, memos and other records.

The workers tasked with guarding Epstein the night he killed himself, Tova Noel and Michael Thomas, were charged with lying on prison records to make it seem as though they had made their required checks before Epstein was found lifeless. Epstein’s cellmate did not return after a court hearing the day before, and prison officials failed to pair another prisoner with him, leaving him alone.

Prosecutors alleged they were sitting at their desks just 15 feet (4.6 meters) from Epstein’s cell, shopped online for furniture and motorcycles, and walked around the unit’s common area instead of making required rounds every 30 minutes.

During one two-hour period, both appeared to have been asleep, according to their indictment. Noel and Thomas admitted to falsifying the log entries but avoided prison time under a deal with federal prosecutors. Copies of some of those logs were included among the documents released Thursday, with the guards’ signatures redacted.
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