
donald trump, is he for real?

Posted By: Binnie_Coll

donald trump, is he for real? - 08/13/15 07:57 PM

trump can't be for real, a big egotisical blowhard, how can he be leading the field? what are people thinking?

will he really run as a third party, and give the election to Hillary? anybody have any thoughts on what this guy is up to?
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/13/15 08:33 PM

He's a narcissist. Many people like him because he's serious on the immigration issue and they let many of his childish statements slide. His insults sound a lot like the tweets from psychotic actress Amanda Bynes. I think his stupid comments will catch up with him. In a new poll from yesterday in Iowa, Ben Carson was on top, Carly Fiorina second, and Trump third.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/13/15 10:39 PM

thanks for the update faithful, I take it he will soon be gone. thank god!

oh, and faithful I have to know what you think of ben carson?
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 01:17 AM

I see Ben Carson as kind and intelligent gentleman. Like Trump and Fiorina, he's an outsider to politics, so we'll have to see how he's different than the other candidates as the playing field narrows. Just as an example of how things change, at least for me, I liked Kasich, but on a recent interview he gave out weak, vague answers on immigration that was frustrating to listen to. To two biggest reasons why Trump is so popular is that he's strong on immigration and he doesn't give out these "politician-style" answers that sound like Bill Clinton's, "It depends on what the definition of "is" is." People are tired of the bullshit indirect answers. They want someone who's going to fight for them and stand up and tell it like it is.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 01:29 AM

As of now I'll be voting for Ben Carson (cook would tell you otherwise since I'm a racist). I think Trump is an idiot and I think those so called "polls" are just a made up dream by the media.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 02:30 AM

dix, you are a great guy with southern roots like me, pee on cook!!
Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 02:31 AM

As of right now I'm casting my vote for Ben Carson. I look up speech after speech of him on youtube and he blows me away every time. He's SMART. He's not held down by political drama, he's not politically correct, he preaches unity, strength and self reliance. Fuck Obama, THIS guy should have been the first black President. But his color is irrelevant to me. He's simply a man running for President and I'm getting behind him.

Others I'd consider: Fiorina, Rubio, and Kasich. Rand Paul isn't so bad, but he didn't do well in the debate and Chris Christie shut him down.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 03:05 AM

There's one issue beside immigration where I think he has a point. That's trying to develop a better working relationship with Russia. It seems like everyone else in both parties almost want to go to war with Russia. I'd like to see the U.S., NATO and Russia all working on the same side against the Islamo-Nazis.
Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 03:09 AM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
There's one issue beside immigration where I think he has a point. That's trying to develop a better working relationship with Russia. It seems like everyone else in both parties almost want to go to war with Russia. I'd like to see the U.S., NATO and Russia all working on the same side against the Islamo-Nazis.

This is Trump?
Posted By: Turnbull

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 03:13 AM

Trump makes a great deal of his money not from real estate deals, but from marketing his "Trump" brand on golf courses, hotels, etc. His "campaign" is about getting his brand in front of millions of people, courtesy of the news media. He figured them out perfectly: they don't know how to deal with 17 candidates and they're too lazy to try to cover individuals. So, he throws them raw meat and they eat it up.
Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 03:48 AM

Originally Posted By: Turnbull
Trump makes a great deal of his money not from real estate deals, but from marketing his "Trump" brand on golf courses, hotels, etc. His "campaign" is about getting his brand in front of millions of people, courtesy of the news media. He figured them out perfectly: they don't know how to deal with 17 candidates and they're too lazy to try to cover individuals. So, he throws them raw meat and they eat it up.

Astute observation. But I still think he'll eventually burn out and fade away. He may talk tough but he's going to make a remark so stupid it'll cost him. The smart ones like Carson, Fiorina, Kasich and Rubio will make further gains.

As for Walker and Bush, I don't know about their records I need to look them up.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 04:17 AM

Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
There's one issue beside immigration where I think he has a point. That's trying to develop a better working relationship with Russia. It seems like everyone else in both parties almost want to go to war with Russia. I'd like to see the U.S., NATO and Russia all working on the same side against the Islamo-Nazis.

This is Trump?

Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 04:21 AM

Originally Posted By: rockstar_man45
But I still think he'll eventually burn out and fade away. He may talk tough but he's going to make a remark so stupid it'll cost him.

If Trump makes that extra stupid remark he may try to stay in by claiming a disability: He's got Tourette's syndrome. Either that or foot in mouth disease.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 04:33 AM

I think Trump's, Carson's, and Fiorina's poll numbers show a lot of people are sick of the establishment/political class. I'd vote for any of them over Hillary (though, frankly, the idea of a woman president is ridiculous to me.)

If we are lucky Hillary will be prosecuted, Biden will be the Democratic nominee, and all the libs who made all the fuss about Bush being an idiot will look like hypocrites when they vote for Biden.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 10:39 AM

I have been listening to Carsons speeches for a few years now on YouTube.

They are basicly all the same. He speaks about being a brain surgeon and against the progressives.l
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 10:44 AM

On thrump this is why he wont make that pledge not to run on a third party ticket.

The Republican Party has the power to make sure he is not on the ballet on individual states in the primary.

He wants.to be on the ballot in every state. If he is an loses the primary he won't be on a third party ticket.

If they knock him off the ballet in some states. Then he can say he was not treated fairly by the republican part. Then he will run under a third party punishing the Republican Party.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 05:23 PM

How serious is Trump about the illegal immigration issue?

He's made strong statements about better enforcement of existing laws, but he has and continues to exploit the financial benefits of hiring illegals in several if not most of his businesses.

Do as I say,not as I do?

There's a way that businesses legally circumvent these laws about hiring illegals and I'm certain Trump will hide behind this when/if he gets exposed for employing illegals for the the pennies on the dollar that people LEGALLY here would work for.

I think that illegal immigration will eventually strain the resources of this country in ways that will turn EVERYBODY vehemently against it....but for now calling BS on Trump's words.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 06:33 PM

trump gets away with a lot from the media, he went bankrupt 3 times, leaving hundreds of people devastated financially, why doesn't the media call him on this?

or as gets posted call him on the hiring of illegals, why is he getting preferential coverage.
Posted By: Alfa Romeo

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 06:44 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
How serious is Trump about the illegal immigration issue?

He's made strong statements about better enforcement of existing laws, but he has and continues to exploit the financial benefits of hiring illegals in several if not most of his businesses.

Do as I say,not as I do?

There's a way that businesses legally circumvent these laws about hiring illegals and I'm certain Trump will hide behind this when/if he gets exposed for employing illegals for the the pennies on the dollar that people LEGALLY here would work for.

I think that illegal immigration will eventually strain the resources of this country in ways that will turn EVERYBODY vehemently against it....but for now calling BS on Trump's words.

getnets, I remember several days ago when the mass media misreported Trumps words and misrepresented what he said. They tried to make him look as if he completely changed his mind about illegal immigration and began to favor a path to citizenship. I was totally incredulous. I went on the internet and did a search of the video that displayed the full interview in question. Guess what? He did not backtrack. He said *everybody* needs to go back home, and the good ones can return...legally.

That's why he is still riding high in the polls.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 08:01 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
How serious is Trump about the illegal immigration issue?

He's made strong statements about better enforcement of existing laws, but he has and continues to exploit the financial benefits of hiring illegals in several if not most of his businesses.

Do as I say,not as I do?

There's a way that businesses legally circumvent these laws about hiring illegals and I'm certain Trump will hide behind this when/if he gets exposed for employing illegals for the the pennies on the dollar that people LEGALLY here would work for.

I think that illegal immigration will eventually strain the resources of this country in ways that will turn EVERYBODY vehemently against it....but for now calling BS on Trump's words.

Gettthesents no thrump does not hire illegals. He does hire Mexicans but legal Mexicans.

He hires from a source that checks the back grounds of who he hires. So your wrong about that
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 08:05 PM

Both parties are giving out misinformation about trump.

Demorates obviously and republicans that don't want him in the race.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 08:09 PM

Recently thrump said this about planned parenthood. He does not want to fund the abortion. But he also said he does not want to defund everything they do.

Republicans hated that because it is a hot bottom issue. But what he said may very well be true.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 08:48 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Gettthesents no thrump does not hire illegals. He does hire Mexicans but legal Mexicans.

He hires from a source that checks the backgrounds of who he hires. So your wrong about that

Highly unlikely that undocumented workers aren't working for Trump when you look at some of the businesses that he owns.
Just a reality of doing business in 2015.

I'm not limiting this to Mexicans. Trump singled them out but there are undocumented workers from a lot of places.

Like I said earlier, eventually someone will uncover this stuff and Trump will blame the "hiring agency".

In Trump fashion....when asked about it...he told the reporter to "tell me who the illegals who work for me are.....so I can FIRE them"
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/14/15 08:58 PM

Originally Posted By: Alfa Romeo

getnets, I remember several days ago when the mass media misreported Trumps words and misrepresented what he said. They tried to make him look as if he completely changed his mind about illegal immigration and began to favor a path to citizenship. I was totally incredulous. I went on the internet and did a search of the video that displayed the full interview in question. Guess what? He did not backtrack. He said *everybody* needs to go back home, and the good ones can return...legally.

That's why he is still riding high in the polls.


I found myself looking up Trump's comments in the beginning because I thought "nah, he didn't say THAT in public". He did in fact say some of the earlier stuff*,

Now, you're right and Turnbull is right. Trump is exploiting the media and the media is exploiting the public. At this point people will believe that Trump ACTUALLY said whatever he's reported to have said.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/15/15 07:54 PM

Rockstar I'm with you, unless he sticks his foot in his mouth I'll be voting for Carson if I had to vote today.

And gets,

Great post about Trump and hiring illegals. I guarantee you he has illegals under him somewhere.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/15/15 09:51 PM

If anyone here has hired contractors to work on a house or any structure, it's the contractor who is responsible for hiring. Not only that, but the Obama administration has made it illegal and discriminatory to even ask about a person's legal status. A few years ago Meg Whitman ran for governor of California. Because of the law, when she found out that her housekeeper was illegal she had to let her go. She did exactly what she was supposed to do, but a Democratic operative used that against her like she did something wrong or illegal. You can't have it both ways. You can't blame someone for hiring a contractor who uses illegals if you can't even ask about the status of someone you personally hire.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/17/15 01:39 AM


no kindle

I guess my overall point is that Trump isn't the first nor will he be the last to spout rhetoric that is contrary to his past ACTIONS.

He's just being so transparently full of s*it that it insults my intelligence.

The illegal immigrant issue..and some of his rhetoric about Chinese business practices directly go against his personal interests.
When has big business ever NOT benefited from surplus of cheap labor ? In one of the long discussions we had, we talked about how big business(northern industries) benefited from late 19th century/early 20th century European immigrants...and later from mass migration of Blacks from the rural south to the urban northern manufacturing centers.In both instances...they could pay newly arrived(im)migrant a fraction of what the old workforce would accept for the same job. The glut of undocumented workers the past few decades has the same effect...and big business (including the likes of Trump)will exploit this cheaper labor pool.

It's disingenuous for Trump to pander to blue collar America(among other groups)by speaking out against "undocumented people". If it were genuine, then Trump would apply STRINGENT wording in his contracts with these agencies about not hiring ANYBODY without a valid SS #. But of course he doesn't.....and there's no doubt that there are people who work directly for companies that Trump owns who are undocumented. For all his rhetoric about controlling the 2,000 mile US/Mexico border...I'd like to see him control the Trump payroll and not let any illegals slip through THOSE cracks.

Here is a 1991 NYT article about a federal judge ruling against Trump in a case about this topic.


OK...now about the clothing line and more contradictions. It's a licensing deal that has been going on for over 10 years. Now, the company that made the deal had factories or partnerships with factories in foreign countries WAY before they signed Trump and will continue to have them way after Trump is dropped.

but this is HILARIOUS

Again, licensing deal has been going for over 10 years. If there was anything genuine behind some of Trump's rhetoric..we would see specific wording in the licensing deal requiring a certain % of the merchandise to be made in America, earmarking certain amount of money to restore existing American clothing factories,etc,etc,etc But I'd bet money that no such wording exists in the contracts.

So Trump is saying some of these comments, and to the people he's pandering to at the moment ...it sounds great but it's just talk.

Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/17/15 02:44 AM

Trump's Official Position on Immigration Reform

published on his site 08/16/15

Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/17/15 02:57 PM

Kasich is going to get an endorsement from Robert Bentley, Governor of Alabama, which is huge for him going forward. He needs the support of the southern conservatives and the northern blue collar types for that broad appeal the Republicans need in the upcoming election
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/17/15 08:50 PM

It would help more if Bentley was a major player which he isn't, so it won't help as much as you think.
Posted By: Primo

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/18/15 09:28 PM

Not Trump related necessarily but a image I thought was sort of amusing. We here in Canad are also having an election soon and this is one of our candidates talking about our middle class compared with Hillary.

Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/18/15 11:46 PM

All politicians lie to suit their purpose.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/18/15 11:52 PM

The biggest lie progressives sold the middle class was to be jealous of any one who has more then they have.

Progressives answer was raise taxes on the rich instead of trying to bring the middle class income higher.

People never bought that but now they do. How's that working for the middle class are they better off or worse now?
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/19/15 09:39 AM

I'm going to vote for Trump because he gets the way things work and can get the job done. Wharton School of Business is not for dummies. He could live anywhere. Chooses here. Wants to make US great again. Look at Putin. Look at Trump. We need strenght and he has it in spades. He brought up the Silent Majority a term not heard in years. We wouldn't be redoing our healthcare if we didn't have all these illegals here that need help. He states they can come "legally". Also states Americans should be hired first. 100 % of the jobs since 1999 have been filled by illegals. And some say the legals should be cut back by 25%. Pick up Coulter's Adios America! The left's plan to turn America into a thrid world hellhole.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/19/15 11:10 AM

After my youngest daughter graduated college in 2002 she move to Germany to live.

At that time in Germany the unemployment rate was a real 15 percent. Which is what the real number are here now in the U.S. Not those bullshit number they try to pass of here.

In Germany then and now if a German company wants to hire a non German they had to produce a letter stating why a Germany could not do that job. Before they can hire a non German that is exactly what they should do here in the U.S.

When she moved to Germany she had a hard time finding work. I knew she was too thick headed to come home where her Columbia university degree with honors meant something,

So I was supplementing her income.

In Germany she got a job teaching German children English. She also took American tourists on sightseeing tours. Also translating German into English at Berlin university. She even had a paper route.

So it was not easy for her over the next two years. Then she got a job with a German pharmaceutical company. That was where she made it big.

