

Posted By: B. B. Cheese

TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/12/03 04:35 PM

To some this might not be too big of a deal, but to me it is. You see, the classic films like the Godfather had little profanity and was very csucessful. So to say "well...profanity makes the characters more believable or more real" is not right at all. The sam goes with Scarface, Casino, Goodfellas and most of the modern mafia movies in general. Enough is enough!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/12/03 05:30 PM

I agree to a point but the profanity makes these programs more realistic. This is how these guys act and talk. The Godfather is a very romantic view of the mob - smart, intelligent, family men. In real life though they are thugs.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/12/03 06:56 PM

Originally posted by Turi Giuliano:
I agree to a point but the profanity makes these programs more realistic. This is how these guys act and talk. The Godfather is a very romantic view of the mob - smart, intelligent, family men. In real life though they are thugs.
I disagree with Turi, because the Godfather was convincing enough to me how ruthless the mafia is without all the profanity. Look at The Godfather III, Lo and behold more profanity and what do we have here? Lower ratings! ***gasps***

My point is simply this: profanity, sexual content, and violence can be pressent without display, take Casino for example. The "vice scene" that was terrible and never should have been permitted. That is way too graphic and inhumane. This story is naratted by DeNiro and Pesci, they could have easily informed the audience what happpened without showing that!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/12/03 07:39 PM

This is what makes The Sopranos so unique. It does what other shows does not. It adds nothing but realism in my opinion.


PS> Welcome to the BB!
Posted By: Turi Giuliano

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 05:11 PM

I doubt any profanity in Godfather III influenced any ratings. Godfather III had so many problems with it that's why it didn't live up to the first two films. The story line was mediocre and complicated, alot of people dislike the fact that FFC's daughter played Mary and a cousin-cousin relationship all helped mold the fate of that film. You cannot blame it on any swearing.

The vice scene in Casino is awesome. It just sounds like your a little squeemish. You're gonna have to toughen yourself up a bit.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 05:55 PM

OMG, something should be left out because it is graphic/gorey? No offence but that is very stupid to do in show biz. And it wasn't even that gorey IMO. You didn't actually see an eye pop out. All that happen was some blood squirts.
Posted By: XJimmy the GentX

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 06:41 PM

The Godfather is a more dramatic tale where as the Sopranos is like a modern day look into the life of mafiosos. Not only that, but the time periods are different. Profanity doesn't bother me, its just language.
Posted By: pacino princess

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 07:10 PM

definitely 2 different times we're about. Godfather times were a time when profanity wasn't all that necessary or common in everyday language, whereas Jersey and this new time period, we have gangsters saying all the fuckin shit they need to get their points across.LOL.sorry.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 07:19 PM

Thats fuckin ok Peepee Say whatever the fuck you damn want. And your right, profanity was a damn hell a lot different. I mean, those bastard gangsters say all the motherfucking shit they need to make a simple damn point. :p
Posted By: Researcher

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 07:44 PM

I don't mind all the profanities, in Goodfellas and Sopranos, but there's one thing I don't like in the Sopranos, I picked up on this after seeing only one episode: The way the filmmakers flaunt with nudity too much. I mean in other films, okay, but in Mafia films, it's just disrespectful! Godfather managed the apollonia nudity scene really well and nicely, but Sopranos is just needlessly sleazy.
Posted By: XJimmy the GentX

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/13/03 11:11 PM

Originally posted by Researcher:
I don't mind all the profanities, in Goodfellas and Sopranos, but there's one thing I don't like in the Sopranos, I picked up on this after seeing only one episode: The way the filmmakers flaunt with nudity too much. I mean in other films, okay, but in Mafia films, it's just disrespectful! Godfather managed the apollonia nudity scene really well and nicely, but Sopranos is just needlessly sleazy.
Again, yet another reflection of the time periods. Then again, the novel described Fredo as somewhat premiscuous, so go figure.
Posted By: Lucky_Luciano

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/14/03 12:10 AM

I'm going agree with cheese on this one, as far as the over use of profanity. I believe Hollywood has taken many things too far including sexuality and violence, however, there are ratings clearly indicated on these films saying "Rated R, Rated PG-13, Rated NC-17...etc" You have the choice to watch it or not. Personally, I like the older mafia films better than these new ones, but that is my opinion. Thank you.

