
Zasa'a Godfather Part IV treatment

Posted By: Zasa

Zasa'a Godfather Part IV treatment - 10/15/02 06:30 PM

Act I: 1997
Scene opens to some smarmy looking man with glasses (Val Kilmer looking-ish) who is talking to someone whose face isnt on camera. He is explainging to the unknown person that he can't in good conscience hire him for any position knowing his history. He states he doesn't want a mob shoot out to happen in his premier. AS he is saying this the camera is panning back, revealing the side of the unknown person's head. The view then swtiches to the person sitting accorss from the man talking, Anthony Corleone. This scene is meant to be like the opening scene in Godfather Part I, with the tables turned. A Corleone asking for help from from someone higher in position from him. Anthony, with a glum expression, thanks the man for his time and leaves the office. The man bids him farewell by saying "Goodbye, Mr. Cartwright".
As Anthony is walking out of the office building he sees the receptionist watching TV, on right now is a commercial for a Johnny Fontane anthology box set. The advertisment ends by saying "Johnny Fontane, He did it his way". As Anthony continues to walk out the door, the commercial fades into a news program hosted by Grace Hamilton.
the scene switches now to Anthony walking into his house, a home that could only be described as moderate settings, when the phone rings. Anthony picks it up and is informed by the other person on the line (BJ Harrison) that his father died that a few days ago. The funeral procession will be in a few days in Sicily. Anthony is obviously struck by this news and is a little weak in sitting down. After he hangs up the phone to make some more calls.
The scene now switches to a grand funeral, Michael's. It is an outside funeral, like his fathers. The camera focuses on the crowd of people who are in the Corleone Family. Vincent is sitting at the head, with BJ Harrison on his left, and Dominic Abbandando on his right. Behind him is Connie Corleone, and sitting to the right of her is Anthony, and to her left are her sons Michael Francis and Victor. Also in that row are Sonnie's kids Enzo the baker, and a very old and fat Johnny Fontane. In the proceeding rows are some Corleone family soldiers. Andrew Hagen is giving the uelegy. The open casket sits at the front of the audience and men and women are all throwing walking ina single file line and dropping flowers at it. After Andrew is finished talking, the live band begins to play Marcia Religioso.

Thats it for now. I wanna hold off writing anymore of it until I get your feedback . Tell me what you think, thanks! :rolleyes:
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Zasa'a Godfather Part IV treatment - 10/15/02 08:26 PM

hey Zasa..

I'm currently working on a document which consists of a script for a GF4 story, an extrapolation of Ricardo's 1927-1944 treatment which I changed a bit, and to which I have currently added quite some new stuff. I have also explained all of my choices with a lot of feedback (the document, in MS Word, is currently over 30 pages with probably half the story written).

I like you're Johnny Fontane quote, and the return of Grace Hamilton (haven't thought of that).

Basically you're scene, the funeral of Michael Corleone with Vincent in the middle it, is the opening act to my story, which deals with 4 different time periods:

1890 (Antonio Andolini)
1924-1939 (Vito & Sonny's rise and a little mafia history)
1984-1994 Vincent's story
1997 the beginning ánd the end of the story.

I will finish the entire script (which consists 11 chapters) and then convert the entire document to a html-document, and I will find a spot to put it on the internet, giving the url over here. Now I don't know how much longer the story will take, but before I have even made a website, which is not my best thing, it will a few more weeks.

I'd love to read the rest of your story though, I want to know what your ideas are. good luck and keep it up!
Posted By: Zasa

Re: Zasa'a Godfather Part IV treatment - 10/15/02 08:55 PM

thanks alot Pherdy. The way your writing a Godfather Part IV looks much more organized than mine, and I'm looking foreward to it. I should have some more acts to mine in a few days. :p
Posted By: Pherdy

Re: Zasa'a Godfather Part IV treatment - 10/15/02 09:03 PM

good luck! I'm looking forward to it.

just let your imagination do all the work right...
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