Now she opens new branches offices for that company all over the world. They even have an office in New Jersey some where.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/19/15 11:18 AM

On her job search in Germany they asked her what skills do you have. Not what degree do you have. They would rather have people with a trade.

That is what we need here the government if you want to pay for a trade school for the unemployed to learn a useable trade.

We need to make things again. All the governments talks about is college. Fuck college learning a trade is better. Learn a trade you have the freedom to work any place you want. Your not locked into an area work any where.

A lot of carpenters and other trades in Germany. They can make what ever you want.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/19/15 10:05 PM

great posts foots, especially about raising the middle class up, bush's tax cuts hurt the middle class terribly, because they had to pay more taxes, because the rich got huge breaks, the middle class didn't.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/20/15 05:19 PM

Tax move to a state with low taxes. You just pissing your money away on high tax states.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/21/15 12:19 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Learn a trade you have the freedom to work any place you want. Your not locked into an area work any where.

Agreed. I can work ANYWHERE in the U.S. that I want if I wanted to. I could quit tonight and have a job in California tomorrow and be working by Monday. Other countries as well if I wanted.

That's what chaps my hide these days with these young kids. They don't know any trade but they think they should make top pay right away.
Posted By: rockstar_man45

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/21/15 01:23 PM

Originally Posted By: dixiemafia
Originally Posted By: Footreads
Learn a trade you have the freedom to work any place you want. Your not locked into an area work any where.

Agreed. I can work ANYWHERE in the U.S. that I want if I wanted to. I could quit tonight and have a job in California tomorrow and be working by Monday. Other countries as well if I wanted.

That's what chaps my hide these days with these young kids. They don't know any trade but they think they should make top pay right away.

It's the same in white collar businesses.

My Aunt is a very high ranking member of a company in the Pacific Northwest, and she interviews Millennials all the time. She says most of them come into the interview poorly dressed, with high expectations, and have poor manners.

And my Aunt isn't one of these super old judgmental types. She's still young, smart, and very resourceful. But you know dixie, it's this stupid 'everyone gets a trophy' culture we've bred. Kids now are sheltered and are told they are 'special'.

Is it any wonder these people turn down decent paying jobs?
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/21/15 03:13 PM

white collar work now have a ton of people looking for work at the same job. So business can get people to work for less money then before.

However if you work as a division head and head a east coast part of a company. Then you are in demand. My oldest son does that work. He is in his forties. Been in sales his whole working life. He could retire now if he wanted too.

He never bought a house because that can keep you in one area. He rather lease a house.
Posted By: Yogi Barrabbas

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/21/15 03:35 PM

His hair isnt!!
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 08/23/15 03:18 AM

I am starting to like him the more I review what he says.

He is the only one running that speaks my language,,,,,,,,,,

Common Scence.
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 09/11/15 03:23 AM

Today they announce that the figures on the ISIS attacks are all wrong and reported incorrectly to make it look like we are gaining on the problem. WH press man said he hadn't spoken to the president yet about this. Jeez. Then backtrack to the deal that got slammed through and we didn't get the 4 Americans back. Isn't President's main duty to keep Americans safe. Hate to interrupt his golf game but what does he do all day -- we know he doesn't read his intel or do his morning briefings.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 09/11/15 03:21 PM

I have been listening to a lot of trumps interviews with so called well prepared newsmen trying to trip him up.

When they ask him question on the economy and how and why places like China are devaluating their currency. Trump is schooling them on why they are doing it.

On the Iranian deal he had some interesting things on how to deal with it.

On Iran deal Iran already got their 150 billion. All the counties that had sanctions on Iran are not going to put them back into place and all are now doing business with Iran.

If Israel attacks Iran we the United States supposed to protect Iran. Obama is a fucking traitor and so are Secretaries of State.

Best thing for the U.S. Is to elect thrump president.

They asked him what he thought of raising the min wage. He said we do that the companies that left won't do business here. If they bring back the trillions to invest here they have to pay 30 percent in taxes on that money when it comes in.

Let them bring the money back tax free keep the minimum wage as it was. There will be more job and people will find themselves making a lot more money.

He knows economics and how to get job growth.
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 10/14/15 02:09 AM

Why does Carson look so tired and sleep eyed when interviewed? Could be the lights are bright at interview or he is really campaigning hard.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 10/14/15 04:32 AM

I imagine it is taxing on the body to travel this much. They cover a shitload of ground this time of year.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 10/14/15 04:57 AM

Some people hate to travel and some people love to travel.

My son just signed a two year contract with another firm. It requires that he travels three or four days a week practically every week. His plan is that he would retire after this contract is up.

They are paying him a lot of money. He was hired to double their business by the end of those two years.

I used to travel for business. But I could not do that kind of travel.

On Carson that is Carson a low key guy.

Look at Obama he loves traveling.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 10/14/15 04:59 AM

See the democratic debate? I fell a sleep watching it. If you listened to the socialist he wanted to do the same things Obama wanted to do word for word.
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 10/14/15 07:44 AM

I'm telling ya, my vote is still with Carson. Funny how a lot of us hicks from the South will be voting for Carson as I know a lot of my buddies and people I know around the state are voting for him too. I still have a feeling it will be close in Alabama between Trump and Carson and I mean close. Sadly most here don't watch the debates or anything and will vote for Trump just because they think he is perfect.

I would really love to see Trump or Carson as VP's if they cannot win the bid.

Foot, I watched what I could and I agree. Sanders has some good stuff but NO WAY I could vote for an idiot that said himself he is a "Democratic Socialist". WTF???
Posted By: dixiemafia

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 10/14/15 07:49 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Some people hate to travel and some people love to travel.

My son just signed a two year contract with another firm. It requires that he travels three or four days a week practically every week. His plan is that he would retire after this contract is up.

They are paying him a lot of money. He was hired to double their business by the end of those two years.

I used to travel for business. But I could not do that kind of travel.

On Carson that is Carson a low key guy.

Look at Obama he loves traveling.

Until you get kids Foot (not saying you, just saying in general) the traveling gets old but I might have slept more in hotel beds than my own. When I started climbing way back in the day I enjoyed traveling and we worked out of town EVERY DAY but now I only want to be gone 2-3 weeks and then send my ass home. lol But with utility workers, we really do get a rush to work a storm and try to get y'alls power back on as quick as we can. To knock out say 2 million outages in 2 weeks is saying something so we kind of enjoy that and plus after about a week we turn into robots and generally don't know what day it is half the time.

Since me and the old lady split I've wanted to hit the road more often which I've done work wise and vacation wise as I spent that month in Denver and just got back Sunday from the Gulf Coast but not much travel with work so far but I imagine December might be busy for us. Now that I've moved back in with the folks for now I want to travel every damn day lol
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/01/15 10:15 AM

Rubio used Bush but good and then ran and announced before Bush. He is sort of a pip squeak weiner. Not sound on immigration and is always talking about his parents and yada yada enough already. Ben Carson is good but can't see him sticking up to Putin. Can see Trump getting things back on track for the country. He will strengthen the military and he will stand up to Putin. And I want to see him build the wall! Too many illegals that drag the country down, have to insure them, etc. and the Dream Act everything for others, nothing for our own. So wrong on so many levels. And if they were intelligent they would enter legally and learn English. Think of the savings alone on not printing things in Spanish and English! Hey it's my country too! Too many parents have lost children to the drug dealers that hop over the fence and hook their kids on drugs. Immigration is a big problem, don't fool yourselves. Why do you think we had to redo healthcare?
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/06/15 12:02 AM

All the "cans" are going to protest SNL when Trump is on. More publicity!
Posted By: pmac

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/06/15 04:57 AM

Is this black guy for real? He basically just pushed Trump off my cable TV in the last 2 weeks. Think this is my first time posting on this side anyhow good nite. Chris Christie talking this shit about getting rid of abortion. Dude shut up its 2015 go back to the 50 tys. Make girls start sticking coat hangers up there . get real I no he's just telling people what he they want to hear. I don't really care and I'm guessing Clinton got it in the bag. Good bye this side. Pmac.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/06/15 03:02 PM

Putin as his own troubles. The Russian plane was blown up by Isis. The Russians are trying to cover up the fact that it was terrorism. The Brits and American released that it was a bomb on the plane.

If you guys know any Russians here in the US. They love Putin they think he is the best thing since bullets. He does not want to admit that Isis attacked the great Russian nation.

Oh on Saturday night live the pac that is started this who hired Mexican kids to use bad language against trump is owned by a white man. The same white man who supports Hilliard Clinton. What a surprise.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/06/15 07:17 PM

Carson just took a hit on the book he is promoting. He lied in his book on some of the stories in his childhood. Liberal media will try to crush him on things that happened when he was 14. smile
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/06/15 11:26 PM

Nobody proved that Carson lied on some of the stories in his book. He said he had anger issues and hit somebody. All the media could find was people who didn't recall him having anger issues. We're talking about people trying to recall someone else in school about 50 years ago.

Then they tried to challenge him on the West Point scholarship program and said they don't have one. West Point used to have one. Carson was in the ROTC and met with someone from West Point. Carson never said he applied for a scholarship, just that he was offered one.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 12:30 AM

A few people I ran track with in high school went to the service academies. It's a long process to apply, and there is no tuition at these academies. There are no scholarships to the Naval Academy,etc.

Unless things were different in Carson's day....just a clear case of Carson and the biographer stretching the truth for whatever reason.

Media did succeed in tripping Carson up and getting him to admit that he lied, which was their aim I guess.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 01:00 AM

The media has their knives out for Carson because they're out for Hillary to win.

For West Point, normally one is sponsored by a congressman or congresswoman, and there wasn't a direct application. They did offer scholarships. Here's an ad in Black Enterprise magazine:

Here's another ad where it says that each year 1200 people take advantage of scholarships: https://twitter.com/morgenr/status/662699371541065728/photo/1?ref_src=twsrc^tfw
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 01:16 AM


Washington Post attacks Politico's credibility on bogus Ben Carson story:

CNN Business on where Politico went wrong (read: screwed up): http://money.cnn.com/2015/11/06/media/ben-carson-politico-west-point/index.html

National Review explains: http://www.dailywire.com/news/960/no-ben-carson-didnt-lie-about-west-point-its-ben-shapiro

Then Politico claimed that Hillary Clinton's emails didn't contain highly classified info (trying to cover her back), except it wasn't true:
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 02:50 AM


By reading the headlines the past few weeks, CLEARLY there is an agenda to derail Ben Carson. Depending on the political slant of the outlet....they will cover up or brush of transgressions by a candidate they are promoting and then vilify a candidate they are against for the SAME actions.

Has happened numerous times.There was a former Klan member elected official who died a few years back who happened to have a (D)next to his name and ,of course, his obituary and the words spoken at his funeral were about "forgiveness".."changing" "correcting our errors" in most of the media. Senator Byrd. We both know that if there was an (R) next to his name...the news segments would have been accompanied by Klan imagery and burning crosses. It all stinks which is why I just read the headlines....chuckle...go back to what I was doing before reading the headlines.

Media bias or not though...what Carson wrote in that passage of the book is false. There are technically no scholarships to service academies....your admission and commitment to serve is your "scholarship". I consider what was written as stretching the truth more than an outright lie, but he wrote a false story.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 03:40 AM


In regard to your last paragraph, all I can say is "check the links." If you do a Google Books search of "Black Enterprise" and "West Point" you will see that during the early 1990s that West Point in fact did have scholarships and used the word. Like I wrote, in West Point's own ad it says that in one year that 1200 scholarships were given out. It also spells out what is meant by scholarship: free tuition and free room and board. In Carson's case we're talking about 45 years ago. So maybe they don't do it now, but in their own words, they did it then.

Posted By: helenwheels

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 05:06 AM

Every appointee cadet at WP is on a scholarship. The USMA doesn't charge anyone tuition, it's paid by the army. The cadets pay the army back with a minimum of 5 years service upon graduation.

They are also paid while attending WP, current rate is $7200 per year. They're responsible for paying certain of their own expenses from this pay, part of which is deposited directly into a cadet account.

I'll be kind on this and say he misled, as opposed to lied. He wrote the book 20 years ago, when he probably had no idea that he would run for the nomination. He was writing an 'inspirational' biography.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 07:09 AM

If West Point can pay for ads in magazines saying that they have scholarships, then Carson neither lied nor misled. He's saying what West Point itself says.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 09:44 AM


It would have been truthful for Carson to have said that he was encouraged to apply to West Point. Some of my teammates in high school, including an early mentor of mine*...ended up applying to service academies.Very long process to apply and it's not just based on a gpa, or board scores. Not as though somebody at the institutions just saw someone's transcript/school record and could give them a slot for admission.
Carson never sent an application to West Point .He was not offered admission to West Point, so in no way can he truthfully write that he was "offered a scholarship" there.

I read the BE ad, and that's actually a good pull because the ad actually uses the term "scholarship". Whether one subscribes to the idea that service academies don't offer scholarships or to the idea that every midshipman,cadet,etc there is on scholarship, Carson's claim that he was offered a scholarship to WP is in no way accurate.
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 01:34 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Whether one subscribes to the idea that service academies don't offer scholarships or to the idea that every midshipman,cadet,etc there is on scholarship, Carson's claim that he was offered a scholarship to WP is in no way accurate.


Now we have to get to the bottom of his attempted stabbing claims and his trying to hit his mother with a hammer. This calls for an extended one-on-one interview with Ben Carson, conducted by Brian Williams wink
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 03:56 PM


Yeah and the fact that these issues are coming up now just bolster F1's point about some in media out to get Carson off track.

I've read about Carson since I was a kid.I'm certain I read the first Ebony magazine article about him, and in fact I was asked to record the Cuba Gooding tv/cable film about his life and burn to dvd for a youth church group.

Before Carson got involved in politics(and apparently on the "wrong side") he was a media hero. The violent past he had and the incidents were taken as truth in every book,report,article or interview about him EVER.

When candidate runs for national office, of course everything gets super scrutinized BUT 99% of the time the candidate did worse things than what they've admitted. Carson is being challenged for not being as much of a delinquent as he claimed. Only other time I've seen this angle taken is when rappers are called out for being "studio gangsters" by other rappers for lying about the violence or crimes in their songs.

Carson is not a career politician, so the standard grime attached to candidates just isn't there. He appears to have been a faithful husband, so that kind of grime doesn't exist either.

If the best the media has on you is that you weren't offered a scholarship to a service academy and that you didn't stab people or attack your mother..I'd say you're ahead of the game.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 10:01 PM

It is interesting that all of the media has not been able to get shit on Thrump. smile the next debate is on the economy. Unlike the other who did not ask shit on the economy.

