

Posted By: Researcher

Confirm? - 05/27/03 04:06 PM

Let me get straight with you one thing.

There has been loads of hearsay on the issue of a new Godfather film. "It's happening" "it's not" "New film" "ended at 3" "Yes" "no."
So could someone tell me, will there be a new Godfather film?

Is it confirmed, yes or no??

If so, if it's good it'll pick up the Third one.
If not, then God help us all.
And why Leonardo diCaprio? No! No! NO!
Posted By: John Patrick

Re: Confirm? - 05/27/03 08:12 PM

No, there is no 'Godfather IV' movie being planned. The Leo DiCaprio dealy was just online speculation about who could play a young Sonny.
What is true is Random House and the Mario Puzo estate have given the greenlight for author Mark Winegardner to pen a fourth 'Godfather' novel. Paramount Pictures is just waiting on the finished product. The working title is 'The Godfather Returns'. Personally, I think it should be 'The Godfather - The Continuing Story'.
Posted By: Luca's boy

Re: Confirm? - 05/27/03 08:36 PM

One thing you missed JP, Leo DiCaprio won't come any where near GF IV so help me God.
Posted By: John Patrick

Re: Confirm? - 05/28/03 03:02 AM

Originally posted by Luca's boy:
One thing you missed JP, Leo DiCaprio won't come any where near GF IV so help me God.
What he said
Posted By: Hollywood Hagan

Re: Confirm? - 05/28/03 08:28 PM

Another thing you missed, JP. It will be the 2nd Godfather novel.

Parts 2 and 3 were never made into or from books.

This novel is said to have nothing to do with the films except the characters. It should not conflict nor coincide with anything that was expressed on film.
Posted By: John Patrick

Re: Confirm? - 05/28/03 09:28 PM

Originally posted by Hollywood Hagan:
Another thing you missed, JP. It will be the 2nd Godfather novel.

Parts 2 and 3 were never made into or from books.

This novel is said to have nothing to do with the films except the characters. It should not conflict nor coincide with anything that was expressed on film.
I didn't miss it, I never even mentioned otherwise. Those who follow the legacy as much as I do would already know 'The Godfather' movies were all based on one book. Only bits and pieces of 'Godfather II' were in the book but most of it was a creation of Francis Coppola and Mario Puzo.
Posted By: Nick. V

Re: Confirm? - 05/28/03 10:04 PM

"One thing you missed JP, Leo DiCaprio won't come any where near GF IV so help me God"

I agree. Leo might be a decent actor by today's standards, but this is not good enough for such films as Godfather.

Looks are good, but there's something called “talent” which most actors now days are missing.
Posted By: pacino princess

Re: Confirm? - 05/28/03 11:49 PM

JOHNNY DEPP! hes got my vote-i dunno about dicaprio, only saw one of his films so i cant judge.
Posted By: Luca's boy

Re: Confirm? - 05/29/03 12:25 AM

Depp wouldn't be bad, but I can't think of any one bettter.
Posted By: Nice Guy Eddie

Re: Confirm? - 06/09/03 03:45 AM

Jonny Depp is a great actor butt from what I've heard GF4 was supposed to focus on a young Sonny Jonny Depp is already in his early 40's butt he would be great for some other role.If the casting director goes anyware near Leo the movie will be crappy,probbaly straight to video!
Posted By: Researcher

Re: Confirm? - 06/09/03 03:42 PM

Not Leo, please, it'll turn Godfather 4 into a mockery! It'll slowly become the target of many girl (or boy ) diCaprio fans, who have no interest or respect for the story, only for Leonardo's appearance!
That aside he's set for love-film roles, that's SO not sunny. Maybe Vincent, not sonny though.
Posted By: Irish_Consigliere

Re: Confirm? - 06/10/03 04:34 PM

I agree with the thought that Leo's appearance would lead to widespread lovesick girl/guy appearances at the theatre, but anyone who thinks he can't act should see What's Eating Gilbert Grape and or The Basketball Diaries.
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