
Wouldn't this be a dream?

Posted By: Ricardo

Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/24/02 07:06 PM

Wouldn't it be great if Puzo's daughter used his early Gf2, GF3, and Gf4 scripts, plus notes to make a second book. It would be post-Vito, and the Godfather could be Mike.

The Second Godfather by Mario Puzo

Book I: Don Clemenza- more about Clemenza, Pentangelli, Rosatos, Clem dies, apalachin, new Five familes, etc.

Book II: The Betrayal- Fredo/Rocco/Roth/Mike/Ola in Havana, assassination at tahoe

Book III: The Trial of Michael Corleone-Cicci snitches, Pent witness prtoection, Enter Vincenzo etc. Flashbacks of pent brothers in Sicily, Vincenzo's Family.

Book IV: The Life and Death of Hyman Roth-Clemenza finds him, Roth meets Moe Greene, Molasses, las vegas, Rocco kills Roth

Book V: The Bastard(illegitimate) Births- Sonny dies, Vincent is born, Lucy and Segal etc. Deanna and Fredo's son, Tommasso, is born shortly after Fredo gets shot.

Book VI: The Division of a Family- Kay,Ant, Mary leave for NH, Fredo's funeral, Tom, Sondra and Connie move away, etc.

Book VII: Hagen Law- Tom moves and opens a lawfirm with his son Frank, he later dies in the 60's, Andrew is ordained

Book VIII: Hard Times in Nevada- Mike, Neri all alone in Tahoe, Segal dies, Vinny meets his uncle Mike, Deanna and Tommasso live in Vegas, Fontane returns to his singing career, etc.

Book IX: La Cosa Nostra- Families across the country unite against Don Corleone, Mike joins with Castro

Book X: The Kennedys- Puzo wrote awhole book, the Fourth K, about the keendeys, Corleones help Kennedy into office, other Dons conspire to kill JFK, and Robert Kenendy

Book XI: The End of an Era- Mike sells casinos, moves to New York, Snatino Junior is drafted into Vietnam

Book XII: Legitimacy- Mike wants to go legit to please his father, and brother Tom, Andrew studies under Bishop Greening

Book XIII: A Sign of Things to Come- Rise of Zasa, Altobello, Lamberto, Gilday, Luchesi, etc. Vincent works for Zasa, makes his bones

Book XIV: Immobilaire- Mike is ordained, early Gf3, mike pays off Gilday's debt, Atlantic CIty shooting, Zasa dies, Pope dies, Mike's confession

Book XV: Cavelleria Rusticana- Mike's stroke, Vincent turns to Altobello, Alto hires Mosca, Don Vincent, Mike and Kay reunite, Tommasino dies, New Pope, leading to Anthony starring in CR on Easter-death of Mary, Gilday, Twins, Mosca, Luchesi, Keinszig, etc.

Book XVI: Life and Death of Don Tommasino- Tommasino escapes Ciccio, helps Vito kill Ciccio, takes over as Don, little bit of Giuliano, bits from Sicilian, Fab betrays Mike, Calo becomes Underboss, Luchesi, Pent brothers, Altobello in Sicily. Sino dies, Calo takes over, then Don Vincent

Book XVII: Don Vincenzo- First year of Vinny as Don, Clao, Neri, Rizzis, Tommaso Dunn, etc. join Family

Book XVIII: Return to Corleone- Mike retires to Corleone, Sicily, to live with Calo, and Anthony continues his opera in Palermo

Book XIX: Fall of Las Vegas- Mid 80's Vin is back in Casinos, FBI investigation, Vin goes on Trial, denies everything, etc.

Book XX: The Five Families History- Maranzano dies, Cuneo, Tattgalia, Corleone, Barini, Stracci form Five Families, 1955 Five new Dons, Clemenza, etc. Five Families plot against Mike in 60's, Five Families wiped out in Atlantic City in 1979. New Five Families-Mancini, etc.

Book XXI: The Fall of Vincent Mancini- Lucy dies, Vinny is convicted of Organized Gambling in Vegas, and Drug Trafficking, sentenced to do jail time, Colombian Cartels, Red Mafia, Yakuza take over Narcotics, Vinny and other Dons, run Families from cell (a la Gotti, and other current Dons)

Book XXII: The Hagen Legacy- Hagen children fulfill their father and grandfatehrs wishes of legitimacy-Frank becomes Mayor or Governor after years as top-notch lawyer, Andrew becomes cardinal or Archbishop, Hagen daughters become Nurses or acotrs or singers, etc.

Book XXIII: The Death of Michael Corleone- Ant owns Palermo Operahouse, Calo, Neri, Mike die in Sicily in 1997

Book XXIV: The Last Years of Johnny Fontane- (a la Sinatra) Fontane dies in 1998, talk about his retirement, his last years, his daughters, Ginny, Ashton, Deanna, etc.