None of the people on the next debate know more about the economy then Thrump.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/07/15 10:21 PM

Don't forget those New York Times articles on Marco Rubio's parking tickets. Four tickets over 17 years in Florida. Yeah, that was a major news story worthy of publication in the supposed "newspaper of record." It's these kinds of petty-ass stories that the left-wing media likes to use to go after GOP politicians. How about the story on Mitt Romney's dog in a cage on top of the car when they were traveling in the 1970s? I remember people doing that and it was no big deal, yet he was denounced as being supposedly cruel to animals. Then they went after him for a single bullying incident in high school. Funny that I don't recall the media ever looking into Bill Clinton's or Al Gore's or Obama's high school past for bullying incidents.
They do this because they want to make them seem mean and unlikable.

Now their target is a hero to the black community (and to many others), a man who did 15,000 surgeries and saved lives, a man who personally donated at least a million dollars of his own money to charity and has his own charitable foundation. A man who talks softly and almost always has a smile on his face. Yes, he stated that he personally believes that the Egyptian pyramids were used to store grain, and there's no evidence to support that. So what? How does that affect policy or anyone else's life?

The point is, the debate should be about policy. Often, however, even when policy is discussed it's a straw man version. Recall that the Democrats a few years ago made a video of Paul Ryan throwing grandma over a cliff. New York Congressman Charles Rangel regularly compared GOP politicians to Nazis and the Klan and I can't recall a single time that Democrat politicians repudiated that kind of speech, but I can recall Ben Carson challenged on calling Obamacare "the worst thing since slavery." I personally disagree with Carson's hyperbole and think that it's extreme and unwarranted, and much of the media agrees. But why doesn't that same media call out Democratic politicians when they engage in hyperbole? That is Carson's point in recent press conferences and interviews. There's a double-standard, and that double-standard should be obvious to anyone with an IQ of more than 10 who watches or reads the news.
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/08/15 06:15 PM

What's with this Carson stuff and West Point? And Trump was fantastic on SNL. He's got it in spades!
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/08/15 10:52 PM

The media is going thru Carson's books trying to verify everything. That's hard to do going back 50 years. There's also a desire to show that he's a liar to ruin his credibility. Yesterday I saw a new hit piece in the Wall Street Journal claiming that a story Carson told about an incident that happened at Yale never happened. Carson said he took a class called Perception, then the author said he spoke to someone at Yale who told him that they never had a class by that name. Today Carson posted to his Facebook page a copy of a class syllabus for a class called...wait...PERCEPTION. These "reporters" do a little superficial research then give up and say because they didn't find it, it doesn't exist.

It's also possible that Carson, in trying to recall things from many years earlier, might be off on a couple things by a day, a week, or a month. If you were to ask me the name of the elementary school I went to, I couldn't tell you. When I was growing up I moved around a lot. How many people writing a book when they are 40 or 50 or 60 years old are going to remember specific dates in their childhood? I bet it wouldn't be very many. Doesn't mean that the person is lying -- which is defined as a "deliberate intent to deceive" -- but is merely mistaken on the chronology. So if Carson wrote in his book that he met with General Westmoreland in May but the meeting actually happened in February, it does not mean that the meeting never happened. Carson just got the month wrong. Instead of the media seeing it that way, they twist it to mean that he never met with the general at all.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/10/15 01:53 AM

Hmm. I thought this thread was about Trump. He's a loud mouth buffoon. I could just see him in England meeting the queen, "so what's with the hat?"
Posted By: helenwheels

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/10/15 02:49 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Hmm. I thought this thread was about Trump. He's a loud mouth buffoon. I could just see him in England meeting the queen, "so what's with the hat?"

Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/10/15 11:25 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
Hmm. I thought this thread was about Trump. He's a loud mouth buffoon. I could just see him in England meeting the queen, "so what's with the hat?"

Did you know that Trump hit on Princess Di after her divorce from Charles? True story.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/10/15 12:55 PM

[quote=MaryCas]Hmm. I thought this thread was about Trump. He's a loud mouth buffoon. I could just see him in England meeting the queen, "so what's with the hat?" [/quot

He probably has met the Queen
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/10/15 12:56 PM

Good debate tonight on fox business all about the economy. Should not miss it.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/13/15 06:20 PM

Never heard of a guy getting so much heat for NOT committing a crime.

here is the made for cable film about Carson's life

I remember the film, because like I said I recorded it for a pastor to show a group of teens.

the re-enactment of the stabbing takes place at roughly 42 minute mark

the alleged hammer incident with his mom..at 40:43 mark

no audio

Posted By: fergie

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 11/21/15 12:11 AM

Id hate to think Trump could be president, but it is refreshing he speaks his mind (I think he does at least, unless even that is managed by flunkies)..anyway, here's a really honest opinion of him:

Posted By: fergie

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 12/10/15 12:20 PM

There's petition flying around online at the moment to ban Trump from the UK in light of his recent comments about banning muslims from entering the US -its hit nearly half a million signatures so far. So much for free speech...what we do apparently find acceptable though (without even being able to talk about a petition for fear of being beaten down as "racist") are so called Islamic "hate preachers" to shout on for hours in local parks in London about how much they hate the UK and trying their best to cause divides and encourage a jihad.

I heard some asshole on the radio this morning asking how Trump would feel if the UK decided to ban all Americans from entering the UK...and actually being given a platform to explain her point!! WTF! There's also talk about boycotting his business ventures here...that'll obviously just hit the people trying to earn a living but the rabid minority just want their way.

Luckily, another petition has started to NOT ban him from the UK and its at 400k...probably a safer way of free speech than other methods mind you, just ask Charlie Hebdo HQ in France.

I am though, thinking about starting a petition to ban online petitions...!
Posted By: Crash

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 12/10/15 01:31 PM

He is for real and i commend his will to bring all the important issues to the forefront .
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/13/16 10:42 PM

England just banned Thrump from going to England because all the talk about banning muslems from the US.

I did not know England has been completely taken over by Muslims. Makes me want to visit them smile
Posted By: gangstereport

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/16/16 01:05 AM

Posted By: MaryCas

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/16/16 01:22 AM

Hey, just what we need in America.. a rude President.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/20/16 07:02 AM

whether people like it or not, trump will get the republican nomination for president,

shows you what happens to a party when they let the far right take over.
he can never win, and he will cause the republicans losing the senate and house.

republican party will pay a heavy price come November, trump will destroy the party.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/20/16 07:37 AM

Just like what happened under Obama on the extreme left. But once we get to owing 21 trillion it will be too late for us in any case.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/20/16 01:00 PM

IMO Big mistake for Trump to align himself with Sarah Palin.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/21/16 12:41 PM

Whoopi Goldberg said if Thrump was elected President she would leave the country.

Terrific reason to vote for Thrump.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/21/16 12:54 PM

Rosie the Pig O'Donnell said the same thing.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/21/16 01:05 PM

^ Enough said! We're just finishing up eight years of bullshit. Its time for a radical change. And if he doesnt stick to his word, at least you know we'll have interesting news to tune into. Look at everything Obama wanted and got because he said so. Why cant Trump do the same? He needs to team up with a strong military leader with great knowledge of foreign policy. I just wish somebody would explain why I bust my ass and make a good living but get penalized with taxes and receive absolutely no reward. But some female who came here illegally can have three kids and get free insurance, housing, food stamps, maybe even a cell phone, big fat tax returns, and free college for all her kids. Its time to clean this liberal country up. Sorry for the tangent, just got home from work and I felt like venting.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/21/16 02:16 PM

Don't be fooled by that. No matter what they get its not enough to have a good life on.

Obama likes to talk about the middle class. What he is talking about is lower middle class not about people getting to upper middle class.

Plus when you raise taxes you will also have to raise taxes on the middle class not just the rich to pay for those things.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/21/16 05:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
IMO Big mistake for Trump to align himself with Sarah Palin.

Palin's son got drunk...struck his girlfriend...pulled gun out...police called and he was arrested..

Somehow a grown man beating up women is not HIS fault....but because the administration doesn't support it's vets (he did 1 year in Iraq)

Perhaps her daughter's multiple unwed pregnancies are Obama's fault as well.

Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 01:47 PM

Mother does not have control over children.

They don't always do what you want them to do.

So now your going to blame ma and dad for what the kids do?
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 01:55 PM

Palin has a following with conservatives. The Iowa caucus is very close. Maybe that gets Thrump enough vote to beat the Spanish Canadian guy.

Some people in Iowa told people there that the Spanish Canadian guy was lying about ethenol.

That might be enough for Thrump to win Iowa. Contrary to what Thrump was saying he is not using much money on his campaign.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 02:03 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Mother does not have control over children.

They don't always do what you want them to do.

So now your going to blame ma and dad for what the kids do?

You're right,Foot.

I highlighted the fact that he was a GROWN man beating up women. Not his parents' fault and SURELY not the administration's fault.HIS actions.....shame on his mom for assigning blame to the govt. for her son's actions.And shame on that crowd for not booing her off stage.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 03:37 PM

I see your point Get and, similarly goes to Hillary for her constant lies (Benghazi, emails, her server, Black Lives Matters over All lives matter, Benghazi lies to the family members, her dead broke claim, her Wall street support, getting Chelsea a job, assigning blame to Bill's victims and in all, What difference does it make? She should be booed off the stage and be taken out in handcuffs. Just my opinion Gets.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 03:44 PM

Oh and as far as using your children, she's up there too: Here are some lies that came out of her mouth, Remember when:
1. Chelsea Clinton was jogging around the World Trade Center on 9/11. Immensely insensitive to those who actually were affected by this horrific attack, Hillary later admitted that Chelsea was actually safely in her Union Square apartment at the time of the attack.

2. She landed under sniper fire in Bosnia. In true Brian Williams-esque form, to listen to Hillary’s account, she was ducking and running in a dramatic M*A*S*H-type arrival scene in fear for her life. In actuality, she and Chelsea can be seen on video walking across the Bosnian tarmac… smiling and greeting well-wishers. But hey, anybody could misremember deadly sniper fire, right?

3. She was named after Sir Edmund Hillary, one of the first two men to climb Mt. Everest. This one’s just embarrassing. Sir Hillary didn’t actually climb Mt. Everest (AKA, achieve any fame worth naming a child after) until Hillary Clinton was 6 years old. Ouch. So either Hillary’s mom was lying about her namesake Hillary’s entire life, or she waited until Hillary was 6 to name her, or Hillary just, you know, misspoke. Again.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 05:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
I see your point Get and, similarly goes to Hillary for her constant lies (Benghazi, emails, her server, Black Lives Matters over All lives matter, Benghazi lies to the family members, her dead broke claim, her Wall street support, getting Chelsea a job, assigning blame to Bill's victims and in all, What difference does it make? She should be booed off the stage and be taken out in handcuffs. Just my opinion Gets.

You are absolutely right,Bean. And Clinton's actions like Track Palin's ARE criminal and she should be arrested like he was.
I take exceptions to the actions/words of politicians of every background . After one of the recent mass shootings, the president made comments about gun control BEFORE the victims had even been buried. I wrote about how it was inappropriate and in poor taste. F1 pointed out to me that Rahm Emmanuel was quoted as saying that "(politicians) should never let a serious crisis go to waste"

I hate what American politics has become....or maybe I was just naive and it's always been this way..but actions/words/policies should be called out. "Side versus side" nonsense keeps people quiet about the BS that somebody on their "side" does and political discussions are generally dead ends because people don't concede points

*The comedian Sinbad is the one who exposed Hillary's "dodging bullets" lie......he aired her out in an interview and the press located the footage.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 06:11 PM

I agree with you Gets. I too hate what American Politics have become. I am tired of the same old politcal bullshitters (democrats and Republicans) in power but, something inside is telling me that maybe I should pick a non politcian this time around. For the first time I can't decide on who to vote. I just don't trust them anymore.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 07:03 PM

Anyone who is paying attention should know the Obama economy is a joke. So we should elect another democrat so it will get worse? The bozo could not even help is own people the Kenya smile I meant black Americans.

He could not even help Christians dying in the Mid East. He is a Christian Right?

He is a follower never was a leader.

I am amazed the Israeli have not tried to hurt the Iranian nuclear by now. Waiting for us how stupid are they? They deserve what they get by waiting.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/23/16 07:47 PM


at least Trump is being consistent with the "birther" angle...he got a lot of press and mileage out of it with Obama and now Cruz.

He's throwing a lot of things on the wall and seeing what sticks. I fully expect to see tv or internet ads with the Canadian flag behind Ted Cruz's face in the months to come. I'll bump this post when that happens.

The Obama criticisms are valid and the Rep. candidates are actually running against Obama's record...the same way the Dem. candidates were really running against the two term president Bush's record back in 2008.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 01/29/16 07:15 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
whether people like it or not, trump will get the republican nomination for president,

shows you what happens to a party when they let the far right take over.
he can never win, and he will cause the republicans losing the senate and house.

republican party will pay a heavy price come November, trump will destroy the party.

the second bush destroyed the republican party

that's why anyone is entertaining voting for donald trump
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/04/16 04:20 AM

How about the Democrates extreme Left. We had almost 8 yrs of socialism. We oue 19 trillion should be 22 trillion.

Obama spoke at a mosque the FBI is watching. There about to indict Mrs. Clinton and possiblely Mr. Clinton.

I doubt if Thrump wins the nomination. He actually is just another democrat.

Cubans are comming here in droves from Cuba. Do you have any idea the benefits they will be getting. Look it up it will surprise you.

I would take the second bush over 100 obama's and 100 clintons.

The great thing I hope Sanders or Clinton wins. Then we see what happens to the beloved middle class.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/04/16 04:23 AM

Binnie what will you do when they come to take your guns away?
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/04/16 10:54 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Binnie what will you do when they come to take your guns away?

And that would not be too far into the future if Hillary gets elected.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/14/16 01:41 PM

"People of ancient Rome wanted to go to the Colosseum while their country crumbled around them" Dr. Ben Carson on debate and "blood sport" that ensued

Donald Trump is about yelling and insults instead of substance, the one point he made about Iraq War which waa good was only used to insult Jeb Bush. This guy is a fool
Posted By: short841

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/15/16 08:05 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
How about the Democrates extreme Left. We had almost 8 yrs of socialism. We oue 19 trillion should be 22 trillion.

Obama spoke at a mosque the FBI is watching. There about to indict Mrs. Clinton and possiblely Mr. Clinton.

I doubt if Thrump wins the nomination. He actually is just another democrat.

