
Countdown to Season 4!

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Countdown to Season 4! - 03/10/03 05:59 PM

Yes, I know I am way behind all of you Yanks, but The Sopranos returns tomorrow night!!! Can't wait!! I'll post after watching the first episode of the "new" series Wednesday morning, tell you all what I think.

Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/11/03 01:04 PM

Excellent. My internet connection is back in all of its glory. Not only that, but tonight is the night i've been waiting for.............

Hows it going Mick?
Posted By: UK_Don

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/11/03 10:04 PM

Perhaps we should have our own UK section

When series 4 was on E4 I hadnt seen series 3, so I tried to tape them to watch AFTER i'd seen the 3rd series (confused?)

unfortunately it was on late though, and with early mornings for work I forgot to tape a couple so gave up.

Suffice to say I can't wait for tonight. 30 mins and counting!

Mick, analysis tomorrow please old son!
Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/12/03 12:37 PM

Hey UK Don, How are you doing??

I thought the first episode was really good, especially liked the nostradamus/quasimodo thing, and Tony beating up Georgie with those ice cubes and the bucket. Very cool opening episode, can't wait for next week.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/13/03 11:34 AM

Well, the episode didn't disappoint, save for the part of an unlikeable Christopher. Season 3 did everything to convince me that he was going to change for the better, and now it looks as if he is going to go down hill again... :rolleyes:

Everything seems to have gone from pretty good to horifically bad in the duration between season 3 and this one: Paulie is in the can, and is calling home to Johnny Sack, Tony is in the worst state I've seen him in since the end of Season 2, and the Family's--and family's--financial status is rather worrying. On top of that, Carmela is being a pain in the ass, and what worries me the most is the fact that she seemed rather keen to see Furio! Very unlike Carmela!

Saying that, it still makes for excellent viewing, although the characters don't seem themselves--all apart from Silvio, of course!

Roll on next week! Can't wait for episode 2 (or is it 41?)

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/19/03 01:06 PM

anyone in britain see episode 2 last night?? what did you think, i liked it a lot. The exchanges between Meadow and Tony were excellent, and from the preview it looks as though Johnny Sack will find out Ralphies joke from Paulie, will be interesting to see what happens there. though you never can tell from those previews. Also loved the music over the end credits - from my favourite band ever, radiohead - yay.
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/19/03 02:38 PM

Pretty amusing i'd say, i love the scene with Adriana throwing up over the FBI table. Ralphie seemed pretty hyperactive again in last nights episode, blatanty over-doing the coke, he's without a doubt the nost arrogant member of the Soprano family. Chris getting back into drugs was also quite fun to watch. "My goodbye party with Heroin".

My personal favorite moment has gotta be the argument between Tony and Med, "Mr.Mob boss". Tony's reaction to thaat was captivating, great acting.
However, is anyone else confused about Silvio? I thought he was consigliere to Tony, why would he be annoyed with Chrisy's part time promotion when he's ranked higher than him anyway? That annoyed me.

Best quote is obviously the Ginny Sack remark Ralphie made.

Anyone else confused about Silvio ???
Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/19/03 03:31 PM

Anyone else confused about Silvio ???[/QB][/QUOTE]

I never read the Silvio/Chris discussion like that I must admit.

I think Silvio was just a bit exhausted at Chris' chat after he had just been made up, although just temporarily.

He seemed to just sigh and shrug his shoulders as if to say "why is this schmuck being given any responibility"!

The jibe about Paulie Walnut's hairdo did not exactly go down well either....
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/21/03 11:38 AM

I thought this episode was fantastic! The first episode put doubts in my mind as to whether it could retain my attentionas its predecessors had done. But this episode reassured me greatly.

Chris is still going down the drain with the heroin, but I still love his character.

Silvio is acting differently, but I don't think he would ever go against Tony--but that's what I thought about Paulie, who's calling that ass-hole Johnny Sack!

Carmela worries me the most; it's too unlike her character to be dressing up for Furio. I see trouble ahead.... :rolleyes:

Next week's episode trailer looks quite good: I hope Ralphie goes against Sack; as much as I hate the former, when it comes between him and Paulie's new friend, I am with him al the way! Go Ralphie!

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/28/03 11:41 PM

Hey, DonL, ScotDon, SD77 and Phil, what did you guys think of this week's? I thought it was truly class, and am pleased Johhny Sack is giving Ralphie the cold shoulder, 'cause I have a feeling Ralphie will now take T's side more than ever. I'm beginning to like Ralphie, just hope he doesn't spoil anything. Bobby's performance was very moving. I'm very pleased with the amount of coverage Sil is getting at the moment; as my fave character, I never felt he appeared enough in previous seasons.

Best Line is without a doubt Christopher's: (after staying silent for the whole scene, he pops out with): "He was gay, Gary Cooper?"

