
is gf4 really coming out.

Posted By: Vinnie_Corleone

is gf4 really coming out. - 08/05/03 12:12 PM

the other day i emailed paramount pictures and asked them if they could confirm the rumors of gf4 and they said there was no information on the subject yet. so maybe u guys or gals could tell me if the rumor is true or false the script has been produced on simply scripts is that the real 1 or not all i wanna no is if gf4 has been confirmed yet.
thanks a bunch
Posted By: Double-J

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 08/05/03 03:46 PM

There are at this point, at best, definite rumours. Something about Australia, something about Leo DiCrapio, et al.

And the scripts online are fanfics.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 08/06/03 03:23 AM

The last bit of news we heard here was that the author was chosen and he was going to be writing the book. As far as I know that is fact. If that happens, I'd bet a month's pay that a movie will follow!! (unless the book flops of course).

Posted By: Vito's Legacy

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 08/06/03 07:21 PM

Sigh, I can't wait for the book but please no. Between Terminator, Rocky, Rambo, Indiana Jones, Nightmare on Elm Street/Friday the 13th (Freddy Versus Jason), one just gets tired of all these old franchises getting resurrected. I mean go the route of Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbeen, etc. something new and fresh to entertain audiences while we can still enjoy the old stuff.

Not that I wouldn't see a Part IV...
Posted By: Vinnie_Corleone

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 08/06/03 09:12 PM

from wot ive heard of godfather im not too sure if i wanna watch it i mean leo di caprio as sonny leo is a big girl. mario is dead so ffc wont be able to get much help from him.
mike is dead the godfather story has always been based on him.
and wot the hell did happen after marie's death it mite be an idea to bring in connie's sons as ne 1 actually seen them yet.
i wud have vinnie looking after connie he has 1 kid which he had from an an ex wife. and he is struggling over marie's death and tony blames him for her death and goes against the family.
hey bingo wot a good idea tony goes against vinnie. hey im good
Posted By: Abbott S. Sholdice

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 08/23/03 02:32 PM

'The Godfather Returns' is being written by Mark Winegardner. This is a sequel to the 'Godfather' novel, not the movies. Winegardner has said he has no interest in any movies and has posts on this site explaining his views on it. I tried a search on them by his name and couldn't find them, maybe j. Geoff could help. It was about six months ago. You can read the first chapter of his novel 'Crooked River Burning' on his website at http://www.markwinegardner.com/
Posted By: DannyMontana

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 05:56 AM

Originally posted by Vito's Legacy:
Sigh, I can't wait for the book but please no. Between Terminator, Rocky, Rambo, Indiana Jones, Nightmare on Elm Street/Friday the 13th (Freddy Versus Jason), one just gets tired of all these old franchises getting resurrected. I mean go the route of Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbeen, etc. something new and fresh to entertain audiences while we can still enjoy the old stuff.

Not that I wouldn't see a Part IV...
Why doesnt anyone respect freddy vs jason here
Posted By: Michael Montana Mancini

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 09:07 AM

a vinnie its not 'marie' it mary okay meing. and no that is a weak script. and dicaprio looks too gay to be a gangster
Posted By: Patrick

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 02:54 PM

danny--i liked freddy vs jason. lots of action. good movie. especially when jason is chopping everybody up in the corn field. :p
Posted By: Michael Montana Mancini

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 03:09 PM

another film patrick shouldnt be watching...........

but im gonna keep my temper and say nothing.

except patrick is a dickhead
Posted By: SC

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 03:21 PM


I don't know why you have a hardon for Patrick, but take your crush off the boards.

Please delete the reference to him in your signature line.
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 03:35 PM

Originally posted by SC:

I don't know why you have a hardon for Patrick, but take your crush off the boards.

Please delete the reference to him in your signature line.

It seems to me that we have someone running around these boards saying " F**K Michael Corleone." The question is what do we do with a piece of S**T like this?