Cubans are comming here in droves from Cuba. Do you have any idea the benefits they will be getting. Look it up it will surprise you.

I would take the second bush over 100 obama's and 100 clintons.

The great thing I hope Sanders or Clinton wins. Then we see what happens to the beloved middle class.

Sorry but democrats arent sociliast. But i dont understand america, why are americans against obamacare? Rubio is saying that obama wants us to be more like the rest of the world. As a brit, the US is odd and out of touch from the rest of the world. The labour party under Corbyn is SOCIALIST which I do not want, but i think welfare and free healthcare is essential to society
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/19/16 06:38 AM


the middle class became the lower middle class under the 2nd bush's watch

that ain't good


americans are against obamacare because president obama invented it

even if it helps people
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/19/16 12:02 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty

americans are against obamacare because president obama invented it

even if it helps people

I think you are partialy correct. The same way people hated the Patriot Act, Executive orders and dead civilians (to name a few) under Bush but they are largely ignored and excused by liberals. Some people dislike the Affordable Health Act because Obama is a liberal some dislike it and Obama reasons that aren't rational and because of who is is. Painting anyone who disagrees with Obama and the liberal agenda with the same brush isn't fair and it has been used by the media in an attempt to eliminate and discussion or criticism of him.

Government expanding too much and forcing you at gun point to purchase something is also part of the reason people have a problem with "Obamacare."
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/19/16 12:06 PM

None sense when the housing market blew that screwed up the economy.

Bad mortgage practices did that. Who can buy a house putting only 5 percent down. The owners have no incentive to do what ever it took to pay their mortgage.

They get behind they get out.

My first house it put thirty percent down conventional.

Government backed mortgages killed that market. Banks got rid of their bad debts.

Bush knew it could happen, but he did nothing about fanney may other Fha crap.

It is still the same under your God Obama. So it is going to happen again.

Fact is not everyone can afford their own home. It is not a right. You are newly married you don't buy a home for 5 years. Both you and your wife need to work.

Too many people can't find work now. There are so many people looking for work that companies only take the best and pay them less then they did.

Kids out of college can't find work so they are living with mom and dad.

People creat private jobs when they know with certainty what the tax situation will be for a year or two in advance.

They don't know they don't creat new jobs. They hold their profit.

It has been like this since forever. I saw a great movie the other day never saw it.

See executive suite great cast great story.

Plus obumma care another entitlement is screwing up the economy. It going under on its own by 2017. Then what?

On bush we talked about Wmd in the past. How did Syria get their weapons of WMD they got it from Iraq it got to Syria because it was deliver to them by the Russians they transported it to Syria when they left Iraq before we invaded them.

I agree with trump we should not have invaded Iraq it destabilized the Middle East.

Listen to the English and overthrowing kadafy helped that. It was done by Obama and Mrs Clinton because they listen to our so called friend the English.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/21/16 08:51 PM

Someone asked Thrump what he thought about Obama not attending Scalia's funeral? He answered if it took place in a Mosque he would have definately went.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/22/16 04:20 AM

He's for real, looks like he will be the Republican for November.

Imagine if we had two candidates running not backed by a Superpack.

What's the worst one of them could do, stop wasting money?
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/22/16 04:44 PM

Does anybody have a take on why Trump is resonating with so many Republican voters?

I said before the Obama's election was as much about people rejecting the Bush administration as it was about anything else.
McCain was the actual candidate, but the result was a response to 8 years of Bush/Cheney.

Is Trump's seeming success ,SO FAR,a case of Rep. voters rejecting the status quo of the party? Or was this just a weak field of other candidates?

Somewhere Hillary Clinton has to be laughing. If Trump gets the nomination, she will be the next President of the United States.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/22/16 06:47 PM

Ok no republican liked how they passed Obama care. The national debt is getting higher and higher. Obama is obviously a socialist. The economy has not got better in 7 years of his presidency.

So the republicans said give us the congress so we control the money and we will stop Obama care.

It did not happen so then they said it was the senate fault so give us the senate. Still nothing happen. conservatives they republicans are liars.

Then they say give us the presidency and we will do it. Conservatives think regular republicans are all full of shit. But they know with Hillary or sanders socialism will take over the country.

So conservatives want someone not a politician so they are willing to try Thrump.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/22/16 07:49 PM

Trump resonates with voters due to his unorthodox campaigning ( no political correctness). He says what most americans want their leader to say but never do.
He also comes across as strong and undeterred by any other world leaders.
Classic america can be opitomized in the 1950's, everyone worked, families ate dinner together, no phone calls at dinner, kids respected their parents, teachers and cops were always right, and america had a strong military. I believe americans want those glory days of the 1950's back.
When i think of America, i have images of the way we came together as a nation during and just after world war II. The patriotism, the courage, the toughness, and the strong work ethic. I marvel at the sight of all the buildings and highways that were built Its astounding,
When i watch war footage, im humbled by the bravery.
As far as Obamacare, i have a big problem with the government forcing any company with more than 50 employees to pay for health coverage. That is insane and a socialist idealogy.
I have no problem with some of the laws of obamacare , there are some logical aspects of it. Examples, closing the donut hole, not being able to kick someone off a plan because they are too sick or raising premiums because of illness, and denying coverage. Those are all great points but forcing a business to offer it is something i vehemently oppose.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/22/16 08:45 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Does anybody have a take on why Trump is resonating with so many Republican voters?

I said before the Obama's election was as much about people rejecting the Bush administration as it was about anything else.
McCain was the actual candidate, but the result was a response to 8 years of Bush/Cheney.

Is Trump's seeming success ,SO FAR,a case of Rep. voters rejecting the status quo of the party? Or was this just a weak field of other candidates?

Somewhere Hillary Clinton has to be laughing. If Trump gets the nomination, she will be the next President of the United States.

It's a rejection of Obama, Bush, the republican establishment, the mainstream media, and political correctness.
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/23/16 01:41 AM

Originally Posted By: Belmont
Trump resonates with voters due to his unorthodox campaigning ( no political correctness). He says what most americans want their leader to say but never do.
He also comes across as strong and undeterred by any other world leaders.
Classic america can be opitomized in the 1950's, everyone worked, families ate dinner together, no phone calls at dinner, kids respected their parents, teachers and cops were always right, and america had a strong military. I believe americans want those glory days of the 1950's back.
When i think of America, i have images of the way we came together as a nation during and just after world war II. The patriotism, the courage, the toughness, and the strong work ethic. I marvel at the sight of all the buildings and highways that were built Its astounding,
When i watch war footage, im humbled by the bravery.
As far as Obamacare, i have a big problem with the government forcing any company with more than 50 employees to pay for health coverage. That is insane and a socialist idealogy.
I have no problem with some of the laws of obamacare , there are some logical aspects of it. Examples, closing the donut hole, not being able to kick someone off a plan because they are too sick or raising premiums because of illness, and denying coverage. Those are all great points but forcing a business to offer it is something i vehemently oppose.

Spot on Belmont!
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/23/16 04:29 AM

Belmonth in the 50s and before the father worked a 6 day week not a 5 day week.

When relatives came over. Kids did not always sit at the dinner table. If they did in some homes they were not allowed to talk at the dinner table. I used to call it the uncle Tony rule.

When my kids were growing up I wanted silence at the table because everyone was complaining about what happened during the day. So I would say uncle tony rule for silence at the table.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/23/16 02:06 PM

Maybe in your household but certainly not the majority. People talked about their day and dinner was the ultimate family time. I know nothing about any uncle tony rule.

Lets get a conservative in the white house and end all this political correctness and stop making excuses for bad/ irresponsible behavior.
The next time some spoiled punk decided to start protesting in a college library where responsible students are trying to study, he should be kicked out of that school immediately. After all, those college students are paying for an education.
Im meandering from the subject, sorry.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/23/16 02:19 PM

When my uncle tony came to my house. He was one of the oldest in the family. He would say quiet to the kids and the kids shut up. Hence the uncle tony rule.

My daughter graduated Columbia university. She lived on campus then just off campus. I never talked to her that much when she was away at school. Even though the campus was in NYC.

My oldest would visit her. He met her class mates and tell us they were stuck up like they thought their shit don't stink.

At her Graduation we all went. It was hot outside parents made these hats mad of newspaper. I never saw that before I thought who are these people.

Then I saw a lot of students wearing these scarves a lot of them. I asked my daughter what with the scarves. She told me they were making a state ment for the palestini cause. I thought what is that about it graduation.

My daughter was also brain washed in that school. But I did not know it at the time. She lives in Germany now I call her my daughter the communist now. A communist who loves money.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/23/16 04:26 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Does anybody have a take on why Trump is resonating with so many Republican voters?

Is Trump's seeming success ,SO FAR,a case of Rep. voters rejecting the status quo of the party? Or was this just a weak field of other candidates?

Somewhere Hillary Clinton has to be laughing. If Trump gets the nomination, she will be the next President of the United States.

It's the Angry White Vote, which is irrational.

I think Yes, a weak field but it also spiraled out of control for the back room good o'l boys old school wasp's.

And Yes, laughin her ass off is The Madame President.

Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/23/16 05:16 PM

Which Madame president is that the one soon to be indited by the FBI smile
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 01:55 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Which Madame president is that the one soon to be indited by the FBI smile

Imagine she was and went away, Bill would probably move into the Playboy mansion.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 04:34 AM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
Does anybody have a take on why Trump is resonating with so many Republican voters?

I said before the Obama's election was as much about people rejecting the Bush administration as it was about anything else.
McCain was the actual candidate, but the result was a response to 8 years of Bush/Cheney.

Is Trump's seeming success ,SO FAR,a case of Rep. voters rejecting the status quo of the party? Or was this just a weak field of other candidates?

Somewhere Hillary Clinton has to be laughing. If Trump gets the nomination, she will be the next President of the United States.

Your absolutely right Gett, its all well and good Trump winning states in a Republican ballot but how can he possibly win enough votes if he goes head to head with Clinton? So far he's pissed off Catholics, Hispanics, Black Voters and mainstream Republicans. I just see no way for him to win enough votes outside of whites to win?
The thing is after all this the Republican Party will kick themselves because they never had a better chance of winning this, after what seems like 8 years of generally unpopular Obama presidency, the candidates the Democrats offer up is Clinton, mired in scandals and a 74 year old socialist.
Yet Clinton will in my opinion win easily against Trump, because she will pick up crucial black and Hispanic voters.
If the Republicans could of united around a candidate who came across as nice and positive and able to turn some Democrat voters it could of been a walk in the park. Instead you have Borderline racists and nasty spiteful liars like Ted Cruz.
I cannot wait to watch fox news coverage when its called for Clinton they will go into melt down lol
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 05:18 AM

I don't see who else on the Republican side can actually beat Clinton besides Trump. He's the only one generating any excitement. Who on the republican side would've been able to beat Clinton? Ted Cruz? Jeb Bush? All these people are duds.
Posted By: Boss_of_Knickerbocker

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 05:21 AM

I don't like Trump.

He's a reality show candidate. A bunch of one-liners and no real answers.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 05:52 AM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
I don't see who else on the Republican side can actually beat Clinton besides Trump. He's the only one generating any excitement. Who on the republican side would've been able to beat Clinton? Ted Cruz? Jeb Bush? All these people are duds.

He probably would get more votes than those guys your right, weak field this year!
Posted By: Boss_of_Knickerbocker

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 06:52 AM

Also, notice how Trump only got stronger after the Pope took a shot at him.

I'm not surprised.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 07:29 AM

Think on the bright side. If Thrump wins the nomination and loses to Hillary. All the illegals will leave the United States and go back to Mexico for a better life.

Then Mexico will build and pay for the wall as Thrump said in order to keep our illegals from going back to Mexico.

All's well that ends well.
Posted By: Belmont

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 02:12 PM

Im catholic and no one mentions being pissed off at Trump and i go to chruch every Sunday. If someone as liberal as Obama can ever get elected, so could Trump. Whether its Trump or someone else in the whitehouse, it will be a republican. This country was founded on strong values, hard work, and patriotism; not hand outs to the unpatriotic lazy population we now have.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 04:37 PM

Originally Posted By: Belmont
Im catholic and no one mentions being pissed off at Trump and i go to chruch every Sunday. If someone as liberal as Obama can ever get elected, so could Trump. Whether its Trump or someone else in the whitehouse, it will be a republican. This country was founded on strong values, hard work, and patriotism; not hand outs to the unpatriotic lazy population we now have.

strong values

3 wives

hard work

Trump and his rich papa.


5 deferments
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 06:05 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
It's a rejection of Obama, Bush, the republican establishment, the mainstream media, and political correctness.

I'd have to agree. In the past, I used to view "political correctness" as a term that people used when they wanted to insult another group with no repercussions. In 2016, with extreme case of the Bruce Jenner circus, I now see how it's expanded to mean you have to walk on a tightrope and lie.

People have to feel comfortable speaking the truth as they see it. Trump's rise is definitely a response of the people to 2016 climate where media says that anything goes and you have to accept it.

I applaud Trump for being a silver spoon rich guy who is able to convince the general public that he relates to , and speaks for them.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 06:30 PM

Originally Posted By: NickyScarfo
Your absolutely right Gett, its all well and good Trump winning states in a Republican ballot but how can he possibly win enough votes if he goes head to head with Clinton? So far he's pissed off Catholics, Hispanics, Black Voters and mainstream Republicans. I just see no way for him to win enough votes outside of whites to win?
The thing is after all this the Republican Party will kick themselves because they never had a better chance of winning this, after what seems like 8 years of generally unpopular Obama presidency, the candidates the Democrats offer up is Clinton, mired in scandals and a 74 year old socialist.
Yet Clinton will in my opinion win easily against Trump, because she will pick up crucial black and Hispanic voters.
If the Republicans could of united around a candidate who came across as nice and positive and able to turn some Democrat voters it could of been a walk in the park. Instead you have Borderline racists and nasty spiteful liars like Ted Cruz.
I cannot wait to watch fox news coverage when its called for Clinton they will go into melt down lol

So far the public has spoken. They have responded to Trump and reasoning, debate, logic has gone out of the window.
It's the political climate that both parties have helped create though. Just biting Rep.s in the butt now.

There are legitimate criticisms of the Obama administration and a candidate who wanted to convince moderates of those shortcomings and how the country needs to shift in the other direction, might have a chance.

If you follow American politics, media (and even read some of the posts through the years here and on American web forums) you will see insults rather than discussions. You will read people outright dismissing the opinions of those who have different beliefs. My view has always been that if you are truly convinced that your view is the "correct" one, you can craft arguments defending it, but that's me. In 2016, people are more comfortable repeating what their favorite media outlet tells them and using their code words and slogans.