PS. When you think about it, what do you think will be in a "mafia film"...violence, profanity, and sexual content, but I agree they should tone it down a bit before they water down the plots.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/14/03 11:20 AM

I do agree to an extent that the sexual content should not be emphasised as much. Take into consideration that at the time of The Godfather et al violence and bad language, as well as sex scenes were not considered to be the norm--just think of the controversy sparked by a couple of seconds of a horse's head in a bed!

Cinema has come a long way, and violence these days is, in films, as normal as a bit romance.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. Nobody is forcing you. I see your point about the sex, but the violence only adds realism to the show, instead of romanticising the whole genre, much like other films have.

Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/14/03 11:39 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
I do agree to an extent that the sexual content should not be emphasised as much. Take into consideration that at the time of The Godfather et al violence and bad language, as well as sex scenes were not considered to be the norm--just think of the controversy sparked by a couple of seconds of a horse's head in a bed!

Cinema has come a long way, and violence these days is, in films, as normal as a bit romance.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. Nobody is forcing you. I see your point about the sex, but the violence only adds realism to the show, instead of romanticising the whole genre, much like other films have.

You and Lucky are right about ratings and the choices to watch these movies and programs, but come on. You have to admit a lot of what they show on regular TV can removed. Ok, here is an example, when Sharon Stone goes down on Pesci in Casino, we all know what was going on and they didn't show it. Why can't movies be more like the older classics, like Little Caesar, there's a classic and for it's time, I'm sure it was said to be graphic, but now a-days it's just plain rediculous what they can show on regular TV as far as I'm concerned! There's no "rating" there. The older movies have great plots and story-lines without the crap that you see now, that is all I am saying. Look at Road to Perdition, that wasn't as gory and the language wasn't as bad, only in a few given scenes. Why not chalenge the audience's imagination and thought by letting us figure it out, we aren't stupid, we know what is going on in many situations without seeing it.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/14/03 11:59 PM

Because at the time, vulgarity was very taboo. Back then you could have gotten arested for flirting with a married woman (it happened to Frank Sinatra). Today, people are more down to earth. In the words of George Carlin, "There are no such thing as 'bad words'. I hate it when people say bad words, bullshit! It's the context." :p
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 12:02 AM

The Godfather and Road To Perdition are two overextravagant Hollywood movies. They are bloated artpieces that have themes and messages behind them. To say that they are realistic or that they are up to date is an opinion I strongly disagree with, especially since they take place in the 30's, 40's, and 50's. Sopranos also can not be considered realistic, but at least it tries. I wouldn't believe it if they didn't curse or use any type of profanity in the show, becuase this is supposed to be a gritty, no holds barred look at a New Jersey mob. To want it changed, is just being selfish to all the people who want to watch a show where nothing has to be censored. If your prerogative is to see bland, censored, and unrealistic shows and movies, watch ABC, NBC, and CBS.

And profanities are just expressions. It's sad to see people get so offended by words that mean so much, and can produce emotion and feeling, that other words have such a hard time conveying.

I want real, not fake.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 02:00 AM

Don Vercetti, as always you have brought up some interesting points. Generational gaps have a lot to do with what is accepted and what is not, but I am not willing to discredit all those phenomenal performances of the likes of Al Pacino, Marlon Brando, Robert Duval, Gregory Peck, Edwards G Robinson (to name a few) and many others just because when they performed their roles certain elements weren't permitted because of society's stance. That is absurd and I do not consider their performances to be “fake” either mobbingformoney. Picture The Godfather &The Godfather II being done today was certain contents are allowed. Say they added more graphic violence, more blood and gore, more profanity, more sexual content; I guarantee we would not see the same results. In regards of “being down to Earth” let me remind you that movies are actors portraying fictional and real life characters, sure they are to make it as realistic as possible, but there needs to be reason kept. This is movies we are talking about, not real life. We can get the picture without all the details, in fact many of the older productions (classics I might add) use talking instead of illustrations, (e.i. “so and so was raped and murdered” instead of showing the scene) do you see where I am coming from? :p

PS...it doesn't take much thought to say 4 or 5 cuss words in a single sentence and doesn't illustrate much intelligence, and these underbosses and don and what not aren't stupid, so why add stupidity?
Posted By: MobbingForMoney

