
The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4

Posted By: trinacria

The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 05/12/02 12:03 AM

If they are to successfully write/film GF4 it must include the same formula as the rest. I particularly do not care for Garcia but his character is set in stone. Pacino is a must. The brilliant ending of GF3(and indeed it was brilliant!) left us thinking that Michael was dead and alone with an entire empire dying with him. However, perhaps he is alive. Perhaps the true enemy of the Corleone Cosca was a true mystery, a man who was from the past, a man whose greatness and relentless loyalty to Turi Giuliano borders on lust... Aspanu Pisciotta (now we bring De Niro back into the fold). Fictionally, we could say that Vito Andolini indeed had a brother who was estranged and born out of wedlock, a mafia pezzonovante had raped Vito's mother and she bore the child named Archangelo Pisciotta. Archangelo's second son was Aspanu. The resemblance to Vito (De Niro's first character) can now be explained. In the book The Sicilian, Michael is sent to Sicily to bring back Giuliano, however, this real life hero's fate was already sealed by the Corleone as revenge for the rape of Vito's mother. Michael has no knowledge of the situation and now the revenge was turned to Michael's daughter by Aspanu to avenge for the slaughter/setup of Turi. Now the saga of GF4 can begin. "revenge is a dish best served when cold...."
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 05/12/02 02:42 AM

I don't get it.

Aspanu died in 1950.

A Non-Puzo GF3 script from 1978 had Vito's illegitimate brother Gaetano Corleone take over the Family in 60's until Santino Junior wa sold enough.

Paramount has rights to Stefan Andolini name, and he wasn't used in Sicilian movie, he WAS in the irish War with Vito in the 1930's. Maybe GF4 could include Stefan Andolini.

Actually, a sfar as Corleone eneimes post 1980 goes. Omerta answers that.

Michael Graziella was Don Corleone in 1995. (Maybe Vincent was jailed during Commision Case in 1980's). Astorre Viola was Don Aprile in 1995, the Clericuzio ar ementioned but there Don isn't invovled.

Ther ecould be a Puzo fest blending Last Don 3, and Omerta 2 with a GF5.

Wouldn't that be F'ed up.

As for The Sicilian, I've brought it to Turi's attention that Justina had a baby in 1950. His son would be 30 for Opera Gf3, hmm.

I guess the Domenick Clemenza charcter could be altered to be Clemenza's son/Grandson.

As for raping Vito's mother? What makes you think Aspanu wasn't related to Stefan? They were both traitors.

Then again that woud be a WEIRD family.

Grandpa Tessio, Poppa Carlo, Nephew Fabrizzio, Brother Fredo, Cousin Dante, Fiance Grace, Uncle Stefan, Poppatempo :p , Uncle Zasa, Frankie Lips, the traitor Famaily.
Posted By: trinacria

Re: The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 05/14/02 01:45 AM

ricardo you're rockin!

I forgot that aspanu was assasinated in '53! I bought a book while in sicily last summer that explains the entire giuliano/gaspare bandit heroics. Aspanu had a cousin salvatore lombardo, that swore vengeance and disappeared somewhere in north africa. I think that with a new GF we would need to keep his other stories seperate. Cancel what I said about aspanu and plug in lombardo. Now we have something interesting. Libya and Algeria are two of the most oil rich nations in the world, but as the league of nations are set up, Q'daffi is on the outside looking in. Perhaps lombardo (de niro) has been running an oil/terrorist syndicate for years and been pulling the strings in Sicily and he was the one exacting his revenge on the Corleone cosca. The GF trilogy stories were all based on current,real characters and current events, he just changed the names. As for the rape and an illegitimate son I had mentioned earlier it was fiction, so we could get a reason to use De Niro again, let's face it, he would be perfect again! Of course, I am just rambling now.
Posted By: Ricardo

Re: The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 05/14/02 03:11 AM

Originally posted by trinacria:
ricardo you're rockin!

I forgot that aspanu was assasinated in '53! I bought a book while in sicily last summer that explains the entire giuliano/gaspare bandit heroics. Aspanu had a cousin salvatore lombardo, that swore vengeance and disappeared somewhere in north africa. I think that with a new GF we would need to keep his other stories seperate. Cancel what I said about aspanu and plug in lombardo. Now we have something interesting. Libya and Algeria are two of the most oil rich nations in the world, but as the league of nations are set up, Q'daffi is on the outside looking in. Perhaps lombardo (de niro) has been running an oil/terrorist syndicate for years and been pulling the strings in Sicily and he was the one exacting his revenge on the Corleone cosca. The GF trilogy stories were all based on current,real characters and current events, he just changed the names. As for the rape and an illegitimate son I had mentioned earlier it was fiction, so we could get a reason to use De Niro again, let's face it, he would be perfect again! Of course, I am just rambling now.
The REAL GIuliano had a cousin named Gaspare Lombardo?

I think a plot about oil would be about as entertainign as Immobilare in GF3

What about Don Messina's nephew the Brazilian Biologist is murdered. No one knows why, his son sets out to avenge his father, and finds out that Turi Giuliano Junior is avenging his father's betrayors?

Turi Giuliano Junior/Cross De lena/Astorre Viola/Vincent Mancini vs. Messina Junior/Santadio Junior/Bruno Portella/Lupo Donkey
Posted By: Zasa

Re: The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 10/18/02 11:44 PM

I've read Omerta, and I don't recall it ever mentioning Graziella as the Corleone don? If I'm wrong, please help me and point out where it says this, It would be greatly appreciated, thanks!
Posted By: Michele_Andolini

Re: The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 09/26/07 08:07 PM

I don't think we should mix De Niro in this part. It would be better if we hired Bruce Willis or Mickey Rourke for the part of Pisciotta. But however I'm definetely for the part 4 of GF. CIAO
Posted By: pizzaboy

Re: The Sicilian/The Godfather Part 4 - 10/17/07 04:01 PM

 Originally Posted By: Zasa
I've read Omerta, and I don't recall it ever mentioning Graziella as the Corleone don? If I'm wrong, please help me and point out where it says this, It would be greatly appreciated, thanks!

He wasn't. He was said to be the Corleonesi Don, which implies that he was the local Don in Corleone, Sicily, as the people there call themselves the Corleonesi. There was absolutely no mention of the Corleone family in the novel OMERTA.
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