It's entertaining, doesn't help win elections though.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 06:52 PM

The economy is not getting better under Obama.

Work is harder to find.

More people have stopped looking for work and are on welfair. It is no longer a safety net it is a way of life now.

Obama and Clinton want to end the coal business. Put more people out of work
Old people can't afford their health care.

Do you think Mexicans want to be on welfair. They want to work.i know that for a fact.

They believe in God.

The Democratic Party as it is now offers them nothing.

The republicans found out republicans now in office are a bunch of pussies. They have heard broken promises too many times.

They want to try someone new Thrump.

He will win the Presidency unless Democrates get illegals and the dead to vote.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 07:16 PM

It looks like he's for real. Sorry about your luck. Look what that Austrian guy did for Germany. Its time to be the greatest nation again. Let's hope we dont have another world war. A mass eradication of the scumbags of society wouldnt be so bad. Trump is more of a success story than all opponents combined. Its time to make people accountable for their actions. Its time for the pussyfooting to end. With Trump, the term politically correct will have a new meaning.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 09:00 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets

So far the public has spoken. They have responded to Trump and reasoning, debate, logic has gone out of the window.
It's the political climate that both parties have helped create though. Just biting Rep.s in the butt now.

There are legitimate criticisms of the Obama administration and a candidate who wanted to convince moderates of those shortcomings and how the country needs to shift in the other direction, might have a chance.

If you follow American politics, media (and even read some of the posts through the years here and on American web forums) you will see insults rather than discussions. You will read people outright dismissing the opinions of those who have different beliefs. My view has always been that if you are truly convinced that your view is the "correct" one, you can craft arguments defending it, but that's me. In 2016, people are more comfortable repeating what their favorite media outlet tells them and using their code words and slogans.

It's entertaining, doesn't help win elections though.

Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 09:35 PM

I don't vote and don't believe in politics as a means to solve societal problems but I think it's ironic that Trump is probably the least hawkish person in the race. All the other candidates seem like they wouldn't mind starting world war 3 and nuking multiple countries.
Trump talks tough against obvious enemies like ISIS like the American people want someone to, yet he isn't like these other blood thirsty candidates that want to attack and invade every country. I admire that. Yet were told he's dangerous and don't trust him with the nukes. Hilary Clinton is no peacenik.

I also don't buy into the moderate candidate thing. People are sick of that. In politics moderate has come to mean somebody that panders to whatever crowd they're in front of, stands for no real principles, flip flops whatever they think it'll help and has no real ideological difference between the other major party establishment.

If people cared about logic than none of the candidates would be considered. Why single out Trump?
Posted By: Boss_of_Knickerbocker

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 09:43 PM

I'm Catholic too.

When The Pope attacked Trump I predicted a bigger victory in SC and more national momentum for Trump.

And that's exactly what happened.

Why? America is a mainline Protestant and Evangelical nation. Catholicism is not popular, especially in the "swing states" a candidate must win.
Posted By: Crash

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 09:46 PM

The anglo saxon vibe that Trimp exudes is another strong point. He seems like a pure breed and that will generate votes.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 10:14 PM

taken from page 1 of this thread.

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
no kindle

I guess my overall point is that Trump isn't the first nor will he be the last to spout rhetoric that is contrary to his past ACTIONS.

He's just being so transparently full of s*it that it insults my intelligence.

The illegal immigrant issue..and some of his rhetoric about Chinese business practices directly go against his personal interests.
When has big business ever NOT benefited from surplus of cheap labor ? In one of the long discussions we had, we talked about how big business(northern industries) benefited from late 19th century/early 20th century European immigrants...and later from mass migration of Blacks from the rural south to the urban northern manufacturing centers.In both instances...they could pay newly arrived(im)migrant a fraction of what the old workforce would accept for the same job. The glut of undocumented workers the past few decades has the same effect...and big business (including the likes of Trump)will exploit this cheaper labor pool.

It's disingenuous for Trump to pander to blue collar America(among other groups)by speaking out against "undocumented people". If it were genuine, then Trump would apply STRINGENT wording in his contracts with these agencies about not hiring ANYBODY without a valid SS #. But of course he doesn't.....and there's no doubt that there are people who work directly for companies that Trump owns who are undocumented. For all his rhetoric about controlling the 2,000 mile US/Mexico border...I'd like to see him control the Trump payroll and not let any illegals slip through THOSE cracks.

Here is a 1991 NYT article about a federal judge ruling against Trump in a case about this topic.


OK...now about the clothing line and more contradictions. It's a licensing deal that has been going on for over 10 years. Now, the company that made the deal had factories or partnerships with factories in foreign countries WAY before they signed Trump and will continue to have them way after Trump is dropped.

but this is HILARIOUS

Again, licensing deal has been going for over 10 years. If there was anything genuine behind some of Trump's rhetoric..we would see specific wording in the licensing deal requiring a certain % of the merchandise to be made in America, earmarking certain amount of money to restore existing American clothing factories,etc,etc,etc But I'd bet money that no such wording exists in the contracts.

So Trump is saying some of these comments, and to the people he's pandering to at the moment ...it sounds great but it's just talk.

Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 10:40 PM

David letterman is a stupid looking jerkoff millionaire liberal. That mistakenly thinks if you think Obama is a bad president it has to be because your a racist. It could not be just because he thinks he is a bad president.

Maybe Obama got reelected because people thought if he was not reelected there would be a race war smile
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 10:44 PM

On trump hiring undocumented workers. Liberals tried to find them, but could not.

Then a lib asked trump suppose we found one. What would you do he said he would fire him.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 10:49 PM

All valid and good points. I don't like what politics have become, but I follow national and local elections to see which way the wind is blowing. I force myself to watch the debates because some of the candidates don't have political track records to measure them against. I can't watch more than 45 minutes though.

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
I don't vote and don't believe in politics as a means to solve societal problems but I think it's ironic that Trump is probably the least hawkish person in the race. All the other candidates seem like they wouldn't mind starting world war 3 and nuking multiple countries.
Trump talks tough against obvious enemies like ISIS like the American people want someone to, yet he isn't like these other blood thirsty candidates that want to attack and invade every country. I admire that. Yet were told he's dangerous and don't trust him with the nukes. Hilary Clinton is no peacenik.

Glad to not hear more hawkish talk(fueled by donors who represent weapons manufacturers)I see Trump's public views on that to be political strategy.He has no military /foreign policy background and it's a glaring shortcoming in debates with U.S. Senators ....and in the debate footage I've watched, he routes discussions about terror towards his talking point about securing the borders.

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
I also don't buy into the moderate candidate thing. People are sick of that. In politics moderate has come to mean somebody that panders to whatever crowd they're in front of, stands for no real principles, flip flops whatever they think it'll help and has no real ideological difference between the other major party establishment.

The separation of powers in government. You cannot get things done without some level of cooperation and compromise in the Senate and the House. I think a certain % of Americans are practical and aren't married to any political ideology but will vote in favor of THEIR interests. Media tries to manipulate us into side versus side and get people to vote against their own interests but some issues aren't clear cut black or white.

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
If people cared about logic than none of the candidates would be considered. Why single out Trump?

I just bumped/posted a post I made in the first page of this thread about why Trump in particular bugs me.
If there is any language in his clothing licensing deals which earmarks certain amount of the products to be manufactured in USA or to build factory/hire workers in USA..I'll stand corrected. If not, more of the same Trump that those of us in this region are familiar with.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 11:08 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
All valid and good points. I don't like what politics have become, but I follow national and local elections to see which way the wind is blowing. I force myself to watch the debates because some of the candidates don't have political track records to measure them against. I can't watch more than 45 minutes though.

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
I don't vote and don't believe in politics as a means to solve societal problems but I think it's ironic that Trump is probably the least hawkish person in the race. All the other candidates seem like they wouldn't mind starting world war 3 and nuking multiple countries.
Trump talks tough against obvious enemies like ISIS like the American people want someone to, yet he isn't like these other blood thirsty candidates that want to attack and invade every country. I admire that. Yet were told he's dangerous and don't trust him with the nukes. Hilary Clinton is no peacenik.

Glad to not hear more hawkish talk(fueled by donors who represent weapons manufacturers)I see Trump's public views on that to be political strategy.He has no military /foreign policy background and it's a glaring shortcoming in debates with U.S. Senators ....and in the debate footage I've watched, he routes discussions about terror towards his talking point about securing the borders.

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
I also don't buy into the moderate candidate thing. People are sick of that. In politics moderate has come to mean somebody that panders to whatever crowd they're in front of, stands for no real principles, flip flops whatever they think it'll help and has no real ideological difference between the other major party establishment.

The separation of powers in government. You cannot get things done without some level of cooperation and compromise in the Senate and the House. I think a certain % of Americans are practical and aren't married to any political ideology but will vote in favor of THEIR interests. Media tries to manipulate us into side versus side and get people to vote against their own interests but some issues aren't clear cut black or white.

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
If people cared about logic than none of the candidates would be considered. Why single out Trump?

I just bumped/posted a post I made in the first page of this thread about why Trump in particular bugs me.
If there is any language in his clothing licensing deals which earmarks certain amount of the products to be manufactured in USA or to build factory/hire workers in USA..I'll stand corrected. If not, more of the same Trump that those of us in this region are familiar with.

Yea I don't think he has a super deep knowledge of everything foreign policy. Yet I don't think any of the other candidates do either. Maybe more than him, but ultimately they're all controlled by the military industrial complex and will bomb, invade, and send weapons to whoever they're told.
Trump probably makes the entire establishment nervous because they fear he might not be 100% under their control.

The separation of powers in government are just about the only good thing about it all.
I like when they can't get stuff done.
That's the only upside I'd see of a Bernie Sanders as president. Maybe a bunch of republicans get elected to congress and block everything he ever proposes.
Government not passing bills= Good. But I know I'm in the minority.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 11:31 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
On trump hiring undocumented workers. Liberals tried to find them, but could not.

Then a lib asked trump suppose we found one. What would you do he said he would fire him.


I loved when Trump said that.

He called the reporter's bluff. Any reporter trying to attack him from that angle is DIRECTLY responsible for getting some guy/woman fired.

It was like Trump was in the old battery commercial.

Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/24/16 11:34 PM


Interesting take. Trump is helping to shake up the system that people are disillusioned with. You might not be in that much of a minority with your opinions.
Posted By: NickyScarfo

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/25/16 03:31 AM

I thought after Iowa Cruz would be a force to be reckoned with but his campaign has really taken some hits recently with Dirty tactics and calls that he's a liar. For a guy who says he's holier than thou its not a good look. The Carson thing was really nasty, and the Rubio doctored picture was just crass.
I have no doubt Trump will win the nominee now, all these endorsements Rubio is getting is not turning into votes. He needs to really attack trump in the debates to stand a chance, however I think Trump would crush him if he tried.
On another note, as a neutral spectator who has followed the debates and all the interviews I really like John Kasich from the Republicans. He stands no chance but seems a decent guy.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/25/16 06:50 AM

As I posted on the other board, I don't think it's so much people liking Trump himself as it is a way for them to stick it to the establishment, which they're sick and tired of.

Thats all fine and good but will this translate to people showing up to the polls on election day when a Trump Presidency becomes a very real possibility? And that includes independents who Trump HAS to win over if he expects to win the general election.

I have plenty of reservations about Trump but, between him and Hillary, he'd be far the lesser of two evils. Anyone dumb enough to vote for her should just wrap their lips around a revolver now.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/25/16 10:20 AM

I think Thrump has the independent vote already. He has the piss off republican vote.

He has the frustrated family vote on the economy.

If he ever pays to advertise with the media which he is not doing. He should have someone explain the true meaning of socialism to young voters and nothing else. Then say paid for by Thrump.

It would be a powerful message.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/25/16 10:28 AM

One thing about kids today is they can be led like a bunch of sheep.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/25/16 10:42 AM

He should say why latino's and Blacks should vote for him. I am not hearing him say it.

Also a lot of kids have no interest in college. But he could offer kids and people not working a trade school option. Paid for with some gov money 2 year program and the private sector could help pay and a job placement program. Cost of that now is apx under 15 thousand total. Cheaper then college.

Let's say their on welfair while on it ends in two years they can go to trade school. Then they get off and have a job at the end of those two years.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 04:33 AM

I just saw the Republican debate. Both Cruz and Rubio went after Thrump. Both are good debaters and double team Thrump with different questions in a minute. To fast to be answered by Thrump. Both rehearsed their attack.

They kept talking while Thrump was trying to answer 1 guestions.

It was brilliant but it was bullshit. They kept saying google what they said. Most of what they said happened more then 30 years ago.

Did they hurt Thrump yes. Will that keep Thrump from winning Florida? The state Rubio as to win to stay in the race no. So Rubio will drop out after Florida.

Thrump and Cruz are close in Texas. If Cruz wins he is still in the race with 150 delegates. If Thrump wins Thrump gets the nomination most likely.

If Thrump wins and becomes president he will nominate John kasich for vp I think.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 04:42 AM


they went after Trump for the stuff that was discussed in the first page of this thread....coincidentally the stuff I bumped yesterday.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 01:42 PM

I think Cruz will win Texas. So he is definely in it.

Interesting thing is Rubio won the debate. But, if he loses his home state I think he is done. But he did so good he will probably get enough money to keep on in order to keep double teaming Thrump.

If that happens Thrump will go third party to get even.

Also it looks like Bloomberg will also go in a third party.

This election is going to go down in history.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 05:39 PM

I don't see yesterday's debate slowing down Trump's momentum.
The things Rubio and Cruz called Trump out for are common knowledge.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 05:59 PM

donald trump is a fucking clown

this country will be viewed as a total joke if donald trump is elected
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 06:02 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
donald trump is a fucking clown

this country will be viewed as a total joke if donald trump is elected

Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 06:11 PM

Originally Posted By: Beanshooter
[quote=cookcounty]donald trump is a fucking clown

this country will be viewed as a total joke if donald trump is elected

As is Obama and a joke is how the world views our country under his leadership!
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 06:21 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
donald trump is a fucking clown

this country will be viewed as a total joke if donald trump is elected

You mean the same as the world thought of Obama and Hillary as the Secretary of State
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 06:26 PM

Thrump just got Chris Christie inducement for president.