Book XXV: The End of the Corleones- Vincent is killed while in prison, Dom Abbandando is dead, Vin's son is killed in school shooting, Tommaso Corleone died of AIDS in early 90's, Kay dies, Anthony is legit in Palermo, Frank Hagen runs for president, Andrew becomes Pope, Santino was killed in Vietnam, Connie dies, MF Rizzi is a legit doctor, Frank Corleone has died, Hagen and Sonny's twins are Legit, (young children at Mike's party in Gf3, presumably sons of Victor, Andrew, etc.) are legit, Nobody take sover Corleone throne, the END.
Posted By: the mattress

Re: Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/24/02 09:57 PM

That would be a dream come true, but sadly i doubt it will ever happen
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/24/02 10:24 PM

Talk to her Ricardo...make her a offer that she couldn't refuse!
Posted By: Anthony Spilotro

Re: Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/24/02 11:16 PM

I don't know if you could handle writing the script to GF4 and the second installment of the GFN Ricardo!
Posted By: CamillusDon

Re: Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/24/02 11:24 PM

sure maybe they would meet, fall in love and he would be in control of the whole empire!
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/25/02 02:24 PM

Originally posted by Don Alessandro:
I don't know if you could handle writing the script to GF4 and the second installment of the GFN Ricardo!
Not ME! Use Puzo's OG GF2, Gf3, and Gf4 scripts. Since Calo died in the Novel, Puzo could use his OG Gf3 script. Remember Puzo wrote plots for Clemenza in Gf2, AND Hagen in Gf3, AND Vince in GF4!
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: Wouldn't this be a dream? - 02/25/02 02:32 PM

Originally posted by Ricardo:

Book II: The Betrayal- Fredo/Rocco/Roth/Mike/Ola in Havana, assassination at tahoe

Book III: The Trial of Michael Corleone-Cicci snitches, Pent witness prtoection, Enter Vincenzo etc. Flashbacks of pent brothers in Sicily, Vincenzo's Family.

Book IV: The Life and Death of Hyman Roth-Clemenza finds him, Roth meets Moe Greene, Molasses, las vegas, Rocco kills Roth

Book VI: The Division of a Family- Kay,Ant, Mary leave for NH, Fredo's funeral, Tom, Sondra and Connie move away, etc.

Book IX: La Cosa Nostra- Families across the country unite against Don Corleone, Mike joins with Castro

Book X: The Kennedys- Puzo wrote awhole book, the Fourth K, about the keendeys, Corleones help Kennedy into office, other Dons conspire to kill JFK, and Robert Kenendy

Book XII: Legitimacy- Mike wants to go legit to please his father, and brother Tom, Andrew studies under Bishop Greening

Book XIII: A Sign of Things to Come- Rise of Zasa, Altobello, Lamberto, Gilday, Luchesi, etc. Vincent works for Zasa, makes his bones

Book XIV: Immobilaire- Mike is ordained, early Gf3, mike pays off Gilday's debt, Atlantic CIty shooting, Zasa dies, Pope dies, Mike's confession

Book XV: Cavelleria Rusticana- Mike's stroke, Vincent turns to Altobello, Alto hires Mosca, Don Vincent, Mike and Kay reunite, Tommasino dies, New Pope, leading to Anthony starring in CR on Easter-death of Mary, Gilday, Twins, Mosca, Luchesi, Keinszig, etc.

Book XVII: Don Vincenzo- First year of Vinny as Don, Clao, Neri, Rizzis, Tommaso Dunn, etc. join Family

Book XVIII: Return to Corleone- Mike retires to Corleone, Sicily, to live with Calo, and Anthony continues his opera in Palermo

Book XX: The Five Families History- Maranzano dies, Cuneo, Tattgalia, Corleone, Barini, Stracci form Five Families, 1955 Five new Dons, Clemenza, etc. Five Families plot against Mike in 60's, Five Families wiped out in Atlantic City in 1979. New Five Families-Mancini, etc.

Book XXII: The Hagen Legacy- Hagen children fulfill their father and grandfatehrs wishes of legitimacy-Frank becomes Mayor or Governor after years as top-notch lawyer, Andrew becomes cardinal or Archbishop, Hagen daughters become Nurses or acotrs or singers, etc.

Book XXIII: The Death of Michael Corleone- Ant owns Palermo Operahouse, Calo, Neri, Mike die in Sicily in 1997

These are ALL things Puzo has already wrote about.

Puzo INVENTED Altobello, Tommasino, Vincent, Zasa, Mary, Gilday, Lamberto, Luchesi he probably made a little bio for each one s he was writing the script.

According to the Novel, there were NO Vincent, Mary. No calo either, so this would REALLy change Godfather 3! We could Puzo's original ideas for a Gf3 script, maybe Anthony or his unnamed BROTHER, would have been Don. Maybe Santino or somebody else.
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