
Garcia as the Don.

Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 09:40 AM

In my opinion, a GF IV could only happen if it had Garcia as the Don of the Corleone Family long after Michael's death (last time I saw, Garcia has aged somewhat and would be perfect now) while at the same time, there should be flashbacks to the time bewteen Mary's death and Michael's (Pacino is now looking old enough to be younger than when he died, but older enough as to not have to wear makeup). A flashback to Vito building his empire is a fantastic storyline, but due to practicality it would be a disaster, I think.

Posted By: Family Honour

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 02:33 PM

Good ideas there Capo I'm almost sure they would cast Garcia as the Don again to keep the continuity going. Pacino would be ideal as he is now, to play himself as he was then, between the opera scenes and his death. It would be great to see what happened to Michael after GF3. I just want more Pacino

Posted By: Luca's boy

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 04:06 PM

I think most of us are agreed that a Garcia as Don, with flashbacks modeled after what they did in GF II.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 06:59 PM

The thing is is that you would have to put the movie in the future. Mike Died in 1997 so we are in 2003. Seems that you can't go to far if you wana keep the scicilian feel.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 07:42 PM

b I agree with "Family Honor"! More Pacino! I have a question! If Kay said she didnt love Michael in the second one why does she say she has always been in love with him in the third one?
Posted By: Chancre

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 07:53 PM

Originally posted by lil_mafioso:
If Kay said she didnt love Michael in the second one why does she say she has always been in love with him in the third one?
Because she is a woman. :p ; she doesn't know what she wants.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 08:02 PM

damn Straigt my boy.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 08:08 PM

Hey! Ihave another question! It doesnt have anything to do with Godfather IV, but why does Frank Pentalgia lie after he sees his brother? Sorry Im going off on anotha subject!
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 08:13 PM

Hes afrid to to tell his brother his sin.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 08:27 PM

Is anyone watching The Godfather Part II on HBO? Sooooo Good! AL PACINO! ... !! He was such agood actor then and he still is today!.....Ok Ill stop now!
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 10:46 PM

He just hasn't goten origional roles since Heat
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 11:42 PM

WHAT?! I just saw him in "Insomnia" and thought he did great! "The Recruit was Ok but Insomnia kept me riveted.
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/07/03 11:49 PM

Those are my 2 cents. Right now, all he playes is jaded Officers.
Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/08/03 01:01 AM

Ok your right! :p BUt I still think hes the best! Ew I hear hes in "Gigli"! :rolleyes: Some mob movie!(in a sarcastic tone)
Posted By: Huntz02

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/08/03 07:12 AM

hey, 1st Post!

Pacino was terrible in "people I know", it probably wasnt pacino but the storyline was terrible....I dont even think there was a story to that movie

Yeh I hope they do make another GF, definately lots of Pacino!
Posted By: Family Honour

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/08/03 10:26 AM

Originally posted by Mike Sulivan:
The thing is is that you would have to put the movie in the future. Mike Died in 1997 so we are in 2003. Seems that you can't go to far if you wana keep the scicilian feel.
They could work round this by setting the movie from 1980 (when Mary died and Michael supposedly retires) to Mikes death in 1997. We could see the rise of Vincent as Don and how he handles stuff and Mikes hand in it, if any. Could make for a good story...just as long as we dont lose Pacino

Posted By: lil_mafioso

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/08/03 01:54 PM

Yup! Lots and Lots of Pacino! I'm a sucker for him! Hes the major pillar of the film! I just saw "Scarecrow"! Great movie...great...
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/08/03 03:36 PM

But thats not the style of the epic like "Godfather" I know and love. It isn't a smart idea. In fact, I belive the Ending of GF III was in fact, the end of the saga. The only way GF IV could be done is the way Puzo wanted it. A prequel in Prohibition Era New York. Anything other than that is close to sinful.
Posted By: Huntz02

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/09/03 04:33 PM

the more & more I read this BB i begin to realise the idea of GF IV is not good. The Story really did revolve around Micheal & making anyone else the centere of attention would just really ruin the series because as I saw what someone else said; the Godfather was about Micheal.

What are those other GF movies we see on TV btw? Telemovies I think they are, i remember seeing Kirsty Alley in it....
Posted By: Mike Sullivan

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 07/10/03 07:38 PM

The Godfather Saga? 1978 production. It got GF I and GFII and put both stories in cronological order.
Posted By: deathkiss

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 08/06/03 12:48 PM

I know that I am in the minority but unlike Caan, I do not feel Andy Garcia has a strong encough presence to carry the movie, or any movie. He does have movie star looks but he is just a feature player. I don't like to see actor replacements in sequels, but I will welcome this one. I still believe that the role should go to Nick Cage. This is the same as replacing that stiff dreadful whats-his-face 007 with Pierce Brosman.
Andy is not working for me.
Posted By: Don Santino Corleone

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 08/06/03 06:58 PM

Part of the greatness of this trilogy is that no characters are replaced with differenct actors/actresses (unless it is a flash back like young vito or young clemenza). Duvall wouldn't do GFIII so a new character was created even though it would have been easier just to cast a new person
Posted By: Double-J

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 08/06/03 09:13 PM

I'd like to see CDLCN's idea come to life. And yes, they should keep Garcia for continuities sake.
Posted By: The Italian Stallionette

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 08/07/03 12:57 AM

I'm with Mike Sullivan. I would much prefer a prequel than a sequel. There would be so much they could cover showing the young Corleones and their climb to the top of the crime world.

I'm also with Deathkiss as far as Andy Garcia too. Don't know if he'd be the best choice, but I think Nicholas Cage would be better for the role. I definitely will see any GFIV with or without AG, but he certainly is not my choice. I'd rather see Leo as a young Sonny than AG as the next Don. But let's face it, all indications are that AG will be in it. So we'll hope for the best.

Posted By: Guineapig

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 08/07/03 09:11 AM

Frank Pentangeli, lies because he has 2 children in Sicily, betraying a moral code that had lasted for more then an eon in Sicily would bring shame upon his family, and his older brother would disown his offspring.

Arturo Garcia still has not lost his Hispanic accent to this day after 44 years of living in this wonderful country, no Italian-American born in New York has ever had a Hispanic accent, they should continue to have him portray absurdly unbelievable Alpine males.

A wolf could pretentiously act as a tiger, but he is still a wolf, and it is not believable, even if he might look like a tiger.
Posted By: Capo de La Cosa Nostra

Re: Garcia as the Don. - 08/07/03 10:13 PM

Originally posted by The Italian Stallionette:
I'm with Mike Sullivan. I would much prefer a prequel than a sequel. There would be so much they could cover showing the young Corleones and their climb to the top of the crime world.

The problem, TIS, is that with a prequel you need good actors to fulfill the role of characters we've already learned to adore. And let's face, the amount of actors who could pull it off today is limited to say the least. In all honesty, making a prequel IMO risks the whole reputation of the Trilogy.

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