That means he will head the justice department if Thrump is elected. That happens Hillary going to go to jail. Who knows maybe even Obama.
Posted By: blueracing347

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 10:05 PM

Trump is a clown? Get the fuck out of here. Nothing has changed for the better in God knows how long. How much worse can this country get. Its time for political reform. Rubio and Cruz cant defeat Trump at this point. What are they going to do if elected? They arent financing their campaigns, so they're going to have repay favors to their contributors. Unfortunately for the other candidates, this country is sick of politicians. And that is what keeps Trumps momentum unstoppable thus far.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/26/16 11:12 PM

Sometimes I feel I would vote for Thrump and some times I don't.

What I don't like is the way those two Rubio and Cruz ganged up on Thrump. He is an older man and I don't like the way they disrespected him.

Especially Rubio he acted like a punk kid like a wise guy.

I wonder who Rubio or Cruz will blame if either are elected and things turn sour for them? I guess Obama just like Obama blamed bush.

Do you think republicans will accept if they can't make things better with the economy?
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/27/16 02:50 PM

Because everyone is fed up watching USA go to hell in a hand basket. Go spend some time with someone who served in WWII and see what they did for our country. Sentiment is at an all time low today. Rich pay more and more for people to sit on their rumps and collect. Why? Get them jobs. Hopefully if Trump wins he will get the economy going again and people will work and feel rewarded. Has to feel better than a welfare check!
Posted By: olivant

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/27/16 05:56 PM

Rubio just stated that Donald Trump "is flying around on hairforce one."

Also, "He likes to sue people. He should sue whoever gave him that face."
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/27/16 07:05 PM

How is your face olivant smile
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/27/16 08:19 PM

Originally Posted By: olivant
Rubio just stated that Donald Trump "is flying around on hairforce one."

Also, "He likes to sue people. He should sue whoever gave him that face."

I'm starting to like Rubio more and more!
Posted By: olivant

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/27/16 11:38 PM

A poll by Public Policy Polling found that a surprising number of Florida voters believe Republican presidential candidate Ted Cruz could be the Zodiac Killer.

While a 62 percent majority of voters answered "No" when asked if they believed Cruz was responsible for the string of murders in the early 70s, 10 percent answered "Yes" and an additional 28 percent said they were unsure. Several reports say the rumor stems from a speech Cruz delivered at the Conservative Political Action Conference in 2013 titled "This is the Zodiac Speaking" and has become popular again since he began his presidential campaign.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/27/16 11:46 PM

Now that other candidates are fighting fire with fire ,one of the next logical moves is to bring Trump's creditors from his 4 bankruptcies into the spotlight.

Rubio gave a hint of doing this in the future when he brought up the Trump University case.

If they can put a public face to some of the victims of Trump's business moves.....maybe, just maybe they can stop his momentum.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/28/16 02:09 AM

Rubio sounds like a whinge bag, he sounds like a school boy whining every time he speaks. And that Cruz guy gives me the creeps. He is a real creepaholic. I dont care where he was born but jeeze, he's strange.

Trump would certainly have a few businesses that had to be folded with the vast investments he has been involved in. Is that really an issue for someone at his level.

I would rather someone who can successfully run businesses be POTUS than these other two guys who could not and never had.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/28/16 10:30 AM

democrats want trump to get the nomination, they think they can beat him.

and they can, he will put Hillary in the white house.

so much will come out about trump before the election, Hillary will win by a landslide.

gets is right, 4 bankruptcies is just the tip of the iceberg. it will get much worse for trump down the road.

Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/29/16 01:51 AM

So the democrats want Trump, as opposed to who? Are the dems really afraid of Cruz or Rubio? Lol. Yeah right.

The only guy that has a chance is Trump. He has the excitement, enthusiasm and momentum behind him. WILL he win? I don't know, and nobody knows. I cant see the country as a whole getting behind these other guys though. They might appeal to certain republican demographics but the country as a whole is a lot different.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/29/16 08:12 AM

Trump may win because nothing seems to stick to him. He joked that he could kill someone and people would still vote for him. But he's also turning away a lot of people. Quoting Mussolini on Twitter isn't helping him, but he doesn't seem to care.

I think Cruz will win Texas, but that will be it. He really wanted the endorsement of Senator Jeff Sessions and is probably depressed over the fact that Sessions supports Trump. Trump also got the support of three governors. Cruz has no one. Plus while a lot of Dems don't like Trump, many seems to HATE Cruz.

Rubio is a good fast-talking debater, young and attractive, so in that sense could be a threat to Hillary...if he wins the primary, which is increasingly unlikely.

On the Dem side, I think Bernie will throw in the towel in a couple weeks. After all he said about Hillary, if he starts campaigning for her he'd be in danger of being seen as a sell-out. For as bad as Trump is in many ways, I think Hillary is not only Machiavellian but totally corrupt.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/29/16 07:34 PM

Cruz is an idiot. He said Thrump did not produce his tax returns because he did business with the Mafia.

He drops fat Tony Salerno name. He says Salerno is in jail smile

Salerno been dead apx 24 yrs. He had an legal construction business in the 70's 80s.

So what does Cruz want thrumps tax returns for the past 40 yrs?

How stupid are these Cubano's Cruz and Rubio?
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/29/16 09:35 PM

donald trump knows how to play on this country's racism which is why he's winning primaries

this fucking dolt shouldn't be the president of anything but the hair for men club
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/29/16 10:44 PM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
Cruz is an idiot. He said Thrump did not produce his tax returns because he did business with the Mafia.

He drops fat Tony Salerno name. He says Salerno is in jail smile

Salerno been dead apx 24 yrs. He had an legal construction business in the 70's 80s.

So what does Cruz want thrumps tax returns for the past 40 yrs?

How stupid are these Cubano's Cruz and Rubio?

I don't think it's a big deal (except to people interested in OC) that Cruz made a mistake about Fat Tony being in jail. The Huffington Post had an article about Trump and his supposed Mafia connections and the reporter who wrote it -- who should know better -- referred to Nicky Scarfo as the "late Nicky Scarfo." Unlike Salerno, Scarfo is still alive and in prison. An organized crime reporter ought to know better. A political candidate who's busy campaigning (and is NOT an OC expert) and gets a lot of his info from his staff can't be held to that same standard.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 02/29/16 11:04 PM


Just mentioning what the next logical step might be in the Rubio campaign. Might stick, might not.

Just as an observer.


good point about the errors about crime figures. Several times some of the members here have pointed out glaring errors in newspaper articles, books from big publishers, documentaries on cable channels, and even reports from NEWS broadcasts about crime figures.

Cruz knows that 99.9% of the people don't know or care to know about his error.He just wanted to associate Trump with gangsters.
Posted By: furio_from_naples

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/01/16 09:06 PM

American brothers I must give you an advise !
Don't vote Trump !!!
Trump is the american version of Berlusconi !!!

Berlusconi is a joke, fulled Italy with shit.
Made the italy like a sudamerican banana repubblic.
He and Trump had in Common the same ideas on women,immigration ecc.
Again don't vote Trump. We're are still recovering by the Berlusconi era damages.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 04:46 AM

While I totally get the reservations about Trump, anyone who criticizes him and says he would be a disaster as president (while planning to vote for Hillary) is a fraud and a phony. She'd definitely be the worse of the two evils.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 05:22 AM

Hilary is as bad as it gets. Which is why it's funny hearing everyone talk about Trump like he's such a scary disaster as opposed to all these other choices.

I'm libertarian and Trump isn't. I really don't like any of his economic policy ideas, but I'm kind of rooting for him anyways. He has all the bad guys against him and pissed off that he's doing so well. The awful, ridiculous mainstream media, all the dirt bag phony establishment politicians, the political Left, the political correct army, the establishment Political Right wing... All mad at his success and for that, I appreciate his candidacy.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 06:17 AM

but, just what are trumps views? on foreign policy, on domestic policy, on wall street, on the middle east wars, on other world leaders, and especially putin.

why wont he discuss issues, is he afraid of showing his ignorance? if he is going to unite the republican party, lets hear what he has in mind, for his presidency.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 06:25 AM

The other republican elections were elected to stop Obama socialist agenda. They did not do it.

So a lot of republicans are decussed with the republican establishment.

That is why a lot of them are voted for Thrump.

Rubio is doing bad, but he has a ton of republican establishment money behind him. Not to win, but to get enough delegates support so Thrump can not get enough delegates to get the nomination.

So it will be brokered convention.

Do that to Thrump he will join a third party. That will lead the Hillary to win. Or if she is indited will lead to Biden to enter or Bloomberg to enter as a third party canadate.
Posted By: cookcounty

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 07:20 PM

Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
While I totally get the reservations about Trump, anyone who criticizes him and says he would be a disaster as president (while planning to vote for Hillary) is a fraud and a phony. She'd definitely be the worse of the two evils.


so how would he be better than someone with 30 years of experience

u just want to vote for trump because he says the things he knows that u want to hear

he's using americas inner hatred to get elected
Posted By: goombah

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 08:19 PM

I was ready to vote for a Republican in 2016. I liked both Kasich & Christie. After 8 years of a Democrat in the WH, the time was right for a change. But even if he were running as a liberal, I would say the same thing: Donald Trump is a huge disaster waiting to happen. I just cannot fathom that the Party of Lincoln allowed this fool to get so far.

IMO, Trump is the poster-child candidate who represents the dumbing down of America. He has treated everything like it was a reality show. So many of his supporters don't even question the nonsense that comes out of Trump's mouth.

I could be wrong, but unless a miracle occurs, Trump will not be elected. But supposing that he does win the general election, I have the following questions:

1) How does any military leader take him seriously as Commander-in-Chief
2) There will be plenty of Democrats & Republicans in Congress who will not help Trump advance his agenda
3) How does any world leader take seriously a man who says he will put up a wall as if the U.S. was living in a sandbox?
4) At one point does he realize that he's bored and the jig is up - at 100 days, at 2 years, or before the first inauguration?
5) How does every one of our enemies not ramp up plans to attack the U.S. because of Trump's bigotry and arrogance?

Posted By: Crash

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/02/16 11:05 PM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
While I totally get the reservations about Trump, anyone who criticizes him and says he would be a disaster as president (while planning to vote for Hillary) is a fraud and a phony. She'd definitely be the worse of the two evils.


so how would he be better than someone with 30 years of experience

u just want to vote for trump because he says the things he knows that u want to hear

he's using americas inner hatred to get elected

You are damn right he is using america's inner hatred. All this politically correct bullshit, we are sick of it. Trump will squash all that nonsense. America was built on certain values and principles,none of which liberals care about which is so ironic. Liberals stick up for muslims but forget if they pulled any of that protest bullshit or black lives matter in a muslim country, they would be burned alive, and thats if they were lucky.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/03/16 01:31 AM

Originally Posted By: cookcounty
Originally Posted By: IvyLeague
While I totally get the reservations about Trump, anyone who criticizes him and says he would be a disaster as president (while planning to vote for Hillary) is a fraud and a phony. She'd definitely be the worse of the two evils.


so how would he be better than someone with 30 years of experience

u just want to vote for trump because he says the things he knows that u want to hear

he's using americas inner hatred to get elected

30 years of being a politician lol.

since when is being a lifetime politician a good thing?

I've got more respect for a reality TV star than a dirtbag career politician.
I've got more respect for just about anyone with a real job than a damn politician.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/03/16 02:23 AM

Originally Posted By: Crash
Trump will squash all that nonsense

He will squash it just like Barack Obama brought change

Originally Posted By: Crash
America was built on certain values and principles,none of which liberals care about

You mean like freedom? The freedom to have different values and not having to conform to a someone else's idea of how life should be lived

Originally Posted By: Crash
Liberals stick up for muslims but forget if they pulled any of that protest bullshit or black lives matter in a muslim country, they would be burned alive, and thats if they were lucky.

Can't disagree with this and to add how women and gays are treated in some Islamic countries is ignored by the left
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/03/16 11:43 PM

Hilarious. The republicans bring out Romney to lecture the republican voters about what a bad idea it is to support Trump.

You see people, you need to elect a moderate guy if you want to win and get stuff done. Elect a guy like Romney, John McCain...someone more respectable like that.. Oh wait...

I'm enjoying this very much.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/04/16 02:14 AM

I'm am done with Career politicians,.

Debate on now
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/04/16 04:25 AM

I think it may be the opposite. He derails the "graft" in Washington and they are worried about their pocket books. He won't do it their way!
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/04/16 04:28 AM

VP would be Christie or Palin ? Or Christie for Secretary of State. Maybe not Palin since that's what McCain did but maybe Carly Florina for VP. That would really kill Hillary since "Swillary" wants to be the first women President!
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/04/16 04:31 AM

That's why there is such an alarm within US government, since Trump's

statement about temporally suspending the migration of Muslims to and from US
till US authorities make sure there is a proper concept of safe penetration of US territory.

People are stunned to learn that the head of the U.S. CIA is a Muslim!

Do hope this wakes up some! You mean until it hits you
like a ton of bricks read it again, until you understand!

We now have a Muslim government.

John Brennan, current head of the CIA converted to Islam while stationed in
Saudi Arabia.Obama's top adviser, Valerie Jarrett, is a Muslim who was born in Iran where her
parents still live.Hillary Clinton's top adviser, Huma Abedin is a Muslim, whose mother and brother
are involved in the now outlawed Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt.

assistant Secretary for Policy Development for Homeland Security, Arif Aikhan, is
a Muslim.

Homeland Security Adviser, Mohammed Elibiary, is a Muslim.

Obama advisor and founder of the Muslim Public Affairs Council, Salam
al-Marayati, is a Muslim.

Obama's Sharia Czar, Imam Mohamed Magid, of the Islamic Society of North America
is a Muslim.

Advisory Council on Faith-Based Neighborhood Partnerships, Eboo Patel, is a

Nancy Pelosi announced she will appoint Rep Andre Carson, D-Ind, as the first
Muslim lawmaker in the House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence. It would make Carson the first Muslim to serve on the committee that receives
intelligence on the threat of Islamic militants in the Middle East! He has suggested that U.S. schools should be modeled after Islamic madrassas, where education is based on the Quran!!!

And last but not least, our closet Muslim himself, Barack Hussein Obama.

It's questionable if Obama ever officially took the oath of office when he
was sworn in. He didn't repeat the oath properly to defend our nation
and our Constitution. Later the Democrats claimed he was given the oath
again in private.

CIA director John Brennan took his oath on a copy of the Constitution, not a

Congressman, Keith Ellison took his oath on a copy of the Qur'an

Congresswoman Michele Bachman was vilified and verbally tarred and feathered by
Democrats when she voiced her concern about Muslims taking over our

Considering all these appointments, it would explain why Obama and his minions are
systematically destroying our nation, supporting radical Muslim groups worldwide, opening our southern border, and turning a blind eye to the genocide being perpetrated on Christians all over Africa and the Middle East.

