
My mother never ate anything raw....

Posted By: mldetroit

My mother never ate anything raw.... - 08/19/14 02:39 AM

Tony is talking to Dr. Melfi. She asks him about his father. Tony says something like, "Good guy, everybody liked him. Taught us kids how to eat oysters...little Worcestershire, suck em down..it's good. My mother never ate anything raw." He kind of stresses the last sentence. It is kind of odd/weird. Anybody else think this? Is this supposed to be significant in some way (in terms of Tony's psyche or something)?
Posted By: Its_da_Jackeeettttttt

Re: My mother never ate anything raw.... - 08/24/14 09:06 PM

Not sure if it's related, but late in Season 1, she's at a Sunday dinner ranting about uncooked pork. Probably just a hangup she had about food.
Posted By: mldetroit

Re: My mother never ate anything raw.... - 08/27/14 12:52 AM

Maybe you're right. I also vaguely remember her talking about triganosis (I'm sure I spelled that wrong) - perhaps in uncooked pork - and people dying from this. Maybe it was just one of her many paranoias.
Posted By: PetroPirelli

Re: My mother never ate anything raw.... - 08/28/14 07:35 PM

She was a nut.
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