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 03:40 AM

Originally posted by B. B. Cheese:
That is absurd and I do not consider their performances to be “fake” either mobbingformoney. Picture The Godfather &The Godfather II being done today was certain contents are allowed. Say they added more graphic violence, more blood and gore, more profanity, more sexual content; I guarantee we would not see the same results. In regards of “being down to Earth” let me remind you that movies are actors portraying fictional and real life characters, sure they are to make it as realistic as possible, but there needs to be reason kept. This is movies we are talking about, not real life. We can get the picture without all the details, in fact many of the older productions (classics I might add) use talking instead of illustrations, (e.i. “so and so was raped and murdered” instead of showing the scene)
Of course this just your opinion. You seem to be to discounting the millions of fans of the Sopranos who like seeing the show for what it is, a gritty mob drama, balanced by family issues. You are also making hypothetical situations up. Of course anyone could make hypothetical situations wondering how the Godfather could be now, but until you give me proof of this updated Godfather, it would be better to stick to the main parts of your arguments. You also don't have to remind me of why these movies are made. It's for entertainment value, and that's exactly what they do. Do I find the Godfather and Road to Perdition to be good movies? Why yes I do, but they portray internal conflicts between the protaganists in the story. And I don't understand what you meant by having reasons for having a movie of T.V. show realistic. It isn't enough to know that it takes time in present New Jersey? I didn't know the show was about a couple of nuns in a convent. I am for one am not going to be ignorant to the changing times, and be mad just because they say profanities and use gore to illustrate a point. Do they do it for shock value sometimes? Sure they do, but that doesn't mean it should be stopped just because a few people can't get with the times and enjoy a T.V. show for what it is, and not try to stop the fans who actually can enjoy a show like the Sopranos.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 04:03 AM

There is nothing stupid about bad words. Shit, piss, fuck, c*nt, cocksucker, motherfucker, and tits. If you were to ask me, I would say that last sentence had no bad words because I believe there are no bad words. And personally, I think that movies that go HEAVILY into detail are good. The more detail the better. What is so wrong with these words and WHO made them bad. Some guy had to come along and say, "I don't like these words." Nothing makes these words bad except people. I don't think J Pesci's character in Casino was showing stupidity because he said "fuck" almost twice in every sentence.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 04:16 AM

What's with the " :rolleyes: "
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 05:02 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
What's with the " :rolleyes: "
What do you mean?
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 05:03 AM

The director has the points he wants to convey, and how he wants to convey, be it based in a time period, personal opinion or whatever. He will proceed to convey these points in his show in a way he thinks best suits the times, his opinions and his surroundings. This not always happens, but it only makes sense that it does. If a viewer does not like it, he then does not like the piece for the piece. If The Sopranos had no language it would not be The Sopranos, same applies to the physical nudity simuntaneously.

Researcher, how can you judge a show, or pick up a certain abuse that the show does after seeing one episode? One episode?
Posted By: Lucky_Luciano

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 07:08 AM

Why don't you all give this topic a rest? Cheese I agree with you to a certain extent, but If you do not like what you see and what you hear, no one is putting a gun to your head to compel you to watch anything. I've said my peace. Thank you.

Posted By: Guineapig

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 07:46 AM

Why don't you.

He most likely understands that but feels what's he been complaining about should stop because it offends him.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 04:42 PM

The Godfather is in now way comparable to The Sopranos. Times are changing, and these were made for different generations. The Godfather would be terrible if it had swearing in it, yes, but if it was made today it wouldn't be nearly as good anyway, even without swearing. And if it did have swearing in it, we would know no different.

Oh, and Lucky Luciano, please do not give this thread a rest; it's nice to se some discussion going in this forum for a change.

Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 06:38 PM

Kind of tough to answer!!! It would be laughable if Tony Soprano and crew didn't use profanity, because it wouldn't be realistic at all. Do they overdo it? Perhaps! I'd be ok if they toned it down a little, but the language would not stop me from watching/enjoying the show. I suppose I'm old fashioned, but in my view, the nude/sex scenes are not always necessary, but again I still watch the show. On the other hand, the violence, as "shocking" as it may be at times, doesn't bother me!! Go figure!!

Posted By: pacino princess

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/15/03 07:03 PM

You know TIS, now that you mention it, those nude and sex scenes can get a bit disturbing at times. Especially ones with Tone and his mistresses. Not pleasant when watching with your Mom.LOL. But I guess its the essence.I dunno..anyway, those damn girls from the Bada Bing! have saggy boobs..
Posted By: Knocc Out

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 02:03 AM

Too Much Profanity?

this is a real life show reflecting how real life works, and in real life people tend to swear a lot, this is a show for adults and its on at adult times, so why cutout the swearing? its not as if we dont hear the word "fuck" at least once a day anyway
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 02:08 AM

Even on that "Godfathers" show just on, they said the mafia portrayed in The Godfather is not like the real mafia. They said, "They portray the mafia as a romantic family type mafia when in real life, they are much more vicious."
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 05:25 AM

I wanted to see Carmella Soprano naked on the Episode 22 ( From here to eternity ).

I want to see Melfi and Carmella naked.. With lots of baby oil, and action.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 05:20 PM

Originally posted by Guineapig:
I wanted to see Carmella Soprano naked on the Episode 22 ( From here to eternity ).

I want to see Melfi and Carmella naked.. With lots of baby oil, and action.
:rolleyes: Keep it in your pants will you?
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 05:29 PM

Originally posted by Knocc Out:
[b]Too Much Profanity?

this is a real life show reflecting how real life works, and in real life people tend to swear a lot, this is a show for adults and its on at adult times, so why cutout the swearing? its not as if we dont hear the word "fuck" at least once a day anyway
Note: The original post is call TOO MUCH profanity, meaning that I personally believe there is an unreasonable amount of profanity in the Sopranos, which not only takes away from the dialogue, but also gets old. You have to admit it, sometimes the characters become so predictable it’s dismal. Granted, for the sake of reality I think there should be violence and profanity, sure. Let’s not get overboard here though, it’s stupid how sometimes no one can put together a sentence on the show without the use of at least one cuss word, not a exactly a humble expression of intelligence.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 07:38 PM

:rolleyes: Keep it in your pants will you?

B.J Cheese ^.

It is in my pants most of the times, but if I wanted your opinion on what to do with it, or where to keep it I would take it out of your mouth.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 07:48 PM

Originally posted by Guineapig:
:rolleyes: Keep it in your pants will you?

B.J Cheese ^.

It is in my pants most of the times, but if I wanted your opinion on what to do with it, I would take it out of your mouth.
Yeah, you and who else? :rolleyes:

By the way it's "B. B. Cheese" get it right.
Posted By: Guineapig

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 09:13 PM

As I suspected, you would be adamant to keep it.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 06/16/03 10:00 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:

do not give this thread a rest; it's nice to se some discussion going in this forum for a change.

Thanks Capo!
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 03:47 PM

I had just watched some old time "gangster classics" featuring James Cagney and Bogart. I noted there was a lesser amount of profanity and this did not take away from anything. I thought these films were great movies.

I am not saying to remove all profanity and violence completely out of the Sopranos. I am saying to clean it up a little bit. What's so bad about that? I mean even the children are swearing in front of the parents for crying out loud! I don't know about the rest of you, but I would be on my face if I were to say the things they say to their parents. For good reason too.

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 04:04 PM

No, don't clean it. When I see a movie, I want realism, not cleaned crap. Yes, the oldies may have been good but they were unrealistic to leave out the realism "Taboo society" kills.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 04:53 PM

I disagree and I will give you my reasons.

1)Marlon Brando won the Oscar for “Best Actor” for his performance as the character Vito Corleone in the film The Godfather (1972). Two years later Robert DeNiro won the Oscar for role as Vito Corleone, the same character as Brando. (never been done before).

2)What film can we say is a classic in modern times?

You mean to tell me that these actors were chosen "Best Actors" for no reason? These films didn't have much swearing and were sucessful, so the argument of sucess would be invalid and the awards prove that "realism" in the roles and characters is also false.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 05:05 PM

They were not classics for not dwearing as much. But still, Godfather is an unrealistic portray of the mafia. which is it's only flaw. They were not chosen for not cussing BUT FOR ACTING!. Jesus.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 05:32 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
They were not classics for not dwearing as much. But still, Godfather is an unrealistic portray of the mafia. which is it's only flaw. They were not chosen for not cussing BUT FOR ACTING!. Jesus.
Yes acting. These actors and films were recognized by their quality. The dialogue was much more complex than most would-be modern “mobster films”. These newer films are all right, but where do you draw the line when it comes to the access of profanity? When is enough....enough? Anyone have any thoughts about this please give your opinions! Thank you.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 05:41 PM

Because it is reality. You have to live with it. Mafias are NOTHING like the Corleone family.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 06:21 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Because it is reality. You have to live with it. Mafias are NOTHING like the Corleone family.
I wonder if you’re suggesting that Francis Ford Coppola should create a new Godfather Trilogy by remaking it and of course he would have to re-cast it, among many other important tangibles. Perhaps modernize the timeless classic trilogy to make it more “real”. After all, real is better, right?

Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 06:25 PM

Realism is better yes.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 07:28 PM

Originally posted by B. B. Cheese:
I wonder if you’re suggesting that Francis Ford Coppola should create a new Godfather Trilogy by remaking it and of course he would have to re-cast it, among many other important tangibles. Perhaps modernize the timeless classic trilogy to make it more “real”. After all, real is better, right?
Why would anyone want to make that suggestion? They'd be ridiculed out of society. Yes, it is a classic, but times change; sex sells, as does realism in TV shows (and realism comes in the form of proper colloquial language, however coarse it may seem).

Why would David Chase want to clean the show up when A: it is possibly the most in-demand and popular TV show at the moment (so why change a winning formula?), and B: he has not set out to produce a kiddies' show. This is the Mafia. People swear. I swear. You swear. The Sopranos are human beings, and the show makes viewers very aware of what they can expect.

Yes, you may get wrong for swearing in front of your parents, but every family in the world is different.

If you resent it so much don't watch it. Nobody is forcing you to. You either like a show or don't. If you don't like it because of profanity, fine; but don't go on and on about it.

Posted By: The Godfather

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 08:17 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
Kind of tough to answer!!! It would be laughable if Tony Soprano and crew didn't use profanity, because it wouldn't be realistic at all. Do they overdo it? Perhaps! I'd be ok if they toned it down a little, but the language would not stop me from watching/enjoying the show. I suppose I'm old fashioned, but in my view, the nude/sex scenes are not always necessary, but again I still watch the show. On the other hand, the violence, as "shocking" as it may be at times, doesn't bother me!! Go figure!!

I agree with you TIS on the sex scenes. They are overdone and most of the time unecessary. Especially the Janice/Richie in 2nd season.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/14/03 08:24 PM

Which episode?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/15/03 08:35 AM

I believe it is an episode toward the end of Season 2, though am uncertain as to which one exactly; Richie does Janice doggy-style and holds a gun to her head, before abruptly stopping to Janice's words: "It should be you," [implying that Richie should clip Tony]. Hence Janice's telling Carmela later in the season that she would like to see a gumar that lets Richie hold a gun to her head during sex.

Personally, I find scenes like this very humourous, the way the camera just cuts to a scene in which the two most unlikely participants are going at it doggy-style. And the one-liners including the coarse swear words are sometimes the funniest things in the show: take Junior's frequent deliverance of the C word, for instance!

Take away the swearing, the sex scenes and the violence and what you have is a show without any humour, realism or enjoyable scenes.

Posted By: Lucky_Luciano

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/15/03 03:52 PM

I disagree with you Mick and I will state my reasons.

1)Just because something is popular does not mean the product is of high quality.
2)Swearing is does not give more meaning to the show or a more effective portrayal of the characters.
3)I find the scene you mentioned totally unnecessary, this could have been mentioned instead of shown.
4)How are cursing and swearing funny?
5)If you took away the swearing, sex scenes, and the violence, yes it would be a whole different show, but humor, in its entirety would still be there. I am not saying get rid of all these scenes, I am saying to keep it in reason. I am not saying make it PG 13, I am saying to tone it down a notch. I wonder if there is a limit from the way you’ve addressed your opinion Mick. You know in the future it will get even more graphic, but where do you cross the line? I’m guessing there will be actual sexual contact on shows in the future the rate things are going.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/15/03 03:59 PM

Wrong, look at many stand up comedians. Most that don't swear are *ok* but do you notice that the ones that do swear to stress are more popular. The best example of this is George Carlin. And nobody ever answers. What is wrong with words. I believe there are NO SUCH THING as bad words. Anyone who is offended by a word is weak IMO.
Posted By: The Iceman

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/15/03 05:02 PM

The swearing in the Sopranos has never bothered me, heck I use the same words myself a lot of the times.

Like other members have mentioned it's all about different time periods. While the Godfather was set in the 40's. The Sopranos are set nowdays, values have changed a lot in about 50 or so years.

Another member talked about all the nudity that is shown on the Sopranos, well correct me if I'm wrong but most of, if not all of the nudity shown on The Sopranos takes place at the Bada Bing club. Which is a strip club, that's what happens in a strip club.

If cheese seems to be upset about all the swearing, then I suggest he might want to stop watching the the Sopranos.

But that's just my 2 cents.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/15/03 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Lucky_Luciano:
I disagree with you Mick and I will state my reasons.

1)Just because something is popular does not mean the product is of high quality.
2)Swearing is does not give more meaning to the show or a more effective portrayal of the characters.
3)I find the scene you mentioned totally unnecessary, this could have been mentioned instead of shown.
4)How are cursing and swearing funny?
5)If you took away the swearing, sex scenes, and the violence, yes it would be a whole different show, but humor, in its entirety would still be there. I am not saying get rid of all these scenes, I am saying to keep it in reason. I am not saying make it PG 13, I am saying to tone it down a notch. I wonder if there is a limit from the way you’ve addressed your opinion Mick. You know in the future it will get even more graphic, but where do you cross the line? I’m guessing there will be actual sexual contact on shows in the future the rate things are going.
I note and respect your point, LL.

In reply I answer the following:
1)I agree with your quality/popularit statement totally. But I do believe that we should start to talk specifically about the show in question; in this case, I think that David Chase has every right not to change such a winning formula.

2)I disagree. I swear. You swear (I'm sure). Everybody swears when in the right company. Tony swears in the Bing with the guys. Junior swears when he makes a mistake. All the characters swear when angry (as most people do react abruptly in real life) and most characters even apologise in the show when they lack control of their bad language in front of kids.

3)I don't find it necessary in evolving the plot, but how else could Janice get it over to Richie that she wants to clip her brother in the ehat of the moment. She couldn't just blurt out to his face; it just wouldn't have the same effect, and wouldn't be true to Janice's character.

4)Cursing and swearing (which to me is the same thing) is funny due to the way the actors deliver the lines. Junior's use of C*** when he fell in the shower: Hilarious.

5)I disagree totally that the show should be toned down. Don't get me wrong, I think some scenes in the show are very graphic and some even somewhat disturbing. (In all honesty, I do believe that some of the sex could be cut out, but I in no way want them to be.) But when did David Chase set out to not upset viewers. This show is not for children. The subject of the Mafia never will be. It's intended audience are those who do not get upset by this sort of thing. If people do get upset by the things which are shown in the show, then The Sopranos is simply not for them.

Posted By: Guineapig

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/15/03 09:23 PM

CDLCN posted the following in his previous post: )I don't find it necessary in evolving the plot, but how else could Janice get it over to Richie that she wants to clip her brother in the ehat of the moment. She couldn't just blurt out to his face; it just wouldn't have the same effect, and wouldn't be true to Janice's character.

Janice has before in an obvious fashioned attempted to stimulate Richie to kill Tony. That scene was crucial to show that she used her influence during sex, when Richie would be vulnerable. It wouldn't be out of her character though to tell Richie to his face without the distraction of sexual intercourse, that she wanted him to kill Anthony depending on her mood, and he shows his resentment: " how can you think of shit like that during sex? "

If watching the show is hard and offensive, not watching it is the opposite of those things, then why not do it? But to want a show to change because of a particular notion one holds is far beyond outrageous. I think Cheese should not watch the show if it is so harmful and allow those who enjoy a realistic show on realistic matters to enjoy it. Afterall; those people have the same right as he has to not enjoy it.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/16/03 05:34 AM

I don't watch the Sopranos, but I thought I need to share my .02

Profanity can be used as something that has meaning. Saying it once or twice can be more powerful than you might think.
However, when it's been overused (Taratino comes to mind) it can lose any power meaning and become just another word.

When used at the right time and the right amount of times, you get a much better dialogue compared to hearing every other word.