The more damage Obama does, the more arrogant he's become! Our nation and our government has been infiltrated by people who want to destroy us. It can only get worse!

If you fail to pass this one on, there's something
wrong??... Somewhere!
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/04/16 11:59 AM

Minus his idea of putting troops on the ground, John Kasich seems like the best on that stage last night. I especially like what he said about education and marriage being state issues. Not saying I will 100% vote for him (I usually vote green or write in someone) but compared to the name calling and insults he is right when he said he is the only adult on stage.

Donald Trump is a fool.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/07/16 03:37 AM

So you think Thrump is a fool. I wonder what he thinks of you? How do you like Rubio and Cruz?

Better yet how do you like Clinton and a Sanders.

These are the 6 we have left.

Rubio loses Florida and if kasich his own home state there both out.

If both win no one can win.

So they will be a brokered convention for the republicans then the party can enter anyone they want. Someone no one voted for like Romney then what?
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/07/16 03:24 PM

Did you catch Bernie's saying, "When you're white, you don't know what it's like to be living in a ghetto. You don't know what it is to be poor."

What a moron!
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/07/16 09:48 PM

He is a moron that jerk was never poor.

I lived in a tenement until I left Harlem. Never own a house or a car while in Harlem. Lived on the street from 10 years old to get away from good old Daddio.

I would like to piss on sanders.

We don't know what it's like for cops to rough us up?

thrump will not get confirmed it will be a broker election because of Romney.

They nominate romney I will vote for Clinton.

Incidently Medger Evers brother supports Thrump.
Posted By: BillyBrizzi

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/08/16 01:02 AM

I actually like the guy, I think he's very entertaining..

But as far as him being the Commander in Chief of the most powerful military nation in the world, nah, rather not if it was up to me LOL
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/08/16 04:30 AM

why cant anyone admit the obvious, trump has deeply wounded the party, they wont win in 2016, no matter who the nominee, they are a shattered party, they are so far to the right they frighten people, they are like a bunch of old klansmen getting together for one last fling.

did they lash out at trunp for his statement in refusing to distance himself from david duke.NO.................

why? because he is speaking for the party.

and anyone who thinks trump can win is dreaming.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/08/16 04:33 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
He is a moron that jerk was never poor.

I lived in a tenement until I left Harlem. Never own a house or a car while in Harlem. Lived on the street from 10 years old to get away from good old Daddio.

I would like to piss on sanders.

We don't know what it's like for cops to rough us up?

thrump will not get confirmed it will be a broker election because of Romney.

They nominate romney I will vote for Clinton.

Incidently Medger Evers brother supports Thrump.

it was a dumb thing to say, only a moron would say it.

you are right foots, hes a dope.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/08/16 04:58 AM

Trump deeply wounded the party??

actually Goerge W Bush wounded the party deeply.

Then all the so called tea party congressmen that got elected and accomplished nothing and wounded the party.

Moderate pandering candidates like McCain and Romney have destroyed the party. Romney coming out against Trump, after he asked to be endorsed by Trump four years back, is working to destroy what little legitimacy the party had left.

Honestly, Trump is the Republican parties last hope. At least when it comes to its voting base. Not the establishment party hacks and political pundits.

And if Trump is the death of the party, maybe that isn't such a bad thing. What GOOD has come out of the party anyway? What have they accomplished exactly? Nothing.

Calling people Klansman and all that is just dirty smear tactics. Not arguments. But hey it's politics, not plilisophy.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/08/16 11:13 AM

The Republican Party is hurting their own party. They are running attack ads against republicans they don't like.

With friends like them who needs enemies.

When Biden was running for Vice President with Obama. He kept saying he was friends with John McCain. All he did was mock McCain again with friends like that who needs enemies.

I guess I could never be President because if I am your friend I am your friend till the end. Unless you try and hurt me then you better move somewhere that I can never find you.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/08/16 11:25 AM

Thrump said he would water board prisoners. All he had to say interviews of prisoners would be done by an Arab country. They can do anything they want to their prisoners. We tell our prisoners that they will talk or suffer.
Posted By: thedudeabides87

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/09/16 03:03 AM

Maybe not a fool, not a fan of how he handles himself at debates. He is good at selling the Trump brand no doubt about that

What does he think of me? Not concerned with his or anyone's opinion for that matter.

Not a fan of Cruz.

You are stating facts that everyone knows.

Never voted for a Republican before maybe I will now see how the candidate does during the debate versus the Democratic candidate)

Can't vote for a big government democrat which is the only reason why I would consider voting GOP though I haven't been convinced enough to actually do it.

What Ron Paul says:

Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/09/16 03:21 AM

I am a Democrate but this is not same party as it was when I was a kid. I have not vote for w Democrate in a long long time.

Obama is a socialist Hillary says she loved everything that socialist did. So how can I vote for her. Sanders is more then a socialist.

Thrump won two more states tonight.

Now Cruz people are attacking thrumps wife. He is a scumbag for doing that.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/11/16 01:59 AM

Trump debating in Miami.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/11/16 01:07 PM

Love him or hate him. One thing that cannot be denied is he has bigger balls than the other Republican candidates. Damn the thing about his winery he supposedly owned, and turned out he didn't, or never had any involvement is priceless.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 03:20 AM

Rally in Chicago cancelled. Watching the news coverage and it's getting ugly outside of the arena. Chicago activists were waiting on him and his supporters.
Posted By: DuesPaid

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 04:29 AM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Rally in Chicago cancelled. Watching the news coverage and it's getting ugly outside of the arena. Chicago activists were waiting on him and his supporters.

The protesters looked like the same trash that march around NYC when they have nothing else to do. After being brainwashed in school with ultra liberal views and not being able to find jobs, they realize they have been duped and become puppets for any organization that they can attach to.
Posted By: Boss_of_Knickerbocker

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 05:38 AM

Originally Posted By: DuesPaid
Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Rally in Chicago cancelled. Watching the news coverage and it's getting ugly outside of the arena. Chicago activists were waiting on him and his supporters.

The protesters looked like the same trash that march around NYC when they have nothing else to do. After being brainwashed in school with ultra liberal views and not being able to find jobs, they realize they have been duped and become puppets for any organization that they can attach to.

This is why I support state funded abortions. It's important to provide these certain segments of society with a means to abort their unborn. It's probably God's will at this point. Cities like NYC, Chicago, Philly and Baltimore would probably be much worse without the practice.

It's why I don't vote for Republicans. They are fighting for the wrong people to be born and that ain't good.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 11:37 AM

Originally Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari
Love him or hate him. One thing that cannot be denied is he has bigger balls than the other Republican candidates. Damn the thing about his winery he supposedly owned, and turned out he didn't, or never had any involvement is priceless.

His son owns it.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 11:46 AM

Move on org sponsored it. The anarchist organization. They bus them in bring all the organizations they sponsor pay them in the range of 75 to 100 per day. Hire gang bangers for some muscle. All socialis organization. Same faces all the time in occupy Wall Street.

When they talked to trump it sounded like he did not know what move on.or even was. He is sheltered from this he needed it explained to him.

Cruz the liar used it never mentioned it was an organized paid demonstration. I piss on Cruz.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 01:22 PM

What makes me laugh is when the women swing on men. They have people taking movies of it. If a man hits back. They release the movie dubbed to cut out the women swing on them first. Very smart those anarchists.

But they are not that smart.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 06:48 PM


Good, balanced article.
Posted By: flattax

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 09:20 PM

The Black Lives Matter thugs showed up at UIC/Chicago sent over by Bernie and Hillary's campaign to shut it down. Too bad the students, etc. and people that really wanted to hear Trump speak, some first time voters and then couldn't --like going home disappointed. Then the Black Lives matter thugs jumped on the cop cars in celebration of shutting it down. What they don't like that Trump wants to speak about building a wall, making America Great Again? I guess they go back to 53rd and Universal and call it home--back to the stye!
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 09:23 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
why cant anyone admit the obvious, trump has deeply wounded the party, they wont win in 2016, no matter who the nominee, they are a shattered party, they are so far to the right they frighten people, they are like a bunch of old klansmen getting together for one last fling.

did they lash out at trunp for his statement in refusing to distance himself from david duke.NO.................

why? because he is speaking for the party.

and anyone who thinks trump can win is dreaming.

Actually many Republicans attacked him for not speaking out against David Duke during the Jake Tapper interview. So Trump is absolutely NOT speaking for the whole party. In fact, there are numerous reports of Illinois and Ohio Democrats switching parties to support Trump. I'm not a Trump supporter or a Republican, but what you wrote is totally false.
Posted By: Moe_Tilden

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 09:24 PM

Originally Posted By: flattax
The Black Lives Matter thugs showed up at UIC/Chicago sent over by Bernie and Hillary's campaign to shut it down. Too bad the students, etc. and people that really wanted to hear Trump speak, some first time voters and then couldn't --like going home disappointed. Then the Black Lives matter thugs jumped on the cop cars in celebration of shutting it down. What they don't like that Trump wants to speak about building a wall, making America Great Again? I guess they go back to 53rd and Universal and call it home--back to the stye!

"Four men were killed and at least 11 other people have been wounded since late Friday morning in shootings across the city of Chicago.No one was in custody for any of the attacks and police were investigating." But at least the City of Chicago stopped Trump from expressing his right to free speech Friday evening.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 09:27 PM

Originally Posted By: flattax
The Black Lives Matter thugs showed up at UIC/Chicago sent over by Bernie and Hillary's campaign to shut it down. Too bad the students, etc. and people that really wanted to hear Trump speak, some first time voters and then couldn't --like going home disappointed. Then the Black Lives matter thugs jumped on the cop cars in celebration of shutting it down. What they don't like that Trump wants to speak about building a wall, making America Great Again? I guess they go back to 53rd and Universal and call it home--back to the stye!

It's ironic because it's that very type of thuggish behavior that has led to people letting out a big yawn when they see the latest news bit on all the black homicides in Chicago or some black criminal being killed by a white cop.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/12/16 11:32 PM

Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted By: flattax
The Black Lives Matter thugs showed up at UIC/Chicago sent over by Bernie and Hillary's campaign to shut it down. Too bad the students, etc. and people that really wanted to hear Trump speak, some first time voters and then couldn't --like going home disappointed. Then the Black Lives matter thugs jumped on the cop cars in celebration of shutting it down. What they don't like that Trump wants to speak about building a wall, making America Great Again? I guess they go back to 53rd and Universal and call it home--back to the stye!

"Four men were killed and at least 11 other people have been wounded since late Friday morning in shootings across the city of Chicago.No one was in custody for any of the attacks and police were investigating." But at least the City of Chicago stopped Trump from expressing his right to free speech Friday evening.

If those same people marched and protested to stop gangs from killing people the gangs might get the message. A lot of these protesters turned into thugs themselves but they'd rather point the finger at Trump when they need to check themselves in the mirror.
Posted By: IvyLeague

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 02:03 AM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: Moe_Tilden
Originally Posted By: flattax
The Black Lives Matter thugs showed up at UIC/Chicago sent over by Bernie and Hillary's campaign to shut it down. Too bad the students, etc. and people that really wanted to hear Trump speak, some first time voters and then couldn't --like going home disappointed. Then the Black Lives matter thugs jumped on the cop cars in celebration of shutting it down. What they don't like that Trump wants to speak about building a wall, making America Great Again? I guess they go back to 53rd and Universal and call it home--back to the stye!

"Four men were killed and at least 11 other people have been wounded since late Friday morning in shootings across the city of Chicago.No one was in custody for any of the attacks and police were investigating." But at least the City of Chicago stopped Trump from expressing his right to free speech Friday evening.

If those same people marched and protested to stop gangs from killing people the gangs might get the message. A lot of these protesters turned into thugs themselves but they'd rather point the finger at Trump when they need to check themselves in the mirror.

It's why their "black lives matter" is a bunch of BS even they don't believe. A black life only matters if it's ended by a white cop.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 06:40 PM

Originally Posted By: DuesPaid
trash that march around NYC when they have nothing else to do.

Are you talking about Trump's supporters or protesters?
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 06:49 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
If those same people marched and protested to stop gangs from killing people the gangs might get the message.

There are thousands of organizations that do just that. It doesn't do any good. And in case you've been living in a bubble for the past 30 years, law enforcement hasn't been able to stop it. And if you're one of these people who thinks that it's because law enforcement isn't allowed to get tough enough with them, just look at Mexico where law enforcement is outright militarized, with special forces that do not take prisoners and shoot on site when raiding cartels. Gangs are only going to stop themselves.
Posted By: getthesenets

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 08:48 PM

The nerve that Trump has touched with people is real, but I'd say be careful what you wish for. "PC" is a term that only applies when comments are made about OTHER people, but I figure that sooner than later it's going to be open season on everybody in terms of people voicing their views/opinions.

Lot of old wounds will be re-opened when these old conflicts/prejudices re-emerge.

Or...like I've quoted many times on this forum...

Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 10:30 PM

Originally Posted By: OakAsFan
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
If those same people marched and protested to stop gangs from killing people the gangs might get the message.

There are thousands of organizations that do just that. It doesn't do any good. And in case you've been living in a bubble for the past 30 years, law enforcement hasn't been able to stop it. And if you're one of these people who thinks that it's because law enforcement isn't allowed to get tough enough with them, just look at Mexico where law enforcement is outright militarized, with special forces that do not take prisoners and shoot on site when raiding cartels. Gangs are only going to stop themselves.

I disagree. There have been some organizations that have done that on a small scale, but nothing as large as the anti-Trump protest. Plus consider that most of the anti-Trump protesters and BLM protesters are young people. Take that along with the publicity they receive, and apply it consistently you would get some results. The attitude that gangs are only going to stop themselves sounds like giving up and admitting defeat. There has to be a coordinated effort between politicians, the police, schools, churches and social organizations. In fact, because BLM is so social media savvy, it is in a better position to do more and to take a leadership role. I'd even suggest a deputized, concealed carry, vigilance group comprised of law-abiding people from the community to monitor and assist with law enforcement. They could be the first responders. Even some gangs might be willing to help. In the 1970s some Chicago gangs turned from violence to helping the community, but they didn't get political support and returned to their old ways. But there has to be a community decision that says that violence and general criminal behavior is no longer acceptable.
Posted By: Crash

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 10:47 PM

Heil Trump !!,,
He will close the door on Muslims and end the pollution.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/13/16 10:48 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
The nerve that Trump has touched with people is real, but I'd say be careful what you wish for. "PC" is a term that only applies when comments are made about OTHER people, but I figure that sooner than later it's going to be open season on everybody in terms of people voicing their views/opinions.

