
Hyman Roth's Plot

Posted By: BadaBing

Hyman Roth's Plot - 02/01/18 06:58 PM

My sixth sense tells me you have a
bag full of money in your hand.

Ola locks the door; Michael nods, and opens the bag, spilling
its contents on the card table.

This doubles my investment.

Still no word of your courier?
We'll find him. But at least this
will satisfy our friends here.
You've been invited to the New Year
reception at the Presidential Home.
I understand your brother is here
as well; I hope he'll come.

Six million dollars in cash is a
high price for a piece of a country
in the middle of a revolution.

Roth looks patiently at Michael, as though he were a child
who hadn't minded the lesson that he had been taught over
and over again.

You're a careful kid, and that's
good. But look. An international
dispatch on the wire service.
American journalism, not propaganda.
The government troops have all but
eliminated the rebels. All but
their radio station.

I've read it; I'm pleased that the
government is doing so well. As a
heavy investor, I'm pleased. How
did the doctor find you?

Terrible. I'd give twice this
amount to take a piss without it

Who had Frankie Pantangeli killed?

(taken a bit off-balance)
Why...the Rosato Brothers.

I know that; but who gave the go

Roth glances to Ola; he is not a fool; he realizes Michael
has begun to suspect him.

Do you notice when Michael confronts Hyman Roth? He got three million from the first
courier but it wasn't enough. He needed six. This whole plot was so Hyman Roth could
take a piss without it hurting.
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