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 03:45 PM

Originally posted by Don Cardi:
It seems to me that we have someone running around these boards saying " F**K Michael Corleone." The question is what do we do with a piece of S**T like this?
Yes it’s true. If anyone would say such a thing, they would not be a friend. They would be a dog.
Posted By: Michael Montana Mancini

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 03:47 PM

sc you need a social life.......
Posted By: SC

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 03:57 PM

Originally posted by Michael Montana Mancini:
sc you need a social life.......
I assure you I have an active and rewarding social life, but thank you for your interest anyway.
Posted By: Michael Montana Mancini

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 04:01 PM

You need to ligthen up meing, stop picking me out all the time. and perhaps stop saying i have a hardon for patrick what is a hardon meing. im being singled out by you all the time i know you dont like me but........
Posted By: SC

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 04:07 PM


This is not a point I want to discuss in public. Feel free to Private Message me if you'd like to continue this discussion.

I will say here, however, that by constantly calling someone a "dickhead" and by including a comment derogatory to a fellow member in your signature line goes against the Board's rules. Stop it now, and delete the reference from your signature line (second time I asked you).
Posted By: Don Cardi

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 04:17 PM

Originally posted by Michael Montana Mancini:
sc you need a social life.......
I have never had the opportunity of interacting with you on these boards up until now. As I see it, you have not made many, if any, POSITIVE posts that would add to the integrity of our boards. So far everything I have read from you has been condenscending in nature. A shame because I believe that you came to these boards because you , like all of us, have an interest in what we discuss, and I know that you are a better person than your posts convey. Many on here have been around for a very long time and we honor and respect each other. If we disagree with each other from time to time, we do so in a respectful and constructive way. I really hate to see anyone bashing another on the boards, as it is not fruitful for any of us. We all come to these boards because we have a common interest. I am going to be cordial with you here and would like to extend an offer to you to please get along with everyone and discontinue the negative comments about others on these boards. I hope that you consider my generous offer and join "OUR" family with full sincereness so that we may call you a friend of "OURS."

Don Cardi
Posted By: SC

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 04:28 PM


You've apparently put me on your "Ignore List", so I can't respond to your Private Message.

Without going into specifics (in your message) I'll say here that if/when you are having some problems with another member please don't respond to them in an attacking manner. You can use the feature and either Geoff or I will try to resolve the problem in a fair manner to all those involved.
Posted By: J Geoff

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 05:42 PM

Originally posted by SC:
You've apparently put me on your "Ignore List", so I can't respond to your Private Message.
He was probably suspended by then. When I get 5 reports about one user within a few hours, there's a problem.

I unchecked the PM disabled option, but I'm not sure if it'd still work when posting is disabled...
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/01/03 05:51 PM

Originally posted by DannyMontana:
[quote]Originally posted by Vito's Legacy:
[b] Sigh, I can't wait for the book but please no. Between Terminator, Rocky, Rambo, Indiana Jones, Nightmare on Elm Street/Friday the 13th (Freddy Versus Jason), one just gets tired of all these old franchises getting resurrected. I mean go the route of Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbeen, etc. something new and fresh to entertain audiences while we can still enjoy the old stuff.

Not that I wouldn't see a Part IV...
Why doesnt anyone respect freddy vs jason here [/b][/quote]Danny,

I dont Like Freddy Vs. Jason and I dont respect it. Why? Horrible Acting/Story.

Not that I dont Respect you but Ive seen too many Good movies to enjoy taht Malarkey.
Posted By: mr. soprano

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/02/03 06:27 AM

mike, you don't go to a freddy vs. jason movie for good acting. you go with a girl who you know will hold on to you with fear ain't it the truth, ain't it the truth anyways the last ten minutes are pretty funny, especially when freddy is beating jason up with his own weapons. and hey not that i like horror movies. but i love them girls :p
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: is gf4 really coming out. - 09/02/03 08:11 PM

Thats why they made Chcik flicks
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