
Dont mess with perfection

Posted By: Jimmy The Gent

Dont mess with perfection - 08/22/03 02:27 PM

Reading the threads in this forum, I dare to conclude that the general opinion of making numero IV is that it would be a bad idea (read: mortal sin).
I was just wondering if any of the old geezers in here remember the same fuss when number two was announced.
Posted By: AppleOnYa

Re: Dont mess with perfection - 08/22/03 03:48 PM

No, I do not.
Though as a teenager I wasn't paying too much attention at the time, I vaguely recall (through my mother) that GFII was eagerly anticipated due to the success of The Godfather.

But then...so was GFIII which turned out to be somewhat disappointing to many.

Old geezer AppleOnYa
Posted By: goodfella4188

Re: Dont mess with perfection - 09/04/03 09:02 PM

I asked my grandmother, and she said that GFII was looked forward to
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dont mess with perfection - 09/04/03 09:37 PM

As an even older geezer, I agree with Apple and remember GFII as movie that everyone looked forward to, since the first one was such a success but also because Pacino was hot at the time, and knowing he was in it, made it even more appealing.

Don't know that sequels were that common in the seventies, or perhaps that's the decade they started. Now we are so used to sequels that if any movie makes a third installment we have doubts, not to even mention a fourth and sometimes fifth. :rolleyes:

Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Dont mess with perfection - 09/04/03 09:49 PM

ALa Deathwish
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Dont mess with perfection - 09/07/03 04:13 AM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
but also because Pacino was hot at the time,
Hey TIS do you mean "hot" as in a popular item or "hot" as in the good-looking sexy way? Hes both in my book!
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Dont mess with perfection - 09/07/03 04:28 AM

Lil Mafioso,

Initially I meant "hot" as in every movie he made it seemed turned gold, however he was also "hot" in the sexy way as well. You're not the only Pacino Fan my dear. When Pacino Princess posts again, ask her opinion. She's a young die hard fan like you. Along with Capacino, we've had our Pacino fan club going here on the BB!!


p.s. I think the very first time I noticed him was in the paper when they had an ad/picture of Panic In Needle Park of Al sitting on a park bench. It was that picture that got me curious and the rest is history!!
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