Lot of old wounds will be re-opened when these old conflicts/prejudices re-emerge.

Trump could have done so much better if he didn't mouth off so much. He could have had the same policies and the "I'm not taking any crap" attitude without the insults. He had the potential, but wasted it, so now he has the highest unlikability rating of any candidate. Now if he wins the primary there's a yuuuge chance he'll lose in the general. This is way he's such a big target to protesters. They REALLY hate him now. All of the other candidates actually TALK to protesters. Not Donald Trump. Here's what he should have done during his candidacy.

-- He shouldn't have said that Mexico sends us murderers and rapists. Mexico isn't sending anyone. People choose to immigrate, legally or illegally, on their own free will. Plus not all illegal aliens come from Mexico.
-- He had no reason to insult Carly Fiorina's looks.
-- He shouldn't have been so thin-skinned over Megyn Kelly and other media personalities.
-- He shouldn't have told people in his audience to attack protesters (and then say he'd pay the legal fees).
-- He shouldn't refer to African Americans or Black Americans as "the Blacks."
-- He should have forcefully repudiated David Duke and the Klan on Jake Tapper.
-- He shouldn't have claimed that George Bush lied to get us into the Iraq War.
-- He shouldn't have said he'd kill the families of terrorists.
-- I can think of many more examples of where he damaged himself. The biggest example is his failure to settle the Trump University case. He may be forced to take the stand. What kind of picture will that create? For one, it says that he's not as bright as he thinks he is. In the end, it may be political suicide.
Posted By: OakAsFan

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/14/16 12:22 AM

Everything that's working for Trump in the primaries would work against him in the general election.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/14/16 01:19 AM

Bernie Sanders just went on record saying he does not support violent protests or disruptions and calls on Trump to do the same.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/16/16 04:50 PM

well, trump after winning flordia, and his showing in other states makes him the frontrunner for the nomination, but, that's

when he will have to face Hillary, and she does have tons of support, I seriously doubt he can beat her.

be interesting to see what republicans will or will not support trump. and to see if the republicans can keep control of the senate, with trump leading the ticket.

Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/16/16 04:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
The nerve that Trump has touched with people is real, but I'd say be careful what you wish for. "PC" is a term that only applies when comments are made about OTHER people, but I figure that sooner than later it's going to be open season on everybody in terms of people voicing their views/opinions.

Lot of old wounds will be re-opened when these old conflicts/prejudices re-emerge.

Trump could have done so much better if he didn't mouth off so much. He could have had the same policies and the "I'm not taking any crap" attitude without the insults. He had the potential, but wasted it, so now he has the highest unlikability rating of any candidate. Now if he wins the primary there's a yuuuge chance he'll lose in the general. This is way he's such a big target to protesters. They REALLY hate him now. All of the other candidates actually TALK to protesters. Not Donald Trump. Here's what he should have done during his candidacy.

-- He shouldn't have said that Mexico sends us murderers and rapists. Mexico isn't sending anyone. People choose to immigrate, legally or illegally, on their own free will. Plus not all illegal aliens come from Mexico.
-- He had no reason to insult Carly Fiorina's looks.
-- He shouldn't have been so thin-skinned over Megyn Kelly and other media personalities.
-- He shouldn't have told people in his audience to attack protesters (and then say he'd pay the legal fees).
-- He shouldn't refer to African Americans or Black Americans as "the Blacks."
-- He should have forcefully repudiated David Duke and the Klan on Jake Tapper.
-- He shouldn't have claimed that George Bush lied to get us into the Iraq War.
-- He shouldn't have said he'd kill the families of terrorists.
-- I can think of many more examples of where he damaged himself. The biggest example is his failure to settle the Trump University case. He may be forced to take the stand. What kind of picture will that create? For one, it says that he's not as bright as he thinks he is. In the end, it may be political suicide.

great post, very well said, the only fact I would disagree with is....... yes, he was right in saying George bush lied about Iraq...... because HE DID!!
Posted By: goombah

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/16/16 09:39 PM

Originally Posted By: getthesenets
The nerve that Trump has touched with people is real, but I'd say be careful what you wish for. "PC" is a term that only applies when comments are made about OTHER people, but I figure that sooner than later it's going to be open season on everybody in terms of people voicing their views/opinions.

Lot of old wounds will be re-opened when these old conflicts/prejudices re-emerge.

Or...like I've quoted many times on this forum...

Well said getthesenets.

Trump has struck a nerve with many people. For the most part, there is no middle - you either love him or hate him. I loathe him. I find him to be a vile, digusting, and ignorant excuse of a human being.

Part of me wants Trump to be the nominee because it will force the GOP to rebuild itself from the ground up after he loses the general election. It will also help bolster the argument for a viable third party in this country.

I will not be the least bit suprised if Trump incites riots based on any number of the idiotic things he says, or if he throws a fit if the Republicans try to block his nomination in July.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/16/16 11:19 PM

Originally Posted By: Binnie_Coll
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
Originally Posted By: getthesenets
The nerve that Trump has touched with people is real, but I'd say be careful what you wish for. "PC" is a term that only applies when comments are made about OTHER people, but I figure that sooner than later it's going to be open season on everybody in terms of people voicing their views/opinions.

Lot of old wounds will be re-opened when these old conflicts/prejudices re-emerge.

Trump could have done so much better if he didn't mouth off so much. He could have had the same policies and the "I'm not taking any crap" attitude without the insults. He had the potential, but wasted it, so now he has the highest unlikability rating of any candidate. Now if he wins the primary there's a yuuuge chance he'll lose in the general. This is way he's such a big target to protesters. They REALLY hate him now. All of the other candidates actually TALK to protesters. Not Donald Trump. Here's what he should have done during his candidacy.

-- He shouldn't have said that Mexico sends us murderers and rapists. Mexico isn't sending anyone. People choose to immigrate, legally or illegally, on their own free will. Plus not all illegal aliens come from Mexico.
-- He had no reason to insult Carly Fiorina's looks.
-- He shouldn't have been so thin-skinned over Megyn Kelly and other media personalities.
-- He shouldn't have told people in his audience to attack protesters (and then say he'd pay the legal fees).
-- He shouldn't refer to African Americans or Black Americans as "the Blacks."
-- He should have forcefully repudiated David Duke and the Klan on Jake Tapper.
-- He shouldn't have claimed that George Bush lied to get us into the Iraq War.
-- He shouldn't have said he'd kill the families of terrorists.
-- I can think of many more examples of where he damaged himself. The biggest example is his failure to settle the Trump University case. He may be forced to take the stand. What kind of picture will that create? For one, it says that he's not as bright as he thinks he is. In the end, it may be political suicide.

great post, very well said, the only fact I would disagree with is....... yes, he was right in saying George bush lied about Iraq...... because HE DID!!

He was wrong. Lying is different than being wrong. There's no evidence that he purposely deceived anyone.
Posted By: MaryCas

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/16/16 11:51 PM

If elected, I wonder if Trump will bankrupt the USA a few times like he does with his businesses (one of his strategies) ?

If elected, Donald Trump could go down in history as "The JackAss President".
Posted By: Beanshooter

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 12:17 AM

No, that titled belongs to Obama
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 02:50 AM

Thrump is a good business man. Why, he does not invest his own money. He own or controlled hundreds of business big and small. Think about it he borrows a mil from Daddio and turn it into somewhere between 7 to 10 buillion.

If you ever own a business some succeed and some fail. You want to make money sometimes you have to sell.

I am retired since 1991. I own a lot of small businesses that people manage for me. and I also invest. I don't always make money from what I invest in, but when I hit one I hit it big.

You would not believe in some of the shit I invested in as favors for others. My friend has been trying to get his own sitcom for years. He sends me scripts one was You can't get good pizza in kabul. Situation comedy that takes place in Afganistan smile he sent me three others.

My oldest son's friend sent me one called All Saints Day. It made me laugh out loud. I invested 50 thousand it was shot in Brooklyn. It was a small time hit I made most of the money the picture made. So it was great for me. What my sons friend got was name. He has made at least 4 other films writing credits. He later resented how much money I made. Just business he would not have been able to even make the movie with out me.

What do democrats give minority's unemployment welfair for ever? Better give then a trade they can learn and a sponsored job program. So they can get off relief and start living on their own. Trump can probably help them get that. Will the [BadWord] Hillary or sanders do that?
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 02:53 AM

Originally Posted By: MaryCas
If elected, I wonder if Trump will bankrupt the USA a few times like he does with his businesses (one of his strategies) ?

If elected, Donald Trump could go down in history as "The JackAss President".

That would actually be a good thing. The US is heavily In debt and should be allowed to go bankrupt. It's the only sane way to restructure.

That's the difference between the business world and government. Government could just inflate the currency and keep going in to debt until the currency collapses or some big economic crisis hits. Where a business that is no longer getting the right market signals in terms of profits and efficiency can do a legitment bankruptcy. Which is completely legit, rational and most efficient.

I cannot for the life of me understand the criticisms people make about Trump's past bankruptcies. I assume those making those Critisims never been involved in multiple business's.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 02:56 AM

What I don't get about trump is all the bad language he uses and the crazy stuff he says to an audience. That makes no sense.

Working or dealing with street guys every other word is f this or f that. But talking to other people you don't talk like that.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 04:57 AM

Originally Posted By: Footreads
What I don't get about trump is all the bad language he uses and the crazy stuff he says to an audience. That makes no sense.

Working or dealing with street guys every other word is f this or f that. But talking to other people you don't talk like that.

Trump even said "motherf--er" before one audience. That was before he criticized someone else for using a word that wasn't even anywhere near as bad.
Posted By: Binnie_Coll

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 06:44 AM

yes, he said that word in front of an audience......

it was in las vegas I believe, also today he said " if there is a brokered convention, and I don't get the nomination, there will be riots in the streets.

again, his threating, bullying, in your face attitude.

will it bring about his defeat if he is nominated, I think it will.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 12:51 PM

Well he might mean by riots. He will go in as a third party or tell his people not to vote or don't vote as a republican. That guarantees a win for Hillary.

The republicans are demonizing Thrump for the Democrates.

He might tell his voters to do a write in vote for Thrump.

The guy I hate is Cruz especially after his girl went after thrumps wife. They took it off YouTube when they saw all the negative comments.

Incidently where does cruz's wife work?
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 12:53 PM

Get this Mrs.obama said she might want to run for President. True
Posted By: goombah

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 12:57 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

I cannot for the life of me understand the criticisms people make about Trump's past bankruptcies. I assume those making those Critisims never been involved in multiple business's.

It's actually quite simple. Yes, bankruptcies are a problem for a lot of people in this country. The difference is that Trump is running for office to be the leader of the free world. He can and should be criticized for his bad business decisions that lead to multiple bankruptcies. If he can't run his own businesses properly, how can he make good decisions at the macro level of the federal government?

The stakes are never higher than when it involves someone running for president - end of story.
Posted By: Giacomo_Vacari

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 02:20 PM

Trump has 666 delegates right now. That has got some scared.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 04:06 PM

Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

I cannot for the life of me understand the criticisms people make about Trump's past bankruptcies. I assume those making those Critisims never been involved in multiple business's.

It's actually quite simple. Yes, bankruptcies are a problem for a lot of people in this country. The difference is that Trump is running for office to be the leader of the free world. He can and should be criticized for his bad business decisions that lead to multiple bankruptcies. If he can't run his own businesses properly, how can he make good decisions at the macro level of the federal government?

The stakes are never higher than when it involves someone running for president - end of story.

Wait a minute. How do you know bankruptcy was a bad business decision? Bankruptcy can be used as a rational and strategic way to fall back on restructuring laws. It's a practical business decision.

It is a realistic mentality too, unlike the Orwellian world of Washington DC where you can go 20 Trillion in debt and everyone keeps going like everything's fine when it's not.
The US needs a bankruptcy and a big restructuring. Too bad it won't happen until a crisis hits and is forced to.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 05:27 PM

If the US was to go bankrupt can you imagine how much China would try to repossess what it's owed? Countries have fought wars for less, and the US is in debt to China for about 1 to 2 trillion dollars.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 05:31 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: goombah
Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs

I cannot for the life of me understand the criticisms people make about Trump's past bankruptcies. I assume those making those Critisims never been involved in multiple business's.

It's actually quite simple. Yes, bankruptcies are a problem for a lot of people in this country. The difference is that Trump is running for office to be the leader of the free world. He can and should be criticized for his bad business decisions that lead to multiple bankruptcies. If he can't run his own businesses properly, how can he make good decisions at the macro level of the federal government?

The stakes are never higher than when it involves someone running for president - end of story.

Wait a minute. How do you know bankruptcy was a bad business decision? Bankruptcy can be used as a rational and strategic way to fall back on restructuring laws. It's a practical business decision.

It is a realistic mentality too, unlike the Orwellian world of Washington DC where you can go 20 Trillion in debt and everyone keeps going like everything's fine when it's not.
The US needs a bankruptcy and a big restructuring. Too bad it won't happen until a crisis hits and is forced to.

Bingo the car industry did not need a bailout. It could have declared bankruptcy and then restructured.
Posted By: SoCalGangs

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 06:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Faithful1
If the US was to go bankrupt can you imagine how much China would try to repossess what it's owed? Countries have fought wars for less, and the US is in debt to China for about 1 to 2 trillion dollars.

Economic reality can't be wished away. Only postponed. It could happen the hard way or the very hard way.
Posted By: Faithful1

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/17/16 11:48 PM

Originally Posted By: SoCalGangs
Originally Posted By: Faithful1
If the US was to go bankrupt can you imagine how much China would try to repossess what it's owed? Countries have fought wars for less, and the US is in debt to China for about 1 to 2 trillion dollars.

Economic reality can't be wished away. Only postponed. It could happen the hard way or the very hard way.

As a fellow So Cal guy, it's a scary future. But you're probably right. It will create a worldwide depression that will be far worse that the Great Depression. It will also make us all that much more vulnerable to Islamist terrorists as governments will be forced to radically cut back. Think Armageddon.
Posted By: Footreads

Re: donald trump, is he for real? - 03/18/16 01:25 PM

China's problem is it still needs to buy our dollars.

Our problem is we are still keeping the euro from collapsing by buying them with our dollars. We are printing a trillion a year to do that and for other things.

I predict if Hillary gets elected president the dollar will collapse right after the euro collapses.

Then the new sheep the young kids are going to be very disappointed. So will the middle class more sheep.

It is going to be very interesting.
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