This season is looking promising! Roll on next Tuesday!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/30/03 02:58 PM

I liked it a lot as usual

I find it very interesting to see Silvio acting differently around Tony. I also loved Janice throwing ralphie down the stairs, lol. Looks like he could be in a lot of trouble with Johnny Sack, at least thats what the previews look like. Roll on tuesday!
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 03/30/03 11:00 PM

That was quite an entertaining episode i must say. Tony seemed pretty pissed at the 'New york' meeting; "someones talking too much, and its costing ME money".
I really enjoyed the anti-Colombus storyline, Paulie jnr getting bottled and Artie Bucco's sharp exit from the demonstration, Tony's apathy, Ralphie's persuation skills,all pretty funny.

I've actaully seen the rest on Season 4, it was only up until this episode i hadn't seen. Awesome stuff.
Posted By: Henry Hill

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/03/03 02:21 PM

Hi to my fellow Brits!

So what did you make of this week's installment.
I thought it was the best so far this season.

Ralphie never knew how close he came to getting whacked in Florida. As for those old dudes that are meant to wack Johhny Sack - that was pretty freaky.

Is the hit on Johnny Sac still on? I thought he accepted Ralphie's apology in the end. When those old dudes thought Chris was on drugs that was hilarious, he got really freaked.

All in all - a friggin great episode minus the Carmella/Furio stuff.

Bye for now.
Posted By: Paulie

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/03/03 02:43 PM

I hope Johnny gets whacked. He is becoming a problem.

Will Tony find out that it is Paulie who is leaking information?

Something I noticed. Tony seems to have a better grasp of the business when Hesh is more involved in giving him advice. We hardly see Hesh these days. Anyone else notice this?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/03/03 08:46 PM

Originally posted by Henry Hill:

I thought it was the best so far this season.

Welcome to the boards, man! Iagree: it was the best so far; Chris wasn't on drugs, Meadow is back to normal, Ralphie gets more likeable each week!

Will Tony find out that it is Paulie who is leaking information?

We hardly see Hesh these days. Anyone else notice this?
Welcome to the boards! Yes, I noticed it, as well as Tony not meeting Melfi much these days. As long as Silvio continues to get that much screen time each week I'll be very pleased!

The episodes seem to be getting longer, to the point where it's like watching a film each Tuesday! I hate when you watch shows and then realise it's nearly over hen it's been on for a mere 20 minutes, but with The Sopranos the time is just right, although I could go on and on watching it all night!

Oh, and about Paulie: Chase wouldn't have Paulie phoning Sack for nothing! Something's gotta happen. I see major trouble ahead for Furio and Paulie. :rolleyes:

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/03/03 11:06 PM

Another great episode, I'm loving this series so far!!! yeah, it probably was the best one yet!!!

speaking of Hesh, has anyone seen a tv advert for Uncle Bens Rice?? the guy on it looks exactly like him.
very strange!!
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/04/03 05:07 PM

Anyone else notice 'Al Neri' was on of the spooky old hit-men?

I can't actually remeber his name, Ricard Bright i think.
Posted By: Don Luciano

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/04/03 05:08 PM

Sweet i'm a button. Finally, i've been made.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/04/03 10:13 PM

Originally posted by Don Luciano:
Anyone else notice 'Al Neri' was on of the spooky old hit-men?
Wow, I hadn't noticed!


Oh, and DonL, how are ya!? You ain't made yet, m'man! And I will be the first to congratulate you when you do. Be in no rush though, quality over quantity and all!
Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/09/03 02:06 PM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
[quote]Originally posted by Don Luciano:
[b] Anyone else notice 'Al Neri' was on of the spooky old hit-men?
Wow, I hadn't noticed!


Oh, and DonL, how are ya!? You ain't made yet, m'man! And I will be the first to congratulate you when you do. Be in no rush though, quality over quantity and all! [/b][/quote]Would never have noticed Richard Bright, thanks for the tip off!

The guy in the rice advert, I KNEW I thought he reminded me of somebody, just could not think who!

Could well be him actually, only seen the advert once but I was really convinced I recognised the actor.

Quite often actors end up doing crumby adverts in foreign lands so as not to affect their work at home. Ewan McGregor and Sean Connery doing cringeworthy whisky adverts thousands of miles away in Japan spring to mind.......
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/10/03 01:31 PM

What did you guys think of this week's episode? I for one thought it was another outstanding ep, and can't wait for Tuesday night yet again (actually Wednesday afternoon as The Sops' new time slot is a bit late for a school night, so I watch Boomtown and tape it!).

Adriana is seriously worrying me boys! The poor thing; she's too caught up in it to realise that the fedas don't actually have any strong evidence with which to bring her down, should she decide to tell Christopher.

