
Perfect Sonny casting

Posted By: Zasa

Perfect Sonny casting - 12/13/03 03:49 PM

I just saw the movie Confidence, and while it was not the best cinema turn, i think that if a Godfather Part IV were to be made and they used a dual story, then Edward Burns would be perfect for Sonny. He looks like James Caan, has the same manner of speaking, and carries himself the same way as the Sonny character. If they signed up Andy Garcia, Robert De Niro, and Edward Burns, this GF might not be half bad (well, acting-wise.)
Posted By: Don Pope

Re: Perfect Sonny casting - 12/13/03 09:25 PM

i thought confidence was a really good movie
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Perfect Sonny casting - 12/13/03 09:34 PM

I haven't seen Confidence (just added it to my to-see list ), but think Edward Burns is a superior actor, and can actually see the Sonny connection.

But, as you may already know, I am totally against the making of Godfather Part IV.

Posted By: Zasa

Re: Perfect Sonny casting - 12/14/03 05:42 AM

The reason I didn't think Confidence was a good movie was because it didn't suceed in making me care about the characters in any way. That, and it is basically a carbon copy of the superior Lock, Stock, and Two Smoking Barrels by Guy Ritchie. If you actually liked Confidence, go see Lock, Stock and you'll have an even better time.
Posted By: Valadius

Re: Perfect Sonny casting - 12/15/03 10:44 PM

Strange idea... this may be one of the most hair-brained things I've ever thought up, but if we were to cast a new Sonny based solely on looks, and if he could ever have enough talent to do a dramatic film, Will Ferrell- yes, Will Ferrell- would get the part. But it's a really stupid idea, I admit. But still... you never know...
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