However, while some people might find this stuff "real" in their movies, I'm more of the type that likes beauty pictures. I admit, I'm soft. I don't like my movies/shows to hard.(which is one of the reasons I'm not a much of a fan of Quentin Taratino)
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/16/03 02:07 PM

Tarantino? Try Martin S. Casino, Goodfellas.
Posted By: joltinjoe05

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/16/03 03:36 PM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
Tarantino? Try Martin S. Casino, Goodfellas.
Yes I've seen those. I like them for the most part.

There's something almost comic about Pesci's voice when he says fuck every other word.
Posted By: Don Vercetti

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/16/03 03:52 PM

Face it, profanity is FUNNY. Look at George Carlin, he doesn't give a shit what anybody thinks, he says it all and has gotten in trouble with the FCC before. And that's why every time he has a show, the tickets ARE SOLD OUT within a short time.

You wanna piss off a femenist? Call her a c*m catcher, that'll get her attention! Oh, don't act discusted, don't act-. Hey, don't you remember, half of you are gonna go home and go down on each other tonight. If your willing to swallow c*m, don't make believe something I said was discusting.
- George Carlin

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 07/16/03 07:31 PM

GPig, I see your point, but must stress that up to that point Janice would never have come out blatantly with an attempt to kil her brother. Yes, times after that Janice has come out with it(ie. in Junior's house, when she urges Richie to ask Junior about clipping Tony) but only because Richie by that point knew how she felt and she knew he felt the same way about Tony. Up until that particular sex scene, however, Janice would never have said such a thing.

Posted By: HymanRoth

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/29/03 04:50 PM

I believe swearing, violence and nudity are essential components of 'The Sopranos' and help make it one of the most brilliant pieces of entertainment ever made. The so-called 'bad' language helps to convey each character precisely, take a look at Livia (possibly the greatest character of them all, Nancy Marchand was a goddess) her frequent remarks such as 'I don't like that talk' whenever Tony swears around her shows how she is from a different time period, however, she is certainly far from being 'nicer' i mean she orders the death of her only son because she put him in a resting home! I agree that the show includes some fantastically comic uses of the word '**** ', especially from Junior, but we can't forget Paulie ('Don't get cunty!'). I don't find these especially offensive as being being from the uk, that particular word is far more commonplace than the us but also it is used with definite comic intent and panache and another word would not suffice. The violence is amazingly realistic - look at the fight in the apartment in 'Pine Barrens' - it is horribly messy and very un-stagey (compare the balletic fights of any kung-fu movie you care to mention) this adds to the almost deadpan realism of the show which is superbly offset by occasional dream sequences. The ludicrous and excessive nudity, mainly in the busts of the bing dancers, shows the misogynistic attitudes of all the male mafioso characters. When a main female character is in a sex scene it is always purposeful. The best example being the extremely disturbing rape of Dr. Melfi; this was as graphic as legally possible yet entirely non-sensationalised (compare Straw Dogs). I think that to have toned that down would have been an insult to what the character was going through and the subject of rape in general; this event marked an essential turning point for Dr. Melfi and was one of the most compelling episodes of the series so far; the final scene where she could have asked tony to kill her rapist but doesn't is simply incredible. 'The Sopranos' should on no account tone down any aspect of itself. To do so would destroy its credibility rather than enhace it. You have to lie in the gutter to see the stars.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/29/03 09:05 PM

Hyman, welcome to the BB! Stay around.

Posted By: Snake

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/29/03 09:59 PM

I agree with Mr. Roth (and welcome, btw!). But I would also say there are times when it's overdone...not to the point of "too much cussin'," but rather, it's done in an unrealistic fashion. For instance, in season 2, when Tony lays down the law to Richie in the shopping mall, he says, "I'm the f*ckin', motherf*ckin', f*ckin' boss!" or something to that effect. IMHO, one "f" or "mf" would've sufficed. When it's overdone like that, it comes across as profanity for profanity's sake, not realism. Christopher does it more than anyone else, though.
Posted By: Don Mataya

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/29/03 11:14 PM

I think it was "I'm the motherf*ckin f*ckin one who calls the shots!"

I think I'll weigh in here. The Sopranos like all you have said would lose its realism if they toned it down, but I think the swearing is something that adds to the appeal. People were getting tired of perfect famlies on TV. People loved All In The Family because it was a honest show, as is the sopranos. Thats why it is on HBO.