Ralphie gets better each week IMO! What a lovely change from the episode last season in which he killed the stripper. I hope he doesn't spoil it all for himself though--I have a feeling he might.

Carmela is still being a pain in the arse, and I thought it was terrific when Tony refused to sign the last paper! No Furio this week, but next week's preview looks very promising, and I've heard from an American friend that we are nearing a very tense episode--let's hope it's next week!

Let me know what you thought of this week's episode!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/10/03 03:21 PM

yeah great as always. i'm really loving this series so far! sorry, but i really want ralphie to get clipped at some point. also it looks like janice is moving in on Bacala now!!

nice storyline about the horse too, umm i cant really remember the episode that well now, so i'll probably watch it again later tonight.

also Mick, post your review of episode 8 of 24 on the 24 thread . Oh nm, i just noticed you already did, lol
Posted By: Nicky TwoTimes

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/11/03 10:36 PM

Hey Capo, I finally got season 3 on dvd. I have watched 4 or 5 of the first episodes of season 3. It's great as usual, I hate my boy Uncle June has cancer. I should be done with this season sometimes next week, then I got to wait on the 4th season to be released on dvd. Have you heard if that will be out anytime soon?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/12/03 11:52 AM

Nicky! Where you been, man!? Glad you're enjoying season 3-as you know, that is my best. As for season 4, it won't be out for a while. It hasn't even finished over here yet!

Post your full review of season 3 to let me know what you think when you're done okay?

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/12/03 05:13 PM

Originally posted by The Scottish Don:
The guy in the rice advert, I KNEW I thought he reminded me of somebody, just could not think who!

Could well be him actually, only seen the advert once but I was really convinced I recognised the actor.

Quite often actors end up doing crumby adverts in foreign lands so as not to affect their work at home. Ewan McGregor and Sean Connery doing cringeworthy whisky adverts thousands of miles away in Japan spring to mind.......
I managed to catch the advert on tape, taping coronation st. for my parents, lol :rolleyes: . and it definitely looks like hesh!!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/12/03 11:51 PM

Yes, it is Hesh; I have no dount about that one!

Posted By: Nicky TwoTimes

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/14/03 05:40 AM

What Up Capo, I thought season 3 was so great. It's hard for me to pick a favorite between the first 3 seasons. I'm glad Uncle June beat Cancer, that's my favorite character. I love Tony a lot but Uncle June is hilarious. I love Joey Pants as Ralphie. Ralphie is cool, just a little to wild at times but glad he was made a Capo. Jackie Jr was cool, just made a real dumb mistake, sorry he had to go. If I were him I would have been a good boy so I could keep hanging with sexy Meadow. I think one of the funniest scenes was when Chris and Paulie were lost in the woods. I am still wondering if that guy really got away, probably not. I can't wait to see season 4. I wish I had HBO bad. How far are you along in season 4 Capo?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/14/03 12:21 PM

Glad you enjoyed it Nicky! Pine Barrens is by far my favourite episode, I have watched it six times (more than any other episode) and I laugh each time!

I'm up to episode 5 or 6 I think in season 4 over here. It sarted very poorly, but gets better each week, and I'm hooked every week again!

Posted By: Nicky TwoTimes

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/14/03 11:16 PM

Pine Barrens was very funny Capo, it was one of my favorites also. Now I need to go back and watch the extra stuff they had on the dvds like commentary, behind the scenes stuff, etc.
Posted By: The Godfather

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/15/03 11:41 PM

I have been viewing the first 3 eps of Season 4 on Kazaa and have found them to be allright, but not spectacular and the norm for a Sopranos episode. Does it get better?
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/16/03 03:21 PM

It gets a lot better. But then again I would say that as I don't find any of the first three episodes to be "alright" anyway, thinking instead that each episode is fantastic. The first one actually was a suprise to me to find a lot of key characters had changed, but when you get used to it the season is great!

Last night's episode (for UK fans who also watched it):
Well, what did you guys think? I personally could not stop laughing at poor Artie when he was practising his speech in the mirror. Gloria's suicide was a shock to both me and Tony. Christopher's going down that spiral staircase again, and this time looks almost down and out. Theepisode really didn't focus much on the Mafia aspect, as have previous episodes; AJ's having problems dealing with his new girlfriend's wealth--thinking his father isn't really the rich person he is cracked up to be (he couldn't be more wrong!); No Silvio or Paulie (yet again for the latter) due to the focusing on Artie and cousin Brian. Nice to see Melfi back in the show after a week's absence.

Well, all I can say is that this season just gets better. The film was as plush and crisp as ever, the directing is top-notch, the acting is a tour de force all round, and as the saying goes in this thread: "Roll on next Tuesday!"

Next week's trailer looks to be promising; Paulie is back from the can and talking to Johnny Sack, and the gang look to have a gun fight on their hands with black people--very interesting indeed!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/23/03 08:43 PM

Anyone watch episode 7 last night?? I think it was episode 7 anyway. I'm liking this series a lot, the conversation between AJ and Tony was funny, room service lol. and nice to see Paulie out the can. I'll have to watch it again, it was on too late for me to remember all that happened on it.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/23/03 09:22 PM

Yeah I saw it. Wasn't one of the best ones of the season; much preferred the two episodes before it. Yes, nice to see Paulie out of the can, but one can only hope he sorts his problems with Tony and Ralphie. I now love Ralphie's character!

I didn't like the ending either; very unlike Tony's character, and while it was happening I thought he was dreaming, but then it cut to the end credits--much to my disappointment! No trailer for next week's episode either!

That said, every single episode for me is fantastic and I can't get enough! Roll on next Tuesday!

Adriana: "I pierced my uterus"
Christopher: "Which one?"

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/26/03 02:08 PM

No new sopranos episode on tuesday night, I just read it in a TV guide, its being replaced by a programme called 'The amazing story of Jeremy Bamber' whatever that is.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/26/03 09:48 PM

I know! Terrible! At least Boomtown is on for at least another week!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/27/03 06:35 PM

yeah. and to make matters worse no 24 next week!!!
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/27/03 11:06 PM

Yes, because of the snooker final. Oh well, that isn't so bad! I will be watching BBC 2 all night anyway!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/28/03 12:05 AM

hehehe. I might do depending on who is in it, my favourite player, Ronnie O'Sullivan got knocked out in the first round though!! lol
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/28/03 08:51 PM

Originally posted by silviodante77:
hehehe. I might do depending on who is in it, my favourite player, Ronnie O'Sullivan got knocked out in the first round though!! lol
Well my fave is by far Williams. He hammered Hann! Bring on Hendry!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/28/03 10:11 PM

Cool, I would definitely want Williams to beat Hendry.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 04/30/03 12:10 PM

Well, Williams finished Hendry off a short while ago 13-7, so is now guaranteed to finish the season back at World No. 1! He now faces either Marco Fu or Stephen Lee, but who he plays I don't care because he will win either way!

Posted By: silviodante77

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 05/07/03 06:22 PM

looks like you were right

so did anyone catch episode 8 last night?? another interesting episode imo, i think it looks like Furio could be planning to whack Tony, from the look in his eye when he was speaking to that man in Italy.

Also the story with Paulie and the old women in the nursing home was quite funny I thought, nice to see him being featured in the last couple of episodes a bit more.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 05/08/03 11:15 AM

Brilliant as always, but I'm still waiting for this season to kick off. Yes, Furio is heading for danger either way, and nice to see Paulie back on track! Fantastic stuff, roll on next Tuesday!

Posted By: The Scottish Don

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 05/14/03 08:40 AM

Originally posted by Capo de La Cosa Nostra:
Brilliant as always, but I'm still waiting for this season to kick off. Yes, Furio is heading for danger either way, and nice to see Paulie back on track! Fantastic stuff, roll on next Tuesday!

I think it is now safe to say it kicked off last night!

What a fantastic episode, did not want it to end.

So many storylines brought kicking and screaming up to date.

Did find Ralphie's "detective" phone call to Paulie's mother a moment of inspired childish humour!

And the wig, who would have thought it.......

Very graphic, very realistic, very brutal episode.

Christopher is heading for a slap round the ear though, what an idiot.....
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 05/14/03 08:10 PM

I can't believe it. I really can't. Why do this? Why kill Ralphie? I just don't understand why poor Ralphie had to die. He was increasingly becoming one of my faves, and now he has gone. Did he deserve to die? Well, he only killed a horse (IF he did) because Tony had told him he was going out with Valentina. But in other seasons Ralphie has committed crimes which may justify his murder after all. Tony is one helluva persistent bastard in fights! I still can't believe this twist!

Whether he deserved it or not, it is the biggest shock ever to happen in this show, and it came in the best episode of the season so far. Junior's fall was hilarious to kick it all off, as was Mrs. Gualtieri learning of her son's rodent problems from Detective Mike Hunt, and Ralphie's wig, well...

One thing I noticed this season is the lack of continuity in the show; for instance, the storyline with Furio and Carmela has dragged out over the whole season and it has only featured in a couple of episodes. While this can be confusing and somewhat tedious (causing some episodes to be a heap full of shite) it also offers unpredictability as to what will happen next.

A classic episode, and the one that kicks this season off for sure; I just hope that Tony doesn't get that mad at Carmela for overcooking his eggs!

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Countdown to Season 4! - 05/15/03 08:29 PM

Does anybody know how many episodes we have left over here? I've lost count.

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