Now to get to the Janice/Richie part. I think that was a really good scene with Janice and Richie. Maybe they could of had a different setting then them having sex but notice how Janice uses subtle ways to show Richie that she think her brother "needs help". It happened before in the car where Richie talked about how Tony had givin him money to start out and Janice goes "Mailmen make more than that."
Posted By: HymanRoth

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/29/03 11:18 PM

Are you kidding? That's one of my favourite pieces of profanity in the series - tony is really trying to chastise richie and, as his vocabulary is so limited, he has to resort to a frankly ludicrous emphasising of 'fuck' with 'motherfuck'. It just shows how that, at heart, tony is so much more of a thug than the dignified mobsters of 'the godfather'. You can't fault chris' inspired and fantasising language, i mean his 'two bazookas, say hello to my leetle friend' speech in season one is priceless!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/30/03 09:12 PM

Snake, I see where you're coming from, but to be honest I think Tony's mouthing off to Richie in that scene is by pure frustration. Whenone is frustrated, one's mind goes completely blank, and I think in this case Tony was lost for words to add emphasis. I am actually speaking from experience here, as I often get frustrated to the point where I can repeat a word--much to the laughter of my friends, at my expense of course.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/31/03 04:05 AM

Originally posted by B. B. Cheese:
[quote]Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
[b] I do agree to an extent that the sexual content should not be emphasised as much. Take into consideration that at the time of The Godfather et al violence and bad language, as well as sex scenes were not considered to be the norm--just think of the controversy sparked by a couple of seconds of a horse's head in a bed!

Cinema has come a long way, and violence these days is, in films, as normal as a bit romance.

If you don't like it, don't watch it. Nobody is forcing you. I see your point about the sex, but the violence only adds realism to the show, instead of romanticising the whole genre, much like other films have.

You and Lucky are right about ratings and the choices to watch these movies and programs, but come on. You have to admit a lot of what they show on regular TV can removed. Ok, here is an example, when Sharon Stone goes down on Pesci in Casino, we all know what was going on and they didn't show it. Why can't movies be more like the older classics, like Little Caesar, there's a classic and for it's time, I'm sure it was said to be graphic, but now a-days it's just plain rediculous what they can show on regular TV as far as I'm concerned! There's no "rating" there. The older movies have great plots and story-lines without the crap that you see now, that is all I am saying. Look at Road to Perdition, that wasn't as gory and the language wasn't as bad, only in a few given scenes. Why not chalenge the audience's imagination and thought by letting us figure it out, we aren't stupid, we know what is going on in many situations without seeing it. [/b][/quote]movies on TV do have ratings. TV PG, TV 14, TV MA, etc.
Posted By: Patrick

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/31/03 04:08 AM

and the majority of people going to movies these days are younger. younger people such as myself and other people on this board like the swearing, like the violence, like the sexual scenes. that's why most people in their teens choose movies like scarface and goodfellas over the godfather. the godfather is very hard to sit through knowing there are other mob movies with more action. my mom even told me, everyone went to go and see the godfather when it came out. the godfather was the movie. there were no other mob movies to go and see when the godfather came out. people now have the oppurtunity to choose.
Posted By: B. B. Cheese

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 08/31/03 05:19 AM

Originally posted by joltinjoe05:
I don't watch the Sopranos, but I thought I need to share my .02

Profanity can be used as something that has meaning. Saying it once or twice can be more powerful than you might think.
However, when it's been overused (Taratino comes to mind) it can lose any power meaning and become just another word.

When used at the right time and the right amount of times, you get a much better dialogue compared to hearing every other word.

Posted By: Patrick

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 09/01/03 12:14 AM

just thought i'd post this so more people would see the post and comment....
Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 09/01/03 05:20 AM

Originally posted by Don Vercetti:
No, don't clean it. When I see a movie, I want realism, not cleaned crap. Yes, the oldies may have been good but they were unrealistic to leave out the realism "Taboo society" kills.
Posted By: Michael Montana Mancini

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 09/01/03 09:09 AM

if you dont like profanity then dont watch the bloody sopranos!!! period. i hate those old peeps trying to ruin things for everyone.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: TOO MUCH PROFANITY - 09/01/03 08:07 PM

Despite what I've believed in the past, I don't think it's a case of making the show more realistic. It simply makes it stand out from the rest and distinguishes itself as an adult TV show. Very few shows make an impact on par with